Crazy Dreams

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When I was still in high school ....I once had a dream that when I got up for school in the morning ...I went outside and as I was walking in the yard ...I looked down and saw a quarter.

The strange for me was that , when I actually got up for school that next morning ...I decided to go outside and look in the yard where I had dreamed that I had found a quarter and see if anything was there...and to my surprise, there wasn't one quarter there , but two quarters there!

To the best of my knowledge, I don't remember dropping or putting any money I'm at a real loss of why I dreamt it! :dontknow:

Maybe you could "program" yourself to dream that here isa suitcase with millions in unmarked, low denomination bills out there.... :hmmm:

I don't know Sugarbay....remember the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true!" I think that if I found that much money, it would probably be money from a drug deal or other crime ...and I don't want to be any part of that. :P

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The worst kind of dreams are the kind when you fall off a clif or a high structure and when you wake up it feels like it realy happend.


When I happen to have a stressful dream like that ... I always wake up. I find that my mind is racing to find a workable solution and it causes me to awaken from the dream.

I wonder what would happen if you died in your dream ...nothing? It could be kind of scary don't you think?

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hmmmm I have the wierdist dreams ever....

this is one of them, i was in america and i started sleeping walking, i led on top the table and put salt pepper,viniger and ketchup on me then started singing, im a little sausgage big and round heres my top and here my end if you eat me then ill be yummy so stop chatting and eat me hurry(in the tune of im a little tea pot)

another one was i was super woman and i was trying to save people form a fire then this head less zoobee tryed killing me.

in almost every dream i either kill some one or some one kills me :wacko: LOL

but what was realy freaky was the day before firework night i dreamt that on fire work night i was at the back of my church and my friend came out the trees and shot me.

on fire work we were at the bakc of the chaple and she walked out the trees... freaky huh

does any one else sleep walk all sleeptalk?

i was camping once and i picked up my sleeping bag and pillow and walked outside dropped my pillow and went back to sleep

also the craziest thing ive done sleep walking was a few weeks before christmas when i got up and ate some ones christmas present :wacko: LOL

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