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I submit that we not feed the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Are back handed insults also a manner in which you feed your wolf? Is this also something you consider as a value of your faith?

I'm not looking for converts. To each their own. But many religious folks seem to suggest they have something 'better', for me, and perhaps my child/family. I don't see it any better..... just different.

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Correction: I am a truthseeker; a truthseeker seeks [and finds] the truth.

That is what all the partisans say.

Is suggesting you are superior to everbody else - because you think you have the truth - something you consider "feeding the good". I consider it a bit arrogant myself. But it is not unusual for people to get the two confused.

FWIW..... arrogance can be an acceptable human trait. It is very common.

Interesting that a thread talking about feeding the good and/or evil has turned into a slamfest.

And y'll wonder why I see no additional value in religion or religious beliefs.

Two things totally surprised me, but not really. You came out of no-where in your response on this post-

What exact phrase in this post ignited your claim that the poster you are responding to was worthy of your statement about superiority?

And where in her post did you get the premis for arragance. I saw none of this.

And your comment about this thread turning into a slamfest? You are slamming just as well as anyone on this board.

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What exact phrase in this post ignited your claim that the poster you are responding to was worthy of your statement about superiority?

I'll answer the poster in question..... but not you.

And where in her post did you get the premis for arragance. I saw none of this.

Off course you didn't. You are a partisan.

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What exact phrase in this post ignited your claim that the poster you are responding to was worthy of your statement about superiority?

I'll answer the poster in question..... but not you.

And where in her post did you get the premis for arragance. I saw none of this.

Off course you didn't. You are a partisan.

More slamming? Or just getting all the milage out of the word partisan you can?

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I submit that we not feed the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Are back handed insults also a manner in which you feed your wolf? Is this also something you consider as a value of your faith?

I'm not looking for converts. To each their own. But many religious folks seem to suggest they have something 'better', for me, and perhaps my child/family. I don't see it any better..... just different.

You have not proven you are living high enough on the ladder to be continually throwing out these kinds of nasties.

:backtotopic: re: "Wisdom"

I submit that we not feed the wolves in sheep's clothing. :lol:

If only they really understood this comment!! It is brilliantly uplifting and on track!

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You have not proven you are living high enough on the ladder to be continually throwing out these kinds of nasties.

I didn't consider it nasty.... just a difference of perspective. But in your perspective you considered it nasty. Oh well, I guess that is how fueds and wars get started. Amazing how little board discussions can be a microcasm of the differences which are also true on a macro scale.

If only they really understood this comment!! It is brilliantly uplifting and on track!

I noticed you used the word "they". Is your worldview pretty much based on a "us versus them" perspective? Is this another value from your faith? Or just you? Do you understand why I might say you are - in that way - much like those we are at war with? Except that you have enemies all around you as well. Do you consider this a constructive way to live?

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Let's go back to wisdom, ya'll. Wisdom of God is better than the cunningness of man. There is so much to learn in the scriptures, really and truly, especially about wisdom. I think the best example of wisdom is from Christ. What do you think makes a person wise?

Too me the wisdom of man, and the wisdom of any number of gods, are the same thing. I understand you see it differently.

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Two things totally surprised me, but not really. You came out of no-where in your response on this post-

What exact phrase in this post ignited your claim that the poster you are responding to was worthy of your statement about superiority?

And where in her post did you get the premis for arragance. I saw none of this.

And your comment about this thread turning into a slamfest? You are slamming just as well as anyone on this board.

Thanks, Syble...clearly, there are some in this forum who do not communicate on the same level. LOL

^_^ My brain is too dead without the gospel! Lol, maybe I'm just a bit thick-headed. :wub:

Keep on keepin' on...and don't let anyone shake your faith in the gospel!

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You are a partisan.

"You" is a blaming statement, and accusatory.

Your panties seem to be in a bunch.

That is sexual harassment.

<div class='quotemain'>

:backtotopic: re: "Wisdom"

I submit that we not feed the wolves in sheep's clothing. :lol:

If only they really understood this comment!! It is brilliantly uplifting and on track!

Thanks again, Syble! It's great to be on the same page with someone equally as brilliant and uplifting! :)


I found some interesting quotes on wisdom:

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." - Immanuel Kant, German philosopher (1724 - 1804)

"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers." - Alfred Lord Tennyson, English poet (1809 - 1892)

"Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions." - Cullen Hightower

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"The intelligence of the masses is not to be respected or relied upon." (Han Fei Zi)

Let's all hold hands, agree that we believe our opponents are deficient, and try to carry on more tactfully in the future.


Because there is never a time in polite society (despite how questionably polite it may seem at times) wherein one is permitted to say what they really think. We were all socialized and taught to chew with our mouths closed, to say 'please' and 'thank you', to sit up straight and fold our napkins in our laps. Isn't tact just as important? Perhaps we ought to consider reviving the lost art of civilized disagreement so that everyone may feel more at ease.

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The old saying is to agree to disagree agreeably!

'Tis the nature of the beast...when people lose the argument, they retaliate and resort to spewing personal insults.

Speaking of wisdom:

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And Wisdom to know the difference.

The non-LDS cannot change the stalwart LDS on this board. Shooting the messenger serves no purpose other than hurting people and causing dissention.

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You have not proven you are living high enough on the ladder to be continually throwing out these kinds of nasties.

I didn't consider it nasty.... just a difference of perspective. But in your perspective you considered it nasty. Oh well, I guess that is how fueds and wars get started. Amazing how little board discussions can be a microcasm of the differences which are also true on a macro scale.

If only they really understood this comment!! It is brilliantly uplifting and on track!

I noticed you used the word "they". Is your worldview pretty much based on a "us versus them" perspective? Is this another value from your faith? Or just you? Do you understand why I might say you are - in that way - much like those we are at war with? Except that you have enemies all around you as well. Do you consider this a constructive way to live?

I noticed you seem to hang on every word and then answer to only that word. How about the whole idea or paragraph?

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More "Wisdom"...

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe."

- Marilyn vos Savant

"Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." - David Starr Jordan

The Philosophy of Despair, US biologist, educator, & ichthyologist (1851 - 1931)

"There is no wisdom without love." - N. Sri Ram

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I noticed you seem to hang on every word and then answer to only that word. How about the whole idea or paragraph?

How about answering my questions.....

When first you address my whole idea.

More "Wisdom"...

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe."

- Marilyn vos Savant

"Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." - David Starr Jordan

The Philosophy of Despair, US biologist, educator, & ichthyologist (1851 - 1931)

"There is no wisdom without love." - N. Sri Ram

Awesome! Thanks.

I love this:

Proverbs 4:7-8:

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.

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Wisdom from Wounds

© By Tara G. Lowney

A tear silently falls,

A heart slowly tears....


Life must continue....

With time,

the tears will dry,

sunshine will evaporate the murky river,

Rapids powered by rage will rest...

Currents patterned by collisions will clear.

Knowing you cannot

find yourself in someone else,

Accepting you cannot

survive without truth and trust,

You grab the lifeline...

Those who have waded the river,

who have stepped away from the debris

rediscovered valuable pieces of a shattered life

Light shines where tears once pooled...

Stronger threads repair a shredded soul...

Step by step,

Breath by breath,

Wounds heal....

Strength gained from that pain..

Wisdom brings freedom.

Memories no longer exhaust,

The injury is put to rest

Hope is regained...

A hand reaches toward,

surviving and living...

Another extends backward,

comforting and sustaining...

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