The Results Of Feminism.


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Okay, I myself do see the hypocracy of feminism. When I went to college a popular men's magazine advertised for young women wanting to pose on their pages. Feminists protested. Yes, they had the audacity to protest. These same feminists would probably say a woman has the right to sleep with another woman or, if she does stoop so low as to have sex with a man, and gets pregnant, she should be allowed to have an abortion. But pose naked for male (and I suppose a significant number of female) readers? How horrible.

However, it is interesting that 60s/70s era feminism (your body, your rights) has evolved into stripping, porn and other "female expressions of self-empowement". Gotta admit, this article does bring up some interesting points.

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Feminists paint themselves in the corner. Why? Because they have no foundation by which to base their standards on except a vague notion of "equality".

Of course, this equality gives women choices that many feminists don't like.

One could say the ultimate expression of feminism is to be a stripper. Sure some feminists might say the job is exploitive, yet who is exploiting who? A woman can move around (doubt many have professional dance training except for the ones in eastern Europe) on stage and make lots of money from guys who can watch, but have no emotional attachment. She exploits his urges and drives so he will part with his hard-earned money.

I suppose this exposes the weakness of humanistic feminism. Without moral standards many women will take their "freedom and equality" to the extremes and one can even question who is exploiting who in many instances. Ever stop to think that when women were burning their bras in the 60s that it was doubtful too many men were crying over this development?

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by sgallan@Dec 18 2005, 10:24 AM

The feminist movement reminds me of the NRA. I am pro-gun and pro- equal rights but both groups that support these things are whacked.....

Y'know, I kind of like the way you think.

Plus, is sex really an industry. Sounds like REALLY hard work. Perhaps they should just rename it what it is. ABOMINATION!


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Originally posted by Fiannan@Dec 19 2005, 10:51 AM

Feminists paint themselves in the corner.  Why?  Because they have no foundation by which to base their standards on except a vague notion of "equality".

I'm a feminist. So's my wife, my oldest daughter, my mother, and my four sisters.

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This is a problem that comes from both sides, men and women.

Men for at times trying to repress women, and women at times for rebelling against society.

If one were to look at the scriptures one would see how men and women are both different, yet both are free to do things in their own ways. For example the virtuous wife in proverbs 31 is quite the business woman both inside and outside the home. And the man is also a provider.

There is a difference between flaunting and revealing oneself. The difference between porn and art isnt about what is seen, but how its shown.

It all comes down to what the intention is.

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Feminists and the Difference that is today’s feminist.

I was young during this part in history. My mother raised me as a feminist or one who could chose.

As women we owe a lot to the women of the past, who fought for the rite to chose no matter the choice.

This is not just “my body my choice” it’s the right to equal pay and the right to I had to choose tohave my tubes tied with out my husbands signature.

It was not that long ago.

22 years to be exact (in Canada) I had mine done after the birth of my fourth child. In fact my ex husband asked were he was to sign when the nurse brought in the surgery consent from. She gave him what for, that is feminism our right to choose.

I had the right to work along side men (army) and receive the same pay.

As a feminist I also told my fellow female co-workers to stuff using their cramps as a tool to work less and receive the same pay. “Hay take a midole or a sick day, women before us fought political battles to give you equal pay for equal work”

I had the respect of the men I worked with because I held up my end and I accepted no less then the women in the work force.

The Feminists gave women the rights like small business loan with out your husband’s signature. Bank accounts and even no fault divorce.

In my mothers time you had to have a male signature to have a drivers permit and to insure a car in your name. can you imagine that!

You could buy one but not insure one.

I remember the fight over the equal rights amendment and people fighting tooth and nail because it could find women in combat. Well hello it has happened anyways.

Men can no longer see women as the weaker sex. Women have proven them self over time.

So-called feminist today are just looking for a resin to be angry there is not much left for them to fight over.

As fare as strippers go I think “Who’s your Daddy now Boys”

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