Do you ever dream about the same thing again and again?


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Did you ever have reoccuring nightmres or dreams in your past?

I was just speaking to a friend in Norweh, he was telling me that he use to have the same dreams over and over again. He now gets panic attacks and has those same visions about a wolf. It's a bit much for me to repeat but more or less he said that it is definately the same animal from his dreams when he was a kid.

Ever since I was younger there have been about three locations in my dreams that I keep going back to, but nothing bad happens.

Edited by Dominic_Korozya
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when i'm stressed i have recurring themes to my dreams. sometimes the dreams trigger me to realize i'm stressing something. i may be avoiding it in my waking thoughts but i have the dreams and the next day i start to ponder what might be bothering me. as much as i don't like them i am grateful for them. they keep me honest with myself about how i feel about things.

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I have had recurring dreams, but very often I have dreams that happen in the same place. From these dreams I have discovered that I often dream in a dream world of sorts. I will have different dreams but they will happen in the same place as another dream. Or I will explore one part of a city in one dream and explore another part of the same city in another dream. These dreams are often some of my most vivid dreams.

I find that I often feel as if my dreams have meaning but I don’t really know what they are trying to tell me.

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i have a recurring dreams from my childhood some i dont understand, and some i just dont like....does any one out there understand why this happens??

there are a number of reasons why this would happen. sometimes it's because you are relating something in the present with something in your childhood. could just be a common emotion and not related at all. i think dreams have to be figured out by the individual. no one else can really do it for you. i do think there are symbols in dreams that have a common meaning among a lot of ppl and so there are some books or websites that can help you figure your dreams out. but in the end you will know if they are accurate or not. i find talking about it with someone helps me to work it out in my own mind.
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