Conversation Advice


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hi im in high school and im a male could i get some advice from guys and girls to start conversations with girls you slightly know and what topics to talk about and what to say that the would not think your saying it just to.

ecspecially when your dancing what kind of stupid things can you say that they will not think is weird and that would start a long conversationthank you

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Wow i remember those days, Ya know i have to say that girls have the same problem, ya feel okward and dont know what to talk about, my suggestion is ask her about herself, or comment on her dancing or what she is wearing, ( make it a clean comment of course nothing turns a girl off like nasty talk) girls love it when guys notice things like that, Then they start talking :D

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lisajo is right on. You can never go wrong with a sincere compliment. "Your hair looks great!" "That shade of green really makes your eyes stand out."

If you know the girl from school or Church, you might ask or comment about something you attended together, especially something she did or said that you noticed. "I liked what you said about haivng the missionaries over for dinner at the Bishop's Youth Discussion. It really made me think." "Are you planning to stay in Mrs. Brines' English class, or do you think you'll switch at the semester?"

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Very good points.

However a good conversation is a spontanius conversation so never plan what you are going to say.

Don't come out with anything geeky or specialist (unless you two are both obsessed with the object in question), you wouldn't walk up to a random person and ask "so what is your favourite type of trim for a zelkova japonica bonsai tree?" :P

Small talk first BUT don't keep it in small talk, I know too many people who can't progress from small talk :( , they appear shallow (though they may not be) and shallowness is a quality you want to avoid. Also try to keep on topic, when you drift off topic you are likely to say something embarressing. :blush:

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WOW! I ask people what their toothbrush color is... most don't actually know.. haha

I also ask what their favorite color or pastry is.. just completely random things like that. It gets people laughing and when you laugh you bond. Treat girls like friends, even if you really don't know them. (It works for girls in my experience anyway.. I just treated this dude that I liked like we were friends and now we are! lol) Hope this helps!

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WOW! I ask people what their toothbrush color is... most don't actually know.. haha

I also ask what their favorite color or pastry is.. just completely random things like that. It gets people laughing and when you laugh you bond. Treat girls like friends, even if you really don't know them. (It works for girls in my experience anyway.. I just treated this dude that I liked like we were friends and now we are! lol) Hope this helps!

also just keep the conversations simple and stupid.

simplicity can start a good conversation

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Treat girls like friends, even if you really don't know them. (It works for girls in my experience anyway.. I just treated this dude that I liked like we were friends and now we are! lol) Hope this helps!

Very good advice, we should do this with everyone. :)

Don't use pick up lines, it makes you appear less than sincere.

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What I like to do is to invite the person to jam with me, I am a pianist and all my friends are talented muscians. It is quite strange, I know very few people who aren't musical.....we have this sort of magnetism :D .

But really playing an instrument is a great way of bonding. Tomorrow I am going to play the pipe organ and my friend (who is a girl) will play the violin with me....I am so looking forward!

Also girls love someone who can play an instrument confidently. :)

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Yeah- I don't play any instruments but its so much fun hanging with guys that do. My one friend (tried) to teach me and my other friend how to play the Jaws theme on the Cello. lol. My friend got pretty good at it too! (I won't mention myself.. haha)

Also- simple is good. Don't try to be a smart-alek or act like your superior its just annoying. Simple and sweet.

(I think pick-up lines are hilarious! but not when they're actually used, my friends and I joke around w/ them- but don't do that until you know the chick a little better!)

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Yeah- I don't play any instruments but its so much fun hanging with guys that do. My one friend (tried) to teach me and my other friend how to play the Jaws theme on the Cello. lol. My friend got pretty good at it too! (I won't mention myself.. haha)

Also- simple is good. Don't try to be a smart-alek or act like your superior its just annoying. Simple and sweet.

(I think pick-up lines are hilarious! but not when they're actually used, my friends and I joke around w/ them- but don't do that until you know the chick a little better!)

i sometimes have the same trouble like you rhorrocks but just be intrested in them as a human being and just show intrest

i was told that along time

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one guy once asked me what the color of my toothbrush is...that was hilarious and we laughed the entire time we talked so just jump in and ask silly stuff! :)

I personally use that one a lot too, haha actually I think I've overused it a bit, it works with some girls but I have definately had some who are like what the heck are you talking about and just get more awkward. I think something that is really great to get a conversation going or to get them talking to you is to find maybe some common interest ground, like the other day I was at a region dance and I found out that this girl was a freshman, that she loved to sing and was in the concert choir at school, I told her about me being a Senior in Madrigals (Singing group) at our school and for the rest of the dance she had this big excited smile on her face while we were dancing and we had a great conversation about vocals.

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one guy once asked me what the color of my toothbrush is...that was hilarious and we laughed the entire time we talked so just jump in and ask silly stuff! :)

I personally use that one a lot too, haha actually I think I've overused it a bit, it works with some girls but I have definately had some who are like what the heck are you talking about and just get more awkward. I think something that is really great to get a conversation going or to get them talking to you is to find maybe some common interest ground, like the other day I was at a region dance and I found out that this girl was a freshman, that she loved to sing and was in the concert choir at school, I told her about me being a Senior in Madrigals (Singing group) at our school and for the rest of the dance she had this big excited smile on her face while we were dancing and we had a great conversation about vocals.

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