Just can't seem to get it right...

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I never really did have good luck in the dating game, before I came into the church. And now it just seems like it's a lost cause. Not to mention the fact that I come complete with what is sometimes termed the ready-made family, and the ward I belong to seems like it's for established families, so a single male is just non-existent. Don't get me wrong I love the church, and the gospel but sometimes I dread sundays because when I look around at all the married couples and their families, it's like looking at a fairy tale that just doesn't seem to be in my storybook of life. Also as far as the closest singles ward, there aren't many fish in that sea either. It's more like a pre-marriage ward, where everyone is already paired up and just waiting for their time to tie the knot. I'm really starting to feel like I'm going to end up like one of those lonely nice old ladies, with a million cats running around her house. Is it like this everywhere, or do I not have any aces in my hand to play?

-growing old and lonely...FAST

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I never really did have good luck in the dating game, before I came into the church. And now it just seems like it's a lost cause. Not to mention the fact that I come complete with what is sometimes termed the ready-made family, and the ward I belong to seems like it's for established families, so a single male is just non-existent. Don't get me wrong I love the church, and the gospel but sometimes I dread sundays because when I look around at all the married couples and their families, it's like looking at a fairy tale that just doesn't seem to be in my storybook of life. Also as far as the closest singles ward, there aren't many fish in that sea either. It's more like a pre-marriage ward, where everyone is already paired up and just waiting for their time to tie the knot. I'm really starting to feel like I'm going to end up like one of those lonely nice old ladies, with a million cats running around her house. Is it like this everywhere, or do I not have any aces in my hand to play?

-growing old and lonely...FAST

I can seriously promise you that in a few very short years you will look back at your thoughts of right now and chuckle. many of us have been down this road; As long as you keep heavenly father as your guidance and your faith in him, you will one day understand why he gave you the trials you now suffer. {and you will be happier than you ever imagined possible}.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hai Hunni!

First of all, we all feel that way! < At Some Stage > most of us hit that pity party stage of "OH MY GOSH, i'm -insert age here- i'm going to die alone! "

I'm gonna pass on to you some wisdom that i received through a blessing, basically he said, it's your job right now, to get ready for him, to be ready when he shows his face.

It may seem like everyone is paired off, and it is tough breaking through the groups, BUT having said that, get yourself out there, as much as you can!

Attend Instiute, Grab hold of your YSA Rep, and get your cute little butt to as many activites as you can... Find a few Ysa, and hook in, make new freinds and concentrate on that rather than finding your EC.

Don't rush yourself because he IS out there! Keep strong in the Gospel, and Relax!

Your time will come <3

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My advice enjoy being single and kidless - marriage and kids is great but so is being single, you get to read when you want, sleep when you want, serve as much as you want etc

Both has their pluses and the happier you are single the happier you will be mariried I feel anyway lol

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