McConkie On the Light of Christ


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As I have been thinking about what to do when I teach about the Gift of the Holy Ghost next month. I felt that taking time to talk about the Light Christ would be good. You understand the Holy Ghost more if you can even remotely understand the Light of Christ.

I grabbed my favorite book "A New Witness for the Articles of Faith" by Elder Bruce R. McConkie.

In the section about the Holy Ghost he goes into the Light of Christ (what it is and what it isn't). I think its often confused with the Holy Ghost.

Elder McConkie states:

Truly, "the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord." (Mosiah 3:19.) The Holy Ghost does not strive or entice; his mission is to teach and testify. But those who heed the enticements and submit to the strivings of the Holy Spirit (which is the light of Christ) are enabled to receive the Holy Spirit (which is the Holy Ghost).

After reading this again it seems to make the light of Christ a more relevant part of our life. Not far after this he goes into Moroni 7 which says "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually"

Which seems to confirm that King Benjamin was talking about the Light of Christ.


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Light of Christ

Knock yourself out with the above link.

In my opinion, D&C 88: 6-13 is the ultimate source concerning the nature of the Light of Christ. There is a huge amount of info in those verses.

1) The light of Christ is the Light of Truth.

2) Somehow the act of Christ ascending up on high, and descenging below all things (ATONEMENT) endowed Him with this power.

3) Light (photons) are energized by the Light of Christ.

4) This same light quickeneth our understanding (gives us a conscious).

5) It gives life to all things.

6) It is the Law by which all things are governed.

7) It is the power of God.

Edited by mikbone
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Yeah there are plenty of scriptures on it. Considering your #2. I would think the Light of Christ existed before Christ completed the Atonement. I can see it being given the name of Light of Christ because of what Christ did. But I actually thought of that more because of Christ being the created of all things. In a way his trademark on all of us because we are created by him, we have this light.

In a way its hard to comprehend the Light of Christ. Mostly because the light of Christ isn't a person like the Holy Ghost. The part with it being our conscious is probably what gets confusing. In most cases we think of the Holy ghost telling us what we need to do. In the case of the Light of Christ, who is the one speaking at the other end? From what I gather its us, its part of who we are deep down that tells us what is right and wrong. That is hard to comprehend, that this stuff that is everywhere is telling us what is good and evil?

That then brings me to our "Intelligence" or that other part of us. It almost seems like our Intelligence and the light of Christ are maybe the same thing. I don't know if I can make that big of jump. Mostly because our Intelligence was around before Heavenly Father had us as spirit children....

The other thought I had when I was going to make this post is about getting answers to our prayers. When in D&C 8 -9 talks about the Lord speaks to our Mind and our Heart. Speaking to our Mind seems to fall under the category of our Conscious. Speaking to our Heart seems more like the Holy Ghost.

Its seems like we have this idea that after we get the Holy Ghost we don't need the Light of Christ. Or maybe its more that the Holy Ghost overwhelms the Light Christ, in a way the Holy Ghost does the same thing. Maybe the Light of Christ is part of our decision making process (with Agency). I have to study it out! Which would be my conscious. Then I pray. Thats why the answer is to my mind, conscious and to my heart, Holy Ghost?

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Yeah there are plenty of scriptures on it. Considering your #2. I would think the Light of Christ existed before Christ completed the Atonement. I can see it being given the name of Light of Christ because of what Christ did. But I actually thought of that more because of Christ being the created of all things. In a way his trademark on all of us because we are created by him, we have this light.

I agree. I have always thought that Jehovah was a VERY special personage in our pre-mortal existence. He was so different than us. He was already God. He appeared to have a full understanding of the plan of salvation. And He was able to create physically. I believe that His understanding of the Atonement infinately surpassed 'our' understanding of atonement during the per-mortal existence.

If you look a Jehovah and his roles, a few things stand out as essential to His nature. He is the Firstborn. He is the director of the plan of salvation. He is the Creator. He is the Savior.

When we chose to follow the Father's plan of salvation and accepted Jehovah as the director of this plan, He necessairly gained authority. We honored and sustained Him as our leader.

When He created physically possibly the most difficult part of the creation act was Moses 2:3 "let there be light". This act may have been the first time that the Light of Christ was enacted. Based on our limited knowledge of physics and science this act of creating light requires making a star. It is an impressive undertaking.

As you say the Light of Christ was in existence prior to the atonement, but I have to agree with D&C 88:6. I think that the creation, fall, and atonement are linked actions. Each of these activities become pointless without the others to give them importance and meaning. I think that when Jehovah began the physical creation that He was destined to fulfill the position as Savior. And for some reason this is what allowed him to use this power, the Light of Christ. Interestingly, the fall is what caused the Light of Christ to act as a conscious (prior to the fall, Adam and Eve did not know the difference between right and wrong).

