"big Love"

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What does that mean? Are you saying it's stupid to make a show about polygamy, or that it's stupid to watch it, or that it's stupid to live a polygamous lifestyle?

I think most TV is stupid. This particular show looks (from the article I read, which admitedly is not much to go on) low-grade. Predictable jokes and situations. Relying on steriotypes instead of actual character development. It just smacks of pushing the boundary just to make people react. Viewers are no longer piqued by interracial marriage or gay couples or whatever, so just for the sake of doing something that hasn't been done before and might stir people up, they go to this. It's not art, people.

Viewers of the show will get what they deserve. Anyone who gets upset because of what they see should consider just turning the idiot box off.

I don't have a problem with polygamy. I think it should be legal. Now, do I think I want to live in a polygamous household? - No. But for those who want to, that's fine. (The Libertarian in me is showing, isn't it?)

If you're concerned about the alleged abuse and coercion that occurs in polygamous households, I'd say we have laws already to cover those. The polygamy itself is not the problem. As it stands, the only people who practice polygamy in the US are obviously not opposed to ignoring the law. Maybe if it weren't illegal, more normal people would practice polygamy and the abuse/coercion stats for that subgroup would go down.

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clipped from http://www.ldsfilm.com/TVchars/BigLove.html:

"Big Love" executive producer Tom Hanks was himself a Mormon for less than two years when he was a child, but he was part of the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and was not a "fundamentalist Mormon" or part of polygamist culture. Hanks' frequently-disrupted family life put him in a number of different denominations while growing up. In high school, Tom Hanks joined a Fundamentalist Christian (Protestant) denomination, but did not remain active in it into his twenties. When Hanks married Rita Wilson, he joined her denomination: the Greek Orthodox Church. It is not known whether Hanks' background provided any impetus for his deciding to produce "Big Love."

Although "Big Love" is ostensibly about polygamy, much of its subject matter and themes are actually a veneer for presenting the non-LDS writers' GLBT themes and gay apologia.

The Biblical practice of polygamy was banned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the late 1800s, and anybody who attempts to practice polgamy is not allowed to be part of the Church. Wary of stirring up negative controversy, and wishing to avoid accusations of anachronistic or dishonest storytelling, HBO publicists issued statements early in the series' production cycle that "Big Love" was not about Latter-day Saints and would not be filmed in Utah.

However, excerpts from the teleplay for the pilot episode of the series make it clear that at least some of the characters in "Big Love" are written as mainstream Latter-day Saints. Series star Chloe Sevigny told reporters that the show's producers intended to film in Utah. In the excerpt below, some characters are members of the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They discuss Church-related topics with a daughter of the central polygamist character. This girl has clearly spent time in the mainstream Church, although her family is apparently now separated from the Church.

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I have been looking forward to seeing it for some time. I have been interested in polygamy for some time... not living it... but I just think that anything that is so different from my average life is quite interesting.

And I doubt it's low-grade with Tom Hanks producing it. He's top-notch, IMO. HBO has been showing some great quality shows in the recent past.

As far as agreeing with polygamy goes, I do not. It's all well and good to say that if child abuse, etc. doesn't happen, it's OK. But those things do happen.

I recently read an interesting article about people whose ancestry included polygamists... it ain't a pretty picture!


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Big Disclaimer for ‘Big Love’

No way HBO’s Utah polygamists are Mormons!

Last week, HBO made frantic calls to magazine editors who were ready to publish articles about Big Love, its new series about Utah polygamists that premieres March 12, following The Sopranos. The urgent message: The show’s central characters—Bill Paxton and his three wives, Chloë Sevigny, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Ginnifer Goodwin—are definitely not Mormons! So don’t say they are! “The Mormon church officially banned the practice of polygamy in 1890,” HBO emphasized, repeating a disclaimer that will run after every episode. HBO spokesman Quentin Schaffer explains that while “some polygamists identify as Mormons,” the church “doesn’t recognize them.” Schaffer learned this late last summer when HBO showed the church episodes of the Tom Hanks–produced series. “The church said, ‘We prefer you didn’t air it, but we just hope it won’t confuse people.’ ” Anti-polygamy activists like Lorna Craig aren’t buying it. She says the show “is definitely about Mormon offshoot cults” and worries about a sympathetic portrayal of a polygamist. Schaffer says it’s “a show about a guy and his three wives . . . an interesting take on marriage and relationships.”


