Iran : A 17 Year Old Girl Is Sentenced To Death By Hanging.


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Christianity corrupted by human quest for power could produce Iran-like conditions (aka The Crusades and the Inquisition). BTW, I don't think that was a Catholic problem. I dare say, a Mormon government--again corrupted by human power-lust--could be just as extreme.

Lord Acton was right. Power corrupts! Christianity is the foundation of this country's ethos, and the dominant cultural force. However, America is not a legal or political theocracy, and Christian would be wise to continue to be salt and light, and remember that Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world."

I agree with you on that. B)

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Hi Ari,

What's up with all of your deleted messages in this and other threads? It's really annoying when someone is trying to read the threads... it's makes everything confusing. If you change your mind about something in the end, it's OK to just state that you've changed your mind. No need to go take out everything up to that point.

Sorry, but I've not changed my mind on any issue! I just found it futile arguing with closed-minded people.

- Mrs. A

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Hi Ari,

What's up with all of your deleted messages in this and other threads? It's really annoying when someone is trying to read the threads... it's makes everything confusing. If you change your mind about something in the end, it's OK to just state that you've changed your mind. No need to go take out everything up to that point.

Sorry, but I've not changed my mind on any issue! I just found it futile arguing with closed-minded people.

- Mrs. A

Futile enough to go back and change (delete) everything? That must've taken a long time. Looks like you would've just stopped arguing from that point forward... but what do I know? :hmmm:

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...and remember that Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world."

Hi, prisonchaplain...

LDS believe in the Second Coming. America was established as a Christian nation by our Founding Fathers, in preparation for the Lord's return.

- Mrs. A

Futile enough to go back and change (delete) everything? That must've taken a long time. Looks like you would've just stopped arguing from that point forward... but what do I know? :hmmm:

To each his own. ;-)

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America was established as a Christian nation by our Founding Fathers, in preparation for the Lord's return.

- Mrs. A

Oh, is that why they started the Revolution? So they could prepare for the Parousia?

I'd like to see you find a quote from a Founding Father to back that up? :blink:

And while Im at it, I am always amused by Conservatives who bash against Liberals....and yet hold up the Liberal Founding Fathers as though they're all on the same side? :dontknow:

Sort of like your signature from a Liberal Abolitionist. You pretend that you appreciate the liberals of the past, but then you spend all your time trying to maintain the Status Quo in your own day.

Seems rather hypocritical to me.

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<div class='quotemain'>

America was established as a Christian nation by our Founding Fathers, in preparation for the Lord's return.

- Mrs. A

Oh, is that why they started the Revolution? So they could prepare for the Parousia?

I'd like to see you find a quote from a Founding Father to back that up? :blink:

And while Im at it, I am always amused by Conservatives who bash against Liberals....and yet hold up the Liberal Founding Fathers as though they're all on the same side? :dontknow:

Sort of like your signature from a Liberal Abolitionist. You pretend that you appreciate the liberals of the past, but then you spend all your time trying to maintain the Status Quo in your own day.

Seems rather hypocritical to me.

Interesting challenge. :hmmm:

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Hi, prisonchaplain...

LDS believe in the Second Coming. America was established as a Christian nation by our Founding Fathers, in preparation for the Lord's return.

- Mrs. A

This may be worthy of a whole new I'll start one entitled: What cometh before the second coming?

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Jason, political labels are quite misleading. Times change and that must be kept in mind. Was Lincoln a "liberal"? Hardly, his thoughts on race relations would have today's KKK members scratching their heads.

Today. at least in America, conservatives are for limited government and for upholding traditional norms. By today's definition JFK would be conservative (he was anti-abortion -- Duffus Reid's Democrats would oppose him for the courts -- and if Reid had half a brain he'd realize Clinton would oppose him on the court as well since Reid is also on record as being anti-abortion).

Liberals are statists -- a far cry from the founders of this nation. They support more government intervention in the economy and people's lives (i.e. how we should raise our kids). Yet they are libertarian on values like homosexual marriage,abortion and pornography. Strange combination, but certainly not something the founders would see as part of their philosophical makeup.

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Jason, political labels are quite misleading. Times change and that must be kept in mind. Was Lincoln a "liberal"? Hardly, his thoughts on race relations would have today's KKK members scratching their heads.

Today. at least in America, conservatives are for limited government and for upholding traditional norms. By today's definition JFK would be conservative (he was anti-abortion -- Duffus Reid's Democrats would oppose him for the courts -- and if Reid had half a brain he'd realize Clinton would oppose him on the court as well since Reid is also on record as being anti-abortion).

Liberals are statists -- a far cry from the founders of this nation. They support more government intervention in the economy and people's lives (i.e. how we should raise our kids). Yet they are libertarian on values like homosexual marriage,abortion and pornography. Strange combination, but certainly not something the founders would see as part of their philosophical makeup.

Intersting point. What to label someone who cannot identify with either modern movement?

For example, Im not in favor of bigger government, but I am a social liberal in that I'd like to see homosexuals given equal rights, medical and insurance benefits, etc.

Looks like we'll have to come up with a new label... :hmmm:

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Intersting point. What to label someone who cannot identify with either modern movement?

For example, Im not in favor of bigger government, but I am a social liberal in that I'd like to see homosexuals given equal rights, medical and insurance benefits, etc.

Looks like we'll have to come up with a new label... :hmmm:

You just might be a Libertarian. Many "classic liberals" find themselves in that camp. As a whole, the Libertarian tracks atheist/agnoistic/deist/etc. Doug Bandow was an evangelical, but he seemed the exception that proved the rule. Let me know if I've pegged you right, here. Also, I'll try to dig up the Libertarian political label proved interesting. I pegged as a "moderate conservative."

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"The best evidence, which I have seen, that the current patriotic movement is wide, deep, and determined, is not in my correspondence files--but in the spectacle of the frenzied attack which the whole liberal-left-wing is currently making on American patriots. The liberals are scared: that's why they use lies, distortion, mis-quotations, guilt by association, nasty labels, and ugly innuendoes in their all-out campaign to discredit the 'super patriots' and 'extremists'." (Dan Smoot)

The present anti-anti-communist line is: criticism of socialism is criticism of countries like Sweden with its socialistic government and that efforts against communism create disunity. The claim is that it divides our people and therefore should be discouraged. Many of our peoople--some in high places whose influence is far-reaching--fall for this anti-anti-communist line of reasoning.

That we might face up properly to such a campaign of lies and name calling, we should accept the advice of Thomas Jefferson who warns us as follows:

"If we suffer ourselves to be frightened from our posts by mere lying, surely the enemy will use that weapon...The patriot, like the Christian, must learn that to bear revilings and persecutions is a part of his duty; and in proportion as the trial is severe, firmness under it becomes more requisite and praiseworthy."

Certainly, a true American cannot have too much patriotism. Surely Americans who have respect for our traditions, who support our freedoms and are willing to fight to preserve them have been called patriots from the very beginning of our nation. (Ezra Taft Benson, 1962, The Red Carpet, p.197-9)


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Why, do you have something to hide? :spy:

"We can leave the spies to the FBI, but learning how our enemies are trying to subvert us is everybody's job." - Prophets, Principles and National Survival p. 247

I believe we have laws in this country. I believe in Government that is designed to serve the people. I do not believe we must break the laws to protect the people. The laws protect the people.

George W. Bush believes he is above the law. He believes he can violate the US Constitution under the guise of "protecting us". Bush is a Nazi in a Texas Cowboy hat.

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