Past sins/Mission


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I used to struggle with masturbation/pornography, but have since made major changes in my life and repented. I have been clean for three months now, and I am about to have my pre-mission interview next week. I feel like I have been forgiven by the Lord through my personal prayers, but do I still need to address this with my Bishop? If so, is it likely that he will delay my mission papers? For how long?

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you've been clean 3 months? hmm, i'd sy thats pretty impressive

but are we talking logging in every day, or every couple of days, or once a week? or every time you were on line?

no, i don't want to know or care for the other thing. yo uare a teenager. at some point you get in control with your urges. 3 months is long enough to prove you are in control of that

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I used to struggle with masturbation/pornography, but have since made major changes in my life and repented. I have been clean for three months now, and I am about to have my pre-mission interview next week. I feel like I have been forgiven by the Lord through my personal prayers, but do I still need to address this with my Bishop? If so, is it likely that he will delay my mission papers? For how long?

Listen to the what the Spirit may provide to you and follow it. ;)

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