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Sure, the polygamists out west now are not LDS, by today's standards. But come on, you guys! Where did they get the idea? From the founder of your church, of course.

They think they are living the principle that the LDS church abandoned out of fear because of legal matters... that God never called for an end to it.

Please don't forget that your church is still set up to practice polygamy... just not in this life.

Hence, males are able to be sealed to multiple women, but women can only be sealed to one man.

Polygamy is a Mormon ideal, plain and simple.

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Sure, the polygamists out west now are not LDS, by today's standards. But come on, you guys! Where did they get the idea? From the founder of your church, of course.

They think they are living the principle that the LDS church abandoned out of fear because of legal matters... that God never called for an end to it.

Please don't forget that your church is still set up to practice polygamy... just not in this life.

Hence, males are able to be sealed to multiple women, but women can only be sealed to one man.

Polygamy is a Mormon ideal, plain and simple.


That was rude and bound to get people here upset. <_<

There was a reason for that in the past and if it so happens in the furture..afterlife... I will accept it. I trust in the ways of my Father In Heaven and if this is part of the plan for my furture I am sure that I will have let all of my mortal ideals here on earth. :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

Sure, the polygamists out west now are not LDS, by today's standards. But come on, you guys! Where did they get the idea? From the founder of your church, of course.

They think they are living the principle that the LDS church abandoned out of fear because of legal matters... that God never called for an end to it.

Please don't forget that your church is still set up to practice polygamy... just not in this life.

Hence, males are able to be sealed to multiple women, but women can only be sealed to one man.

Polygamy is a Mormon ideal, plain and simple.


That was rude and bound to get people here upset. <_<

There was a reason for that in the past and if it so happens in the furture..afterlife... I will accept it. I trust in the ways of my Father In Heaven and if this is part of the plan for my furture I am sure that I will have let all of my mortal ideals here on earth. :)

I'm sorry if that upsets some, but that truly wasn't my intention. I didn't say anything untrue, did I? There are probably several LDS people who will say they agree with me.

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Ah don't sweat it Shanstress70 -- you didn't say anything at all that was not true.

In fairness though polygamy in Judeo/Christian practice has been around thousands of years before Joseph Smith came on the scene.

Thanks... and funny... you're the exact person I had in mind to agree with me!

I know that polygamy has been around a LONG time. I meant in our modern times. There are some polygamists now who have nothing to do with the LDS church, but most of the polygamists in the US now hae ties to it.

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Yes Shan some of what you say is correct. Like I said, I believe that there was a reason for it in the past, and if it happens again in the hereafter I will accept it. I believe that in the afterlife many of the things mortals worry about here will be insignificant there.

I am a Utah Mormon and I see many polygamist people when we travel south. I see many families who have construction companies who work really hard and produce a superb product. Then I see the women and I look into their eyes if only for a brief moment and I feel sadness. I watched a little of what has been said on Entertainment Tonight and again I feel sadness. While we were going through the Parade Of Homes in Southern UT a saw a "Family" a man and several of his wives going through these homes one of which was worth 5.3 million. Two of the women are even in one of the photos I took while in this home.

I don't have the answers about polygamy, but I feel certain that should this be part of the plan set forth by My Father In Heaven for the hereafter I will accept that.

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Yes Shan some of what you say is correct. Like I said, I believe that there was a reason for it in the past, and if it happens again in the hereafter I will accept it. I believe that in the afterlife many of the things mortals worry about here will be insignificant there.

I am a Utah Mormon and I see many polygamist people when we travel south. I see many families who have construction companies who work really hard and produce a superb product. Then I see the women and I look into their eyes if only for a brief moment and I feel sadness. I watched a little of what has been said on Entertainment Tonight and again I feel sadness. While we were going through the Parade Of Homes in Southern UT a saw a "Family" a man and several of his wives going through these homes one of which was worth 5.3 million. Two of the women are even in one of the photos I took while in this home.

I don't have the answers about polygamy, but I feel certain that should this be part of the plan set forth by My Father In Heaven for the hereafter I will accept that.

