What, No Single Girls Here?!?!?

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It doesn't matter, dude, if this is a dating site or not. This thread is for the answer to your question and this site isn'tsanctified only for the use of some people. You are welcome to look here if you like. Don't let others make you feel unwelcome. Heck, I will even try to hook you up if I can find a girl for you. Welcome!

However, there was an ad at the top of this thread for a site that offers intimate dating that showed a blond obviously in bed..don't look there. Someone want to tell me how this is appropriate for this site!!!????

The other day there was one for Earl Grey Tea and one for www.myflavia.com. We either condemn or condone the use of these substances as LDS people. I am a little confused as to why these ads are being used on this, an LDS site. Pay the bills, sure, but these are highly inappropriate and offensive. What kind of message does this give to non-members?


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The problem with the ads is google takes the content of the page and then brings in ads which fit the text on the page...So if you start talking about single girls, there is a chance Google could pull something like that in. I don't see it at the top of my page, but if you ever do see something like that, please copy the link and pm it to me so I can put it in the ad filter.

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The problem with the ads is google takes the content of the page and then brings in ads which fit the text on the page...So if you start talking about single girls, there is a chance Google could pull something like that in. I don't see it at the top of my page, but if you ever do see something like that, please copy the link and pm it to me so I can put it in the ad filter.

Will do.
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