Implications Of: The Priesthood Of All Believers


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On several strings, relating to the issue of AUTHORITY, I have made reference to the priesthood of all believers. In a nutshell, it is an understanding that the commands Jesus gave to the disciples, now fall to all believers--not just clergy, or ordinates (such as official priests or other church leaders). Interestingly, according to the below referenced article, even the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches interpret the Bible as commanding all believers to carry out the non-liturgical work of the kingdom.


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We as LDS believe that the Priesthood directs all things in the Church and the Church runs under its authority. Which authority is held by the male members of our church, in varying levels of authority according to their ordained level of authority and calling within the Church. And although the Priesthood directs the Church and its membership, the women are a very important part of that.

We have the oldest women's organization in the world which is the Relief Society that is for all sisters 18 and over. This organization offers much for the sisters and not only teaches them the spiritual things of the gospel, but teaches along cultural, social, homaking, motherhood, intellectual, and many other lines. This program becomes more refined all of the time. At this point they are offering to teach the sisters almost anything they desire to learn from cooking to their own book club, home repair, gardening, whatever they ask for. If sisters want to learn more work skills or computer skills, they are also willing to help with that.

We also have a very large youth program and a program for our children. There is place for all members to work within the church if they are willing. It is not one person, but congregations full of people working together under the direction of the Priesthood leadership to carry out the Lord's work. The Priesthood is a loved and important part of our Church, but it takes nothing away from the women, it actually recognizes them as great leaders and encourages their success.

We probably have more members working in our Church than any other Church on the face of the earth. Our young people are given leadership positions from the time they turn 12 years of age in the Priesthood, Scouting, and Young Womens programs. There is a great call in the Church at this time not only for young men to go on missions, but young women that are not married and atleast 21 years of age, and older retired couples. We are encouraged not only to serve in Church positions, but to volunteer in our communities and carry on great humantarians efforts throughout the world.

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