I understand what you're saying, and I didn't mean to turn this into an unpleasant topic. My point was just that I have read so much lately about this show, and the problem that the church has with it, saying "We no longer do this. These people are not part of us. We don't practice polygamy." But in a sense, they are a part of your church, because your church's founder is the one who introduced it to them. They are in a sense still trying to honor him by living 'the principle'. They think that you modern Mormons have betrayed him.

I know what you mean by feeling sad for them. There is a polygamy message board that I used to visit, just out of curiosity. It's mostly women who have now left the lifestyle, but is also comprised of those who are still in it. I don't go there much anymore, because it is quite depressing.

There was a show on 20/20 or Primetime Live where they did a segment on them. There was a woman named Ruth who was acting insane with loyalty to Warren Jeffs, yelling at the reporters and just being crazy. I think she may have been one of Jeff's wives, but was left behind when he went to TX. Her father had sexually abused her. If any of you saw that show, I'm sure you remember seeing her.

Anyway, my heart just broke for her. I later found out that she was a member of this board that I had visited, and she was always saying crazy stuff on there too. I started messaging her and conversed for quite some time. She was such an interesting person. I need to see what she's up to now.

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Interesting reply Shan and something I will think about as I see these women. It is my understanding that these families are told not to look at or mingle with people on "the outside". I would love to talk to them but do not for fear of causing them more grief.

I believe that these polygamists do not follow JS but are now following their current leader Warren Jeff’s.

As a Utah Mormon or probably any Mormon I am tired of the stigmatism of polygamy. I find that people find something they don't understand and turn it into a mocking heyday (not saying you did this). I love the church and the opportunities that I am afforded to learn and grow. The members of the church are not perfect but I believe the Lord knows that and in due time we will understand the reasons for everything. Right now I am content to learn and grow.

Hugs, SF

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I believe that these polygamists do not follow JS but are now following their current leader Warren Jeff’s.

I'm not saying whether or not they are following JS. I'm just saying that THEY THINK they are following JS.

Just clearing that up.

Also, I need to correct my earlier post. Ruth is not Warren's wife. I remember her last name now.

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Sure, the polygamists out west now are not LDS, by today's standards. But come on, you guys! Where did they get the idea? From the founder of your church, of course.

They think they are living the principle that the LDS church abandoned out of fear because of legal matters... that God never called for an end to it.

Please don't forget that your church is still set up to practice polygamy... just not in this life.

Hence, males are able to be sealed to multiple women, but women can only be sealed to one man.

Polygamy is a Mormon ideal, plain and simple.


That was rude and bound to get people here upset. <_<

I think your right, I'm lds and not offended. There are other religions and parts of the world where polygamy is practiced as well. It is also a frequent practice in the bible. I don't see why Mormon's in particular should get a bad name for it or for the disgustingly offensive things some of the so-called mormon polygamists do in the name of polygamy. I don't suppose they will be addressing those issues in the series?

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Church Responds to Questions on TV Series

6 March 2006

Over the past few weeks, Church Public Affairs has received numerous calls from newspaper, magazine and TV entertainment writers about a new television series called Big Love. In the series, set in a modern suburb of Salt Lake City, the main character keeps up a deceptive life in a fringe world of polygamy with his three wives and households. Journalists want to know what the Church thinks of the program, the subject matter and HBO’s decision to promote it.

In responding, Church spokesmen have made three major points:

Concern for abuse victims

The Church has long been concerned about the illegal practice of polygamy in some communities, and in particular about persistent reports of emotional and physical child and wife abuse emanating from them. It will be regrettable if this program, by making polygamy the subject of entertainment, minimizes the seriousness of that problem and adds to the suffering of abuse victims.

Confusion over the continued practice of polygamy

The central characters of Big Love are not “Mormons,” or, more properly termed, Latter-day Saints. HBO has said the script makes it clear that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints don’t practice polygamy. Still, placing the series in Salt Lake City, the international headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is enough to blur the line between the modern Church and the program’s subject matter and to reinforce old and long-outdated stereotypes.

Polygamy was officially discontinued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1890. Any Church member adopting the practice today is excommunicated. Groups that continue the practice in Utah and elsewhere have no association whatever with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most of their practitioners have never been among its members.

