Mormon Myths


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There are three types of teachings that exist among Church members:

1. Gospel Teachings:

Gospel teachings are eternal truths that never change. They are always true and applicable in your life. An example is the atonement of the Savior which makes repentance and happiness possible.

2. Church Teachings: Policies and Procedures:

Church teachings are more appropriately called rules, regulations, and policies. Examples could be mission rules, the length of time missionaries serve, and the Sunday meeting schedule. Teachings in this category may change frequently. Your stress increases dramatically if you perceive polices and procedures as gospel teachings that are not supposed to change. Some people even become inactive because of this error in their thinking.

3. Member teachings:

As the name implies, member teachings are created by members. Many wonderful teachings in classes and publications are examples of true member teachings. However, even in church meetings, not all teachings presented by members are true. Some members teach their own opinions or quote secular writings which are not true. Elder Dallin H. Oaks called them "alternate voices" in the April 1989 General Conference.

Many false teachings are circulated among members of the church. Many also existed at the time of the Savior, for Jesus referred to them as "teachings for doctrines the commandments of men." (Matthew 15:9.) The Pharisees taught them on purpose and for the wrong reasons, yet most members today create and pass on false member teachings without even being aware the teaching is not true. False member teachings increase stress, decrease or destroy faith, and even create propensity toward sin among members of the Lord's church. Even an active member with a strong testimony of the gospel can believe enough false member teachings to create a high stress level detrimental to his spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

It is important to recognize that a true teaching can also create pain and stress when we don't want to live it or don't want to admit we aren't living it. For example, a friend may give you feedback that is true, yet you may struggle with it. Someone has said, "Yes, the truth will make you free, but sometimes it must first make you miserable." But false member teachings are much more likely to be the source of our misery.

- John C. Turpin, Stress Reduction For Mormons

False member teachings I have heard from Church members:

1. Never say no to a calling.

2. Men are the head of the household and make all of the important decisions.

3. Confusing self-esteem with selfishness (taking time for oneself is selfish).

4. Attain perfection in this life/perfectionism.

5. Sisters will be required to practice polygamy in the hereafter.

6. All sisters enjoyed practicing polygamy in the early days of the Church.

7. Blindly follow your leaders.

8. Trust others' power of revelation/prayer over your own.

9. Don't express your true feelings.

10. Never criticize your leaders.

11. Those who hold the priesthood are better than those who do not.

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Interesting....I was told by a bishop that 1, 2, and 5 are indeed true. Makes you wonder why God would allow someone in that position to remain there if he was telling members incorrect doctrine

Actually, it makes me wonder if the Lord would like someone to go to her Stake President about this...get the ball rolling and such...

Bishops are still human and are prone to err. If your bishop does indeed have need of reprove, the Stake President would be the place to start.

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This was years ago and I was a brand new member. I didn't know any better. Until yesterday I still beleived many of them

A question for do know these are false. Can you provide "official church documents" against them. BC I have learned that if I can't take a bishop's word about these things I certaintly can't take anyone else's aside from a general authority.

And I don't want the cop out "that I just know." My bishop testifed some of things on that list to me (callings being one of them) and so I guess I lost my faith in believing the testimony of others.

And don't ask me to pray about it bc I have depression which makes me unable to feel anything....even the Spirit.

Thx in advance

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1. Determine whether or not what you're being told is a commandment. If it isn't a commandment, it isn't a gospel teaching.

2. Determine whether or not what you're being told is policy or procedure. If it isn't policy or procedure, it isn't a Church teaching.

3. Determine whether or not what you're being told is a true or false member teaching. Go by the spirit as to whether or not something feels right or wrong to you. If it feels wrong, don't do it.

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<div class='quotemain'>

An example of member teachings which are not doctrinal is the idea that you must take the Sacrament with your right hand...

That's very interesting! Do you know how that was started, and why? Just curious...

Not 100% sure how it started, but I've heard several people say it, even in the Aaronic Priesthood class (I had to correct that). I did find an article on it.

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Did you read that article....cause here is what it says at the end

"The right hand or side is called the dexter and the left the sinister. Dexter connotes something favorable; sinister, something unfavorable or unfortunate. It is a well-established practice in the Church to partake of the sacrament with the right hand and also to anoint with the right hand, according to the custom which the scriptures indicate is, and always was, approved by divine injunction."

So that tells me that it is not a myth.....

Anyone care to take a crack at any other ones?