In a way its hard to comprehend the Light of Christ. Mostly because the light of Christ isn't a person like the Holy Ghost. The part with it being our conscious is probably what gets confusing. In most cases we think of the Holy ghost telling us what we need to do. In the case of the Light of Christ, who is the one speaking at the other end? From what I gather its us, its part of who we are deep down that tells us what is right and wrong. That is hard to comprehend, that this stuff that is everywhere is telling us what is good and evil?

Yes. I agree. The beauty of the Light of Christ is that it is hard to understand, but yet so easy to experience. As you evaluate right and wrong you just know what is right. And what is wrong. To me it seems so obvious the difference between right and wrong. Sometimes I look at people and their incorrect assumptions and actions and am baffeled as to how they can mis-intrepret or completely ignore the Light of Christ.

That then brings me to our "Intelligence" or that other part of us. It almost seems like our Intelligence and the light of Christ are maybe the same thing. I don't know if I can make that big of jump. Mostly because our Intelligence was around before Heavenly Father had us as spirit children....

I doubt that our intelligence and the Light of Christ are the same sort of thing. And Im still unsure what 'intelligence' is...

The other thought I had when I was going to make this post is about getting answers to our prayers. When in D&C 8 -9 talks about the Lord speaks to our Mind and our Heart. Speaking to our Mind seems to fall under the category of our Conscious. Speaking to our Heart seems more like the Holy Ghost.

Its seems like we have this idea that after we get the Holy Ghost we don't need the Light of Christ. Or maybe its more that the Holy Ghost overwhelms the Light Christ, in a way the Holy Ghost does the same thing. Maybe the Light of Christ is part of our decision making process (with Agency). I have to study it out! Which would be my conscious. Then I pray. Thats why the answer is to my mind, conscious and to my heart, Holy Ghost?

I like this idea. And I agree with you. In my personal experiences I have used the Light of Christ way more than the Holy Ghost. The Light of Christ is just so obvious. The Holy Ghost does leave a lasting impression though.

It is of special note though that if we continually ignore the Light of Christ and break the commandments that we will eventually not be able to discern the Light of Christ and we will walk in darkness. D&C 95:12

Edited by mikbone
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  • 3 weeks later...

The book The Footstool of God explains the Light of Christ so that it's fairly easy to comprehend.

The invisible sign of the approaching end of Earth's telestial days is the winthdrawal of the Spirit of the Lord, the fading of the light of Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is the fountainhead of those natural forces man has identified. It is the ultimate power from which all lesser powers derive. It is the dicine mortar which binds all creation together in one orderly, harmonious structure. It is the organizing, governing, and sustaining principle in all things. In the total absence of the Spirit, there can only be aimless chaos. Indeed, where the Spirit is not , there will be certain madness--the insanity of meaningless, uncomprehending existence. To the extent that the Spirit is manifest to less than an optimum degree, there will be proportionately greater disorder and decay. Simply stated, the less the light, the greater the darkness. This law of life applies everywhere and to everything throughout the dominions of God. Where God is not, life is not. His Spirit flows forth from his presence to infuse life into life. (See D&C: 88:11-13). However, man's retention of the Spirit requires that he live his life in harmony with the will of the Giver of that life. ......

Nephi warned that the "Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man. And when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction, and this grieveth my soul." (2 Nephi 26:11.)

The floor, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the ancient civilizations in America are testimonies to this truth. The prophet Mormon encapsulated the foregoing when he summarized the downfall of the Jaredite nation: "The Spirit of the Lord had ceased striving with them, and Satan had full power over the hearts of the people; for they were given up unto the hardness of their hearts, and the blindness of their minds." (Ether 15:19.)

The brilliance with which the Spirit--the light of Christ--bathed the primeval earth in glory faded with the fall and has generally continued to diminish thereafter. This lessening of spiritual light is quite undetectable to a world already groping in a darkness of its own making, but it is readily perceptible to the people of the Most High--"the children of the day." (See 1 Thessalonians 5:5.) ....

In August, 1831, Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith: "I, the Lord am angry with the wicked; I am holding my Spirit from the inhabitants of the earth." (D&C 63:32.)

In January 1833 the Prophet alluded to this revelation and said that the withdrawal of the Spirit was an obvious fact. "The governments of the earth are thrown into confusion and division and Destruction, to the eye of the spiritual beholder, seems to be written by the finger of an invisible hand, in large capitals, upon almost every thing we behold."

Our generation is witnessing the acceleration of this withdrawal process The decline in genuine moral and religious commitment has become a cliche of the times.

I think this explanation explains a lot and shows why there is a general lack of love and respect and truth in the world today. (Sorry for the length of this post).

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In August, 1831, Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith: "I, the Lord am angry with the wicked; I am holding my Spirit from the inhabitants of the earth." (D&C 63:32.)

Thanks, I think in the end thats the point I want to make, is that we thinking of these terms spirit and even holy spirit (That King Benjamin uses) is really the Light of Christ. Its more of a spiritual substance then an actually spirit like the Holy Ghost. I think for the most part in the church we learn about the light of christ, but after we are become members the "spirit" defaults to being the Holy Ghost. That isn't the case!