Unfortunately, this distinction is often lost on members of the public and even on some senior journalists. When ABC network’s Prime Time recently aired a program focused on the secretive polygamous community of Colorado City, the reporter repeatedly referred to members of the community as “Mormon polygamists.” In response, the Church points to the Associated Press style guide for journalists which states: "The term Mormon is not properly applied to the other ... churches that resulted from the split after [Joseph] Smith's death." In other words, polygamous communities should never be referred to as "Mormon" polygamists or “Mormon” fundamentalists.

Concern over the moral standards of television entertainment

Despite its popularity with some, much of today’s television entertainment shows an unhealthy preoccupation with sex, coarse humor and foul language. Big Love, like so much other television programming, is essentially lazy and indulgent entertainment that does nothing for our society and will never nourish great minds. Parents who are casual about their viewing habits ought not to be surprised if teaching moral choices and civic values to their children becomes harder as a result.

For that reason and others, Church leaders have consistently cautioned against such entertainment, joining with other religious, education and government leaders in inviting individuals and families to follow a higher road of decency, self-discipline and integrity.


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Perhaps the show will be a good thing by opening up the country's eyes to the problem of polygamy. It seems that lawmakers out West turn the other way and don't do much to stop all the child sexual abuse, degradation of women, abuse of the welfare system, lack of education, inbreeding, and just general unhappiness (for women anyway!).

Most people in other parts of the US have no idea that such a thing goes on out there.

they talked about this on Regis and Kelly the other morn. and Regis made it clear before they talked to the star of the show that the LDS church has not Practice polig. in 100 years it is against our beliefs

Not against beliefs, per say, but against the law. Lets not forget how this modern idea of polygamy got started. Lets also not forget that the stage is set for this to be practiced in the afterlife, what with allowing males to be sealed to multiple females, but not vice versa.

Sorry, but this is a touchy subject for me, obviously... and the first reason for my leaving the LDS church.

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Yes Shan some of what you say is correct. Like I said, I believe that there was a reason for it in the past, and if it happens again in the hereafter I will accept it. I believe that in the afterlife many of the things mortals worry about here will be insignificant there.

I am a Utah Mormon and I see many polygamist people when we travel south. I see many families who have construction companies who work really hard and produce a superb product. Then I see the women and I look into their eyes if only for a brief moment and I feel sadness. I watched a little of what has been said on Entertainment Tonight and again I feel sadness. While we were going through the Parade Of Homes in Southern UT a saw a "Family" a man and several of his wives going through these homes one of which was worth 5.3 million. Two of the women are even in one of the photos I took while in this home.

I don't have the answers about polygamy, but I feel certain that should this be part of the plan set forth by My Father In Heaven for the hereafter I will accept that.

Why would you accept something you find objectionable? Do you think a just God is going to require you do do something that goes against your conscience? Has it ever dawned on you that maybe, just maybe, polygamy was just a "prophet speaking as a man", and not a prophet. It is one of the ways we get out of sticky theological conundrums in the Church.

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<div class='quotemain'>

Yes Shan some of what you say is correct. Like I said, I believe that there was a reason for it in the past, and if it happens again in the hereafter I will accept it. I believe that in the afterlife many of the things mortals worry about here will be insignificant there.

I am a Utah Mormon and I see many polygamist people when we travel south. I see many families who have construction companies who work really hard and produce a superb product. Then I see the women and I look into their eyes if only for a brief moment and I feel sadness. I watched a little of what has been said on Entertainment Tonight and again I feel sadness. While we were going through the Parade Of Homes in Southern UT a saw a "Family" a man and several of his wives going through these homes one of which was worth 5.3 million. Two of the women are even in one of the photos I took while in this home.

I don't have the answers about polygamy, but I feel certain that should this be part of the plan set forth by My Father In Heaven for the hereafter I will accept that.

Why would you accept something you find objectionable? Do you think a just God is going to require you do do something that goes against your conscience? Has it ever dawned on you that maybe, just maybe, polygamy was just a "prophet speaking as a man", and not a prophet. It is one of the ways we get out of sticky theological conundrums in the Church.

Hello Cal, B)

Like I said, IF when I get to Heaven and this is part of the Lords Plan I will accept it.

Three years ago this month I held my mom as she passed away. I felt something very profound that I can't explain here but I know for certain that the jealousy and selfishness that we feel on earth is not part of His Plan.

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