Undercover Boss


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Here are some CEO’s that I would like to see work at their own company:

Nike, Reebok, or any other shoe company, have their CEO’s not only work at their sweatshops, but also to only live on the wages that the sweatshop pays the employees.

Any retail store, especially Wal-mart, have their CEO work undercover to see how they feel working 40 plus hours a week, with little pay.

I’ve heard this from several managers of several different companies; they had calculated out how many hours they work verses how many hours they get paid for, they say that they make less then minimum wage, lets see how the CEO would like to have that type of wage!

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  • 1 month later...

Tonight was probably the best I've seen. The attitudes of people during the tremendous struggles in their lives was just amazing. What the company was able to do for them was just awesome.

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