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I'm wondering what the church's views on Prohormones (otherwise known as 'legalized steroids'). I've heard of Mormon athletes and weight-lifters that take prohormones because they aren't categorized as anabolic steroids.

Anyway, I am also a weight-lifter that is looking to increase my size but I prefer to build muscle the natural way. I really don't intend to use them since I'm a worthy church member and I feel like that would be too close to breaking the word of wisdom for my comfort. Bottom line, I'm not going to take them but I am curious to know what the church's standpoint is on prohormones. So far I can't find any direct references between the church and prohormones.

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I'm wondering what the church's views on Prohormones (otherwise known as 'legalized steroids'). I've heard of Mormon athletes and weight-lifters that take prohormones because they aren't categorized as anabolic steroids.

Anyway, I am also a weight-lifter that is looking to increase my size but I prefer to build muscle the natural way. I really don't intend to use them since I'm a worthy church member and I feel like that would be too close to breaking the word of wisdom for my comfort. Bottom line, I'm not going to take them but I am curious to know what the church's standpoint is on prohormones. So far I can't find any direct references between the church and prohormones.

Are you referring to human growth hormone injection? Edited by Hemidakota
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No prohormones are different. I know that hormones are sometimes used for medical purposes but that they don't do anything for people who are training. For example.. if someone was being given testosterone because of a medical problem that they wouldn't actually experience the effets that "roids" have on bodybuilders.

So if that's the question then, no.

Again, prohormones are drugs that are made to stimulate muscle growth for bodybuilding purposes. They are basically steroids that are legal because they aren't anabolic steroids.

Of course, just because they are legal.. doesn't mean that they are church-approved. So that's my question.

More information about prohormones can be found on wikipedia.. Prohormone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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I have tested these so-called pre-cursor types, over the counter steroids, in the past. What is missing to make it a true steroid chemical strain, is made up within the body. What I can caution you. long term effects are not known like Ephedrine (ECA stacking) within the body. We know alot more about Ephedrine than this type of supplement. I Can tell you, even Ephedrine, used in a specific way can cause your bench (example) to jump 5-7 percent of the total being lifted that day. The after affect is long term if not follow up with proper water, diet, and protein intake for muscle maintenance after going through a severe ATP cycle. We tested this back in the latter part of the eighties.

Do they really work? Yes and no. Limited in strength gainer but still not as potent as the real synthetic drug. What was found, through three month trial, too much will cause liver and kidney damage, after upping the intake beyond the stated intake allowances and length of usage; blood discharging in the urine. I won't go into details but to avoid such supplements due to the cost and affect from the supplement just not worth it. You can make better gains by using employing long term training, diet, and desire to accomplish that goal.

They are not illegal per say but left up to you to make that decision. Is it against the WoW? That is between you and the Spirit to make the call. As with any supplement, you need to research and when you are reasonable ready with an answer, ask GOD whether or not this is ok.

Edited by Hemidakota
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