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Here's another one for you from Bruce R McConkey (sorry I'm not sure on the spelling...I just copied the text)

In the early days of this dispensation, as part of the promised restitution of all things, the Lord revealed the principle of plural marriage to the Prophet. Later the Prophet and leading brethren were commanded to enter into the practice, which they did in all virtue and purity of heart despite the consequent animosity and prejudices of worldly people. After Brigham Young led the saints to the Salt Lake Valley, plural marriage was openly taught and practiced until the year 1890. At that time conditions were such that the Lord by revelation withdrew the command to continue the practice, and President Wilford Woodruff issued the Manifesto directing that it cease. (Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, pp. 213-218.) Obviously the holy practice will commence again after the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium. (Isa. 4.)

There's 2 shot down.....

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Number 7...blindly follow all yuor leaders

From Neal A Maxwell

Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Council of the Twelve warned of another consequence of not heeding: "Any Church member not obedient to the leaders of this Church will not have the opportunity to be obedient to the promptings of the Lord." (Munich Area Conference Report, August 1973, p. 24.) A lack of obedience to the leaders will, therefore, mean that we will not have the precious promptings of the Spirit, which we need personally— so much and so often. This potential loss would be reason enough for us to be obedient to the prophets, for apparently we cannot have one without the other. Vital as the words of the prophets are, these come to us only periodically. We need the directions of the Spirit daily, even hourly.

President John Taylor said with typical boldness, "You cannot say that you submit to the law of God while you reject the word and counsel of his servants." (Journal of Discourses 7:325.)

Following the Brethren will mean, at times, that such differences or concerns as one might have with one of the Brethren are best put in the background, if these cannot be forgotten or dissolved. Such a cause can at least be held in abeyance rather than putting it out front and center where it may become a cause célèbre, deflecting the member from the path of duty.

The history of God's relationship with His leaders is a guide, and it clearly indicates that we can safely assume that the Brethren will be held responsible for any personal mistakes. To use the supposed errors of others, including those of the Brethren, as an excuse for our lessened devotion is a most grave error! All of us are in the process of becoming— including prophets and General Authorities

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Guest Taoist_Saint

False member teachings I have heard from Church members:

I agree those are "Mormon Myths", but I think some of them deserve comment in that they contain a bit of truth...

1. Never say no to a calling.

Although we are free to turn down callings, and it is not a sin to do so, remember that it will depend on your bishop, ward and even your own family on whether or not you can get away with saying "no" without having to deal with "guilt trips".

2. Men are the head of the household and make all of the important decisions.

Women can make important decisions, but of course cannot give priesthood blessings.

3. Confusing self-esteem with selfishness (taking time for oneself is selfish).

The Church does not teach that taking time for yourself is selfish...however you are encouraged to participate in MANY activities, meetings, etc. which will minimize your alone time.

4. Attain perfection in this life/perfectionism.

We are encouraged to strive for perfection, though it is not possible to achieve in this life. Striving is highly encouraged though.

5. Sisters will be required to practice polygamy in the hereafter.

We don't teach that...but I think it is possible that (if the Church is true) they might, because as far as I know there is no doctrine stating that they will NOT be required to practice polygamy. When the revelation comes that Polygamy will not exist in the CK, then we can accept this as a myth...until then, it remains a possibility.

6. All sisters enjoyed practicing polygamy in the early days of the Church.

I doubt that is true, and it is probably a myth.

7. Blindly follow your leaders.

We don't need to blindly follow. But there comes a limit where your disobedience can lead to excommunication. For example, our leaders tell us not to teach things that are considered "anti-mormon". even if they are true. We can choose to blindly follow that commandment, or we can ignore it and risk excommunication.

"Criticism is particularly objectionable when it is directed toward Church authorities, general or local. . . . Evil-speaking of the Lord's anointed is in a class by itself. It is one thing to depreciate a person who exercises corporate power or even government power. It is quite another thing to criticize or depreciate a person for the performance of an office to which he or she has been called of God. It does not matter that the criticism is true. As President George F. Richards of the Council of the Twelve said in a conference address in April 1947: 'When we say anything bad about the leaders of the Church, whether true or false, we tend to impair their influence and their usefulness and are thus working against the Lord and his cause.' (CR April 1947, p. 24)"

- Dallin H. Oaks, Reading Church History, Ninth Annual Church Educational System religious Educators' Symposium, August 16, 1985, Brigham Young University.

8. Trust others' power of revelation/prayer over your own.

You can have personal revelation, but it cannot overrule Church doctrine, right? So we must trust Prophet's power of revelation over our own.

9. Don't express your true feelings.


10. Never criticize your leaders.

See quote by Dallin Oaks above...we should not criticize leaders.

