Inactive turning 12.


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So my nephew is turning 12 next week. They rarely go to church (like once in the past 6 months) My sister told me today that she was gonna call my dad and ask if he would ordain him. I told her I think she should ask him (my nephew) if he even wants to be a deacon (he didn't even know what it was when my other sister asked him). Anyway she had him baptized when they were inactive and he didn't even want to be baptized. I just don't think she should put that responsibility on him when he doesn't go to church. Am I being unrealistic in my thinking? I mean if I didn't go to church I wouldn't force it upon my kids, not that I force it now.

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He cannot be ordained without an interview and approval by the bishop. The bishop will consider things like attendance to Church, testimony, desire, etc. If your nephew isn't ready to make a covenant with the Lord, he shouldn't be forced to make it.

I truely hope this is the case. it seems sometime they just want the numbers. I mean he fought with her about being baptized but in the end was baptized. If he had no desire why was he approved for it?

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honestly I think it is for my parents

Are your parents aware that they don't participate in church? If so, why would they be glad to give a boy responsibility (and accountability) when he's neither willing nor ready to take it seriously? If your nephew ever decides to be an active member, he can get ordained then.

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Are your parents aware that they don't participate in church? If so, why would they be glad to give a boy responsibility (and accountability) when he's neither willing nor ready to take it seriously? If your nephew ever decides to be an active member, he can get ordained then.

Sadly there are those that worry more about titles, appearances and milestones, than what they actually mean and stand for.

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From my personal experience, I didnʻt want to be baptized. I was interviewed to see if I was worthy and was approved for baptism. I had questions, I wanted to understand what was going on. The Bishop said donʻt worry about it, donʻt be nervous. He was a good man, I just donʻt think he understood that I wasnʻt trying to be a child. I really wanted to understand baptism before I was baptized. That clouded my thinking about the church for many years. In the end I accepted that he was just a man and doing what he thought was best. Iʻm active and hold callings in church, but it was a bumpy road. My baptism was always a sticking point for years.

So what that in mind and from what you said, it sounds like she wants him ordained to make her father happy or proud of her. Or maybe she thinks itʻll make him a good boy? Or sheʻs afraid of the shame of not having him progress like the other boys. I agree with Soulsearcher on this one, some people are more interested in titles and appearances than truly understanding what is important about the gospel.

From an earthly perspective, Iʻd say that he shouldnʻt be ordained unless he wants to. Itʻs an important step in a manʻs development in the church. It would be best to wait until he decides he wants it. Which probably wonʻt happen unless his family is going to church. From an eternal perspective, if he is "forced" to become ordained a deacon, I donʻt think Heavenly Father will punish him for the acts of his parents. He will look into his heart to truly understand him and judge him accordingly.

I hope everything works out. Good luck!

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I truely hope this is the case. it seems sometime they just want the numbers. I mean he fought with her about being baptized but in the end was baptized. If he had no desire why was he approved for it?

If a child is 9 years old or older, he is a convert baptism. The bishop has little say in the baptism, as it goes entirely through the missionaries. But the bishop has full authority over who is ordained to the priesthood.

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