Reaching out to less active YSAs

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I'm a YSA rep for my stake and find myself feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of contacting and reaching out to a huge number of YSAs, many less active. I would love to get feedback on ideas for reaching out and working with different wards and branches to strengthen our YSA. Though I attend a small university singles branch, the rest of the stake is pretty spread out and we really struggle getting anyone outside of the university setting to come. Any ideas? I feel like the issue goes beyond just planning fun activities.

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Guest mormonmusic

I'm a YSA rep for my stake and find myself feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of contacting and reaching out to a huge number of YSAs, many less active. I would love to get feedback on ideas for reaching out and working with different wards and branches to strengthen our YSA. Though I attend a small university singles branch, the rest of the stake is pretty spread out and we really struggle getting anyone outside of the university setting to come. Any ideas? I feel like the issue goes beyond just planning fun activities.

I was a Ward Single Adult Rep many moons ago, and have been a Stake Leader in various auxiliaries or projects.

My first impression is that technically, your role is in training YSA reps to be YSA Reps, as well as putting on Stake Activities and perhaps being involved in various committees sponsored by the Stake. Also, most stake auxiliaries are to work with Ward auxiliary leaders as directed by that Ward's Bishop, so any efforts are under his direction. Therefore, you are a step removed from activating members in your stake -- your role is to train and support the Wards who do this.

So, your role as a Stake leader would be to train Ward YSA's in how to deal with less actives, not necessarily to launch a stake activation program. For this, consult your manual and help the Wards implement those activation efforts specified in the manual. Hold Stake YSA Training meetings on this in accordance with the manual, if they are suggested there.

Unfortunately, I find the Wards generally have a lot to do, and some don't want the Stake involved in their matters. Others are more willing. So, you first have to find out who is willing, and then work with those units. Spend most of your time with the Wards that want you to help them.

I had little success with conceiving programs for the Wards as a Stake leader. They are perceived as an annoyance by many Bishops and members at large.

One thing I DID do, was get reports on how the various programs were functioning in each Ward, and relayed that information to the member of the Stake Presidency responsible for YSA before the Stake President PPI'd the Bishops.

However, don't have any expectations to necessarily change the Ward YSA programs unless the Bishop or Stake President decide to use their authority to encourage the goals/programs you want for the Wards. I had this expectation as YM President that Bishops should have their Ward staffed, quorum presidents called, regular activities, and quorum training meetings. Most Wards didn't, and the Stake Presidency wasn't willing to encourage them to do it either. I eventually realized I would have to just accept my role was to report on how it was going in the Wards, and not to hope for change beyond what the SP or Bishop wanted.

Here is a post from Loudmouth Mormon in a thread I started some time ago that I think represents how Ward leaders feel about Stake Leaders who try to push programs on them:

I've only seen things from the ward level, but from here, all y'all Stake people look like busybodies with too much time on your hands, with nothing better to do than try to tell the head of the aaronic priesthood how to do his job, or do it for him by trying to implement plans that are carried out on the ward level.

From down here, y'all need to take a good reading of the general handbook and see what the Stake's duties actually are. It involves training the ward leaders - not putting together programs that train people under the ward leader.


(I once watched my Bishop beat our High Councilman over the head with the General Handbook for about 10 minutes straight.)

Loudmouth -- in case you see this post, it's not criticism. I've felt the same way as a Ward leader when someone in the Stake dreams up a fancy Ward program that isn't practical or wanted in my own Ward.

Edited by mormonmusic
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Focus on the people you think you can make most impact on - get your council together (assuming you have one) and make a list of the people you actually know - people who do sundays only or who you remember from youth days. I know our stake has 300 YSA on record and only 20 attending, so its a bit overwhelming!

Sometimes the simple stuff works - last year I sent bought a box of christmas card and sent them with an invitation to our christmas party to everyone who'd only been to institute once or twice. We had 6 people turn up who hadn't been for months.

A big YSA issue is transport - if this is a problem in your area (and it sounds like it might be) you may need to ask stake and ward leaders to help out. Another idea I've toyed with but never done is to challenge those who come regularly to fill their cars.

Don't get overwhelmed - raising YSA attendance is always going to be hard for many different reasons so don't feel you have to 'fix' it, just remember you only need to make a difference to one person for it to be worth while!

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Hai There.. I was YSA REP In my last ward.. little over three months ago now.

In Total we a fair few YSA's; 3 were on missions; 1 male inactive; 2 female inactive.

Attending regularly was a girl who belonged to a powerful family in the ward who had turned lez and straight again ( i'll be brutally honest here... she moved back home on the grounds that mummy and daddy would pay for everything as long as she went to church ) Now this person offended an inactive female; It was down right nasty. Every week i begged and BEGGED the others to reach out to inacitve ysa. Send a txt. Send an e-mail. FB them. ANYTHING.

The offended female is now pregnant. It's particualary hard to rope them back in if another members made it difficult for them.

My point being. Just be a freind. Influence them on the gospel but do not push or force them. They know in their hearts where they are supposed to be. Do not think this is all up to you either. YSA is a group - Therefore it should be a group effort to reach out to the inactives.

Some may even feel oh they are only talking to me so i come back to church. So to them it's like your job.

It's a brilliant calling; work with what you have and just be a freind... that's all i can suggest. Even if they make errors they are still trying to get better.

Another thing u can try is branching out to OTHER stakes.. because u may find there are some struggling in there that would be more than willingly to help bring these guys back... that's all i can think of for right now.

Hopefully it helps a little.

And no i don't have anything against gays at all before someone pipes up! :)

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