I need Help about mission papers!


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I have sent in my mission papers... just last week I was told by my stake president that I would have to lose 15 pounds to get my papers processed and 10 more to get into the MTC.... I am mostly muscle... I mean i bench 375 and can squat 520 in my day... but I weighed 275 and I have been running and now I am down to 263 in one week... i feel like I am losing it in a unhealthy way... I run and ride a bike watch what I eat and take diet pills just to speed up the process because I want to leave... My stake president told me he would talk to the lady at the department and see what the decision was but he hasnt called me... So I am wondering should I try to contact them and see what they say? If so is there a way for me to e-mail them? Thank you for the answers....

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STOP taking diet pills!! Then if it all be muscles, check your body fat index and if it is within a healthy ratio, take the report (or print out) to your Stake President. Most fitness clubs can check your body fat for little or no cost!

Take care of your body!!! Diet pills and crash diets won't do it here!!

Good luck.

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