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When He created physically possibly the most difficult part of the creation act was Moses 2:3 "let there be light". This act may have been the first time that the Light of Christ was enacted. Based on our limited knowledge of physics and science this act of creating light requires making a star. It is an impressive undertaking.

I use to look at this that way, but I started to see this more of seperateing things from God's presense. Its later on in the creation process that God creates the Sun, Moon, and Stars. The creating light seems to more deal with seperating the light from the darkness.

I doubt that our intelligence and the Light of Christ are the same sort of thing. And Im still unsure what 'intelligence' is...

I agree. It just seems like both the Light of Christ and Intelligences is something that can grow, and are compared to growing brighter. That the more intelligences I add (what I'm adding that two I don't know) the more light and truth I have in my life.

The next lesson I get to teach is about the Sacrament. I was taught once about Section 93 and grace for grace. And how Christ progressed on this earth. Its actually ties in really well with the Light and in spiritual progression.

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Our Heavenly Father and Christ ARE the light, literally. The light of life, without this Light we could not live because there would be no possibility of life. Without that Light even the Earth would die. It is with that Light of Christ or Spirit of Christ that the organized earth was given life. It gives us life.

Yes the Light of Christ has bathed the earth and that's why we are all able to find Christ, have consciences and have the drive or desire to find the Church and the Holy Ghost. But it is much more than that. It is the reason life, including the life the EARTH is possible, (and the reason that all matter organized by God is able and willing to submit to and obey God) (including the Sun, moon, stars and the Heavens). It is a light that we would not be able to withstand is our earthly state in it's fullness.

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  • 1 month later...

You mentioned that the next lesson you were preparing to teach was on the subject of the sacrament - "The next lesson I get to teach is about the Sacrament. I was taught once about Section 93 and grace for grace. And how Christ progressed on this earth. Its actually ties in really well with the Light and in spiritual progression. "

The sacrament prayer, as you know, contains references to "his spirit". Do you think that this phrase encompasses both the Light of Christ AND the Holy Ghost?

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The gift of the Holy Ghost is a right to constant companionship, that we may "always have his Spirit to be with (us)." (D&C 20:77)

Always Have His Spirit

In highlighting the gift of the Holy Ghost as a distinguishing characteristic of our faith, we need to understand the important differences between (1.) the light of Christ, (2.) a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, and (3.) the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The light of Christ, which is sometimes called the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of God, "giveth light to every man that cometh into the world." (D&C 84:46) This is the light "which is in all things, which giveth life to all things." (D&C 88:13) The prophet Mormon taught that "the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil " (Moroni 7:16; also see v. 19; 2 Ne. 2:5; Hel. 14:31) President Lorenzo Snow spoke of this light when he said, "Everybody has the Spirit of God." (JD 14:304, Jan. 14, 1872) The light of Christ enlightens and gives understanding to all men. (See D&C 84:11)

In contrast, a manifestation of the Holy Ghost is more focused. This manifestation is given to acquaint sincere seekers with the truth about the Lord and his gospel. For example, the prophet Moroni promises that when we study the Book of Mormon and seek to know whether it is true, sincerely and with real intent: God will "manifest" the truth of it unto us "by the power of the Holy Ghost." (Moroni 10:4) Moroni also records this promise from the Risen Lord:

"(H)e that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know and bear record. For because of my Spirit he shall know that these things are true." (Ether 4:11.)

These manifestations are available to everyone. The Book of Mormon declares that the Savior "manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. . . ." (2 Ne. 26:13) To repeat, the light of Christ is given to all men and women that they may know good from evil; manifestations of the Holy Ghost are given to lead sincere seekers to gospel truths that will persuade them to repentance and baptism. The gift of the Holy Ghost is more comprehensive. The prophet Joseph Smith explained,

"There is a difference between the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was baptized, which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the Gospel, but be could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptized. Had he not taken this sign or ordinance upon him, the Holy Ghost which convinced him of the truth of God, would have left him." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 199)

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The light of Christ is a significat part of our existence and progression. One of the terms in scripture used to describe it is intelligence and it has always existed (D&C 93:29).

Divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. It is the law by which all things are governed in heaven and on earth (D&C 88:6–13). It also helps people understand gospel truths and helps to put them on that gospel path which leads to salvation (John 3:19–21; 12:46; Alma 26:15; 32:35; D&C 93:28–29, 31–32, 40, 42).

The light of Christ should not be confused with the Holy Ghost. The light of Christ is not a person. It is an influence that comes from God and prepares a person to receive the Holy Ghost. It is an influence for good in the lives of all people (John 1:9; D&C 84:46–47).

One manifestation of the light of Christ is conscience, which helps a person choose between right and wrong (Moro. 7:16). As people learn more about the gospel, their consciences become more sensitive (Moro. 7:12–19). People who hearken to the light of Christ are led to the gospel of Jesus Christ (D&C 84:46–48). (Light, Light of Christ)



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