Re- indroduction


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I am re- indroducing myself, my name's Sarah-Jane, I joined this site / posted in April, but have spent most of the time, reading rather than posting.

At the time I joined the forums, I indroduced myself as a former member,I had just started attending the church again after going through several different denominations from Evangelical to Catholic. After several negative and traumatic events in my life, I decided to take another look at the church I left 10 years earlier...I went back to my former ward, and got a very warm and loving welcome by all.

I am very grateful and so happy to now be re- indroducing myself as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints again! I was baptised and confirmed on wednesday evening (Sep 22) by the Bishop of my ward. just a few days short of the 20th anniversary of my original baptism.:-)

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I am re- indroducing myself, my name's Sarah-Jane, I joined this site / posted in April, but have spent most of the time, reading rather than posting.

At the time I joined the forums, I indroduced myself as a former member,I had just started attending the church again after going through several different denominations from Evangelical to Catholic. After several negative and traumatic events in my life, I decided to take another look at the church I left 10 years earlier...I went back to my former ward, and got a very warm and loving welcome by all.

I am very grateful and so happy to now be re- indroducing myself as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints again! I was baptised and confirmed on wednesday evening (Sep 22) by the Bishop of my ward. just a few days short of the 20th anniversary of my original baptism.:-)

I like your words and the way you're talking. You're honest. I#m not LDS yet, but it's impressing to me how you described your "going through the (e)motions" or denominations in the past. They're all wrong, and it's not easy to find the right way. The faith is the real key. Wish you all the best.

Edited by Arminius
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Before my wife and I joined the LDS church we had never belonged to any religion (neither of us were ever baptized anything.) We to checked out different faiths, I never considered LDS until the Missionaries knocked on our door the week we moved onto a new street. I told them they could come and talk but had no chance of brainwashing me into their cult. They confused me by not defending that outlook but telling me their role was to teach me a few basic principles and I should take it to God and ask him what I should do.

Of all the religions I had looked into none had ever told me to ask God for the answer. I've been asking his advice now for 14 years! For our family there could never have been a better choice then joining the LDS church.

The people are not perfect, local leaders can make mistakes, some members don't follow the gospel the way they should, some are busy bodies, some just don't know the Gospel, sometimes I get frustrated with the organization etc. Yet for me the Lord's plan for his church makes perfect sense. It is designed to be administrated by imperfect people and yet in the long run still function perfectly.

If you come across issues with "people" remember that is not the gospel but individual imperfections. When I feel "offended" by people I try and assume it is my interpretation of what they are saying and most often it is not their intent to offend. And overall even if it is intentional it is people not the gospel.

Our family is so much better with the gospel then it was before we joined. I can honestly say my wife and I would have divorced long ago if we had not had the gospel teaching us how to be better spouse and parents. And without the eternal perspective on life.

Remember our faith is based on small steps one on top of the other that over time allows us to stand tall and strong but everyone is always climbing that one step at a time, sometimes we need to hold tight to the rail to avoid falling or a push or pull from someone a step up or down or beside us. Or we need to be the ones helping someone else make the next step.

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