11. Those who hold the priesthood are better than those who do not.

They are not better...they are potentially better. Only priesthood holders and their wives can become gods...which means they are perfected. Perfect is better than imperfect. Therefore the priesthood holder will end up a better person than the non-priesthood holder.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

We are asked to follow our leaders in righteousness only. We have the responsibility to pray and seek personal revelation on our own behalf.

Do they still teach the story of Abraham and Isaac in the LDS Church?

If so, what is the moral of that story?

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Mormon Myths False Teachings

Here’s few:

Brigham Young - Cain and his posterity will remain cursed and not receive the priesthood until all other children of Adam have had this privilege. — Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 143 (December 12, 1854)

Joseph Smith - That if the Brethren went to Canada they would be able to sell the copyright to the Book of Mormon Address to All Believers in Christ, p. 31 (1887)

Joseph Fielding Smith - Restrictions on blacks not getting the priesthood will not happen till the "far distant future" and "on some other world." — Answers to Gospel Questions, vol. 2, p. 188 (1958)

 Joseph Smith -  A city shall be built, New Jerusalem [state of Missouri], in which a temple shall be reared in this generation — Doctrine and Covenants 84:3-5 (September 22 & 23, 1832)

Ezra Taft Benson - Warned that civil rights grievances by African-Americans were being exploited by the Communists “to agitate blacks into hating whites and whites into hating blacks.”

The U.S. movement for equal civil rights was fueled by “false stories and rumors about injustices and brutality” which, he said, served to “[c]reate martyrs for both sides” while playing “upon mass emotions until they smolder with resentment and hatred.”

“My grandfather saw the U.S. civil rights movement, in larger conspiratorial context, as a leading element in a vast, ominous and active Communist plot designed to “overthrow established government” through “widespread anarchy,” the sparking of “a nation-wide civil war” and the assassination of “anti-Communist leaders of both races.”


This Moscow-orchestrated plan, (General Conference talk), was being implemented on American soil “sing unidentified Communist agents and non-Communist sympathizers in key positions in government, in communications media and in mass organizations such as labor unions and civil rights groups [which] demand more and more government power as the solution to all civil rights problems. Total government is the objective of Communism. Without calling it by name, [they] build Communism piece by piece through mass pressures for Presidential decrees, court orders and legislation which appear to be aimed at improving civil rights and other social reforms.”

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Ephesians 5: 22: Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

It is evident that the Lord holds the man responsible for the success of the family. Although the man quite frequently takes the role of the irresponsible wuss and passes the pants on to the wife, he is still held responsible for the family, and he will answer for his delinquency.

I think too many people are blinded by modern traditions. They are beginning to take on a mind-set that certain things are no longer applicable because they are somwhat inconvenient to abide by as a result of changing times. But ask yourself this: Does the Almighty God answer to man? Does He change His eternal principles to conform to the ever changing traditions of man? A little absurd don't you think?

The early leaders taught that plural marriage would be lived in the hereafter; that it was eternal. Assuming those men were true prophets of God, one must accept that doctrine as being true; as there was no room left for speculation. It was quite forcefully taught as being true. This being said, wouldn't a revelation saying otherwise only expose a false prophet? According to the book of Abraham, our time reckoning compared to the time reckoning of Heaven is 1000 to 1 respectively. In other words, one year in Heaven is equal to 1000 years on Earth. This makes 100 years on earth slightly over 1 month in Heaven. Now imagine all of the change that has taken place in the world in the past 100 years. If those changes were also made in the traditions of heaven wouldn't that be a confusing place to live? There would be a change every ten minutes or so. :huh:

Again, does God answer to man?

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Prophets spreading "Mormon Myths"?? Hahaha ;-D

Utterly amazing!

I agree. Yet it is true, is it not.

For example: JS sent the Brethren to Canada with the word of prophecy that they would sell the copyright to the Book of Mormon. Turns out it was a false prophecy.

Same for the other statements. We see eye to eye on this one Ari.

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I think too many people are blinded by modern traditions. They are beginning to take on a mind-set that certain things are no longer applicable because they are somwhat inconvenient to abide by as a result of changing times. But ask yourself this: Does the Almighty God answer to man? Does He change His eternal principles to conform to the ever changing traditions of man? A little absurd don't you think?

Women are wiser now, and men are made accountable for their exercise of unrighteous dominion. Pres. Hinckley continually warns the brethren, but some of the brethren may not be listening, or just may not care. Spousal and child abuse still occurs, otherwise there would be no need for the prophet to continue to warn the brethren. If these brethren treat their wives in this manner, they are not righteous enough to practice polygamy if it were reinstated.

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