How Do You Express Yourself


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Chopping wood when mad....hmmmm.

Play guitar...we seem to have a few of those. I do as well.


Yell, and type in caps if yelling on line

Eye control. Live with wolves. The only quiet form of expression I currently have on the books.


thats not nice. :angry: we should all express our selves wether be singing,dancing,eading,painting,and etc.

Not trying to start anything here, but how is that not nice. Call it curiosity. B)

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My Interpretive playing of piano music.

My compositions.

At the moment I am composing a Requiem and have plans for "The Apocalypse" a piano work and "Paradise Lost" an Oratorio in the style of Josef Haydn's "The Creation", it is a continuation of that work. I will overlap it, so the first few songs will be from "The Creation", the creation of man, the creation of woman and then I will introduce the fall, Cain and Abel through to the Noahs Ark.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

I express myself in what activities i for example....i do aikido which is a japanese martial art, i express myself through all the basics like writing, drawing, playing piano.

But i express myself through what i watch and listen to..

i express myself with playing tennis my own unique way to "wow" the audience

I'm not very big on expressing myself and being "different"

i perfer to not be different...even though it is cool.

i have enough "different" in me that i could share with all of the ppl on this site xD

I don't know, i've never really thought about expressing myself....i just try day to day to be better....i don't try day to day to express myself...unless trying to be good is a way to express yourself *shrugs* i dunno


i've never thought about it before....i just do stuff, activities that i'm good at...i'm not one to say, "oh i wear these kinds of clothes because it expresses myself" "i listen to this kind of music or this song is So my song! it's so me!" "i draw because it lets me express myself"

i never say that...i never i don't know if i ever will

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