Prince Warns People Not To Get Fat As Americans.


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k i found a source for you to look at it is wikipedia and look up the addetive caffeine and go down the page to sideaffects and it will tell you that it is more than just an addictent it is very harmfull to the human body and if you look on the side were it shows the chemical makeup of caffeine it says may be fatel or hazardus if if consumed or comes in contact with skin. Another example i have is the product cookie crisps,it has the chemical trisodium phosphate when looked up you will find it is used as a heavy duty degreaser and paint remover wich i dont think is healthy for the human body.Tv and vidieo games are most of the reason that americans are getting fat another part is the discipline in the home when a little kid doesnt learn to work in the home it not only makes it harder for the parents it also makes lasy kids and it also makes more time for the kid the watch tv and play vidieo games and the parents dont realize it till one day bam there kid is all growed up and he or she is skiping from job to job and it takes a few years in the work force to learn how to work and by then they are already fat and living off fast food and then it takes a lot of will power to lose the weight.

OK, I realize that caffeine can be addictive. From what I understood, you were saying there were other 'addictants' being put into foods to cause people to be addictive to them. Is caffeine the only one you were talking about?

As far as all these excuses for weight gain in Americans... I WISH it was something other than my fault, as I've got some pounds to lose myself. But it's all about eating too much, and not exercising enough... simple as that!

I've got the exercise thing down now - been doing circuit training 4 days a week for 3.5 months. Just gotta keep trying to eat better as well. One of the two alone will apparently not get the job done! Old habits are hard to break.

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Then I am one step ahead of you. LOL

So you're putting all yours back? I see no other way to be "one step ahead" of letting posts stand. :dontknow:

I won't delete my posts, because they were the truth, and why try to alter them, even if it helps you delete your own?


As far as all these excuses for weight gain in Americans... I WISH it was something other than my fault, as I've got some pounds to lose myself. But it's all about eating too much, and not exercising enough... simple as that!

Exactly; people have gotten a bit slothful as technology and fast food has become more prominent in our lives.

I've got the exercise thing down now - been doing circuit training 4 days a week for 3.5 months. Just gotta keep trying to eat better as well. One of the two alone will apparently not get the job done! Old habits are hard to break.

Good for you! Keep up the good work!!!

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Please have the courtesy to refer to me as my registered name. At least one other member has recently changed his name and you have extended him that courtesy. (i.e., Unorthodox)

You are mistaken; I have not yet addressed Unorthodox, by any name.

At least Ari now seems to be making an effort.

I stand corrected. -_-

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One of the reasons my wife and I moved to the country was to have more control of our food and water, with enough space to raise chickens and plant gardens while using and maintaining water from our own well. And with all the work to do in our gardens, and improving and maintaining our landscape, staying in shape won’t be much of a problem while doing the things we both enjoy doing.

And btw, do you realize that when God placed Adam and Eve in a garden He told them of all the things they could eat, as well as showing them things they could tend and enjoy while living their lives in that garden?

But I guess some people would rather enjoy having other people take care of their needs for them, instead of enjoying the work they can and should do to take better care of themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reason why americans are getting fat is mostly due to tecnalogical advances like computers and video games, and not enough adavancementes to the fittness part of life then also now you have a lot more people doing desk jobs wich cause stress and lack of sleep then the metabolizm gets all thrown off and the person gains wieght, and also it has a lot to do with the genes and how the persons eating habits are,then you have to look at all of the goverment programs like unemployment and plenty more that i am not aware of and it makes the people not try as hard to find a job because they know that they have money rolling in wether or not they find a job.

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