Cell Phones At School

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I wonder if this is a problem in your area.

Are cell phones allowed at school?

What happens if you get caught with one?

Is texting a big deal where you are?

Can you text without looking at the buttons?

Can your parents rely to your texts...do they know how?

Who pays for your cell phone?

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I love the fact my son has a cell he takes to school in case of an emergancy but i did get his cell with out tex mess on it also he keeps it turned off and alot of times in his locker, i know kids can us cells to cheat not fair :angry: when colimbine happened alot of kids had cells so they could call police and home to let everyone know what was going on I pay for his phone that way i can get a hold of him when he is out with friends, i do know how to tex to a point but like i say he doesnt have it, now they are not allowed to use them in class here so i know that they can get in trouble if they do. but i dont know how they are punished

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In our school district, cell phones are allowed starting at the middle school. They may not be used during class or during passing periods, but at lunch is OK and before or after school is OK. My daughter bought hers with her own money and buys pre-paid minutes (though she did get some minutes as a Christmas gift). She prefers to text rather than call because it's cheaper. I text her all the time from my home computer (yes, even when she's at school). She can receive texts even when she's out of minutes. She can't text blind (yet), but she has friends who can. A student who gets caught using a cell phone at an inappropriate time gets their phone "taken up" - the student can claim it after school. Third offense, the parent has to claim the phone and the student spends a day in ISS. That's the official rule, but I don't believe it's enforced very often - maybe a student would get ISS for third time in two weeks. Exceptions are made: if a student has reason to expect a call (Mom is very pregnant, or whatever) they can usually explain that to a teacher and keep the phone turned on up at the teacher's desk.

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It had not occurred to me that texting could be used for cheating. :ahhh:

This is a huge problem in our schools around here. Cell phones and I-Pods rob our kids of learning. I went to parent teacher’s conference this week and was told by many teachers that it is an epidemic there. Hoodies are not to be worn up because they think that are covering the headphones to an I-Pod. Hands should be on the desk or teachers will think that you are texting another student. They even go as far as revoking hall passes for students who get caught in the hall on the phone during class.

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It had not occurred to me that texting could be used for cheating. :ahhh:

This is a huge problem in our schools around here. Cell phones and I-Pods rob our kids of learning. I went to parent teacher’s conference this week and was told by many teachers that it is an epidemic there. Hoodies are not to be worn up because they think that are covering the headphones to an I-Pod. Hands should be on the desk or teachers will think that you are texting another student. They even go as far as revoking hall passes for students who get caught in the hall on the phone during class.

it is sad that kids abuse things that could be a good thing when needed. ya they cheat they can put the answers to tests on their phones and cheat GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i think if a child has a phone it should be turned off and in their locker or car. but it has saved my butt a few times when they have an emergency and the office is to busy to let them use the phone. theyare not allowed to use office phones unless the sec. calls for them and there is only one pay phone and it's only excessable at night during games....so if they cancell school due to a snow storm while the kids are in school (happens alot here ) the phone is backed up. also when their sick or want to go some where after school.
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Are cell phones allowed at school?

Yes. The Sixth form (two years before university) are allowed to use them whenever appropriate. Students are discouraged from bearing mobile phones but for some it is an almost necessity. I know if it wasn't for my mobile I wouldn't be able to do as much as I do. (extra curricular activities etc)

What happens if you get caught with one?

Nothing, but if it is in a meeting you get severely frowned at. The lower school might have their phone confiscated off them if caught with it on in lessons but they will get it back at the end of the school day.

Is texting a big deal where you are?

Yes, I don't personally use texts, too expensive and not as fun as talking

Can you text without looking at the buttons?

No....and I have had a phone for about 6 years. I never really use my mobile but now I am on contract I try to use up my text allowence.

Can your parents rely to your texts...do they know how?

I assume this is "reply to your texs". Yes both of my parents are phone literate :)

Who pays for your cell phone?

My mum. :blush:

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It had not occurred to me that texting could be used for cheating. :ahhh:

This is a huge problem in our schools around here. Cell phones and I-Pods rob our kids of learning. I went to parent teacher’s conference this week and was told by many teachers that it is an epidemic there. Hoodies are not to be worn up because they think that are covering the headphones to an I-Pod. Hands should be on the desk or teachers will think that you are texting another student. They even go as far as revoking hall passes for students who get caught in the hall on the phone during class.

it is sad that kids abuse things that could be a good thing when needed. ya they cheat they can put the answers to tests on their phones and cheat GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i think if a child has a phone it should be turned off and in their locker or car. but it has saved my butt a few times when they have an emergency and the office is to busy to let them use the phone. theyare not allowed to use office phones unless the sec. calls for them and there is only one pay phone and it's only excessable at night during games....so if they cancell school due to a snow storm while the kids are in school (happens alot here ) the phone is backed up. also when their sick or want to go some where after school.

I would never post the answers to an exam through mobile phone.....why?

Why would I want to have a lower chance of passing by giving someone else the answers :sparklygrin: .

As for MP3 players, I have mine on during a lot of my classes, my Art class, my English Language class and sometimes music. Usually I just have backing music on, I work better with music. I don't know how I would do art without music...it is a necessity.

Some teachers don't mind I-pods, some hate them and some even encourage them.

(my school sounds really unstrict compared to yours :unsure: )

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Guest Gilvisto

I hate cell phones in my school. They wouldn't bother me except for the fact that in choir (my passion), half the girls won't do anything because they sit there and text the whole time. Verrrrrry perturbing... if I spelled that right... lol...


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yeah here if ur caught with them during school they are taken...i don't have a cell phone..i don't really need one at the moment...if i need one i just take one of my parents...if i wanted a cell phone i would have to pay for it myself and since i don't particularly need one im not wasting the money that i don't have lol

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I have a cell phone. I have to pay for it.. :P I like it though, mostly for texting. I can, sadly enough, text without looking. (shows what little life i have..) Cell phones aren't allowed at my school, they have to be turned off and in your backpack (we don't have lockers). If you need to call your parents though most teachers will let you use it as long as you stay in the classroom. (so you don't disturb others.) My parents don't have texting on their phones, but they will send me a text every once in awhile, who knows why.. Texting is a big deal here, my friend who didn't have texting got a bill for $54 because of all the texts he was getting. (Its 10 cents a text, his bill was normally $10!!!) I just got texting because everyone was trying to send me texts and it was cheaper to pay the extra $5 for unlimited than to try and tell them all to stop. lol. And now I'm hooked and i love texting. :D

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