Josh M

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Everything posted by Josh M

  1. Josh M


    moms are the enemy when ur a teenager. Its just the way it goes But hopefully if all goes well he shall come around like I did =\
  2. Sorry, i ment the fact by the way you USE it. As in if you go looking for trouble, you will find it. Be smart on the internet, not stupid. Saying the general authorities were idiots was FAR from what I ment. Sorry.
  3. wow twist my words more please.... I never said that they are idiots. I would never say anything like that because its far from what I believe. Please show a little more respect thanks.
  4. Josh, just how many of us common people know exactly what we are doing on the internet/computer? How many 12-13-14, etc. year olds know what they are doing on the internet/computer?? Get real. When I stated that my Stake President informed us - that is exaclty what happened. For your (everyone, actually) information a Stake President can NOT just opt to relate a Cyber theory - or story - or legend. Before he makes any type of announcement like the one my Stake President made, he must have written approval from the First Presidency. Doubt me? Then go ask your Stake President. I did before I ever started that link. I also asked his permission to post it. Im not saying that you are lying, i believe you. All im saying is that everyone SHOULD know what they are doing. Myspace can be a safe and spirutal place IF you handle it correctly. All of my friends have myspace and its a way for us to commiunicate. My Bishop has myspace and we make appointments for hometeaching through myspace. All of his daughters have myspace too. Myspace isnt all bad, it depends on the way you use it. I block the pornagraphic ads that are displayed, I dont go around to random peoples profiles. You can set your profile to private. Just dont be an idiot and you are fine.
  5. heh thats pretty funny. Im glad everything is ok for now. It breaks my heart to hear of your grandchildren's and son in law's situation. They well get through if they have faith
  6. If you know what your doing you usually dont have to worry about it infecting your machine. =\
  7. Yeah its about time I do the same...but I love playing in CAL
  8. Hello, Id be glad to answer any questions you have or help you work things out Hey i noticed your from mesa! We are only 2 hours away from eachother ><
  9. It is a difficult thing to get over, but it can be done. Be very careful because this is one thing that destroyed my family.
  10. I am persoanlly happy with the regular TV setup. I enjoy a computer much more than a TV. =\
  11. Josh M

    Bad Marriage....

    Just calling it the way I see it.
  12. Counter Strike Source and World of Warcraft are the two im addicted to right now
  13. telling her that she is fat is the best comment you can ever give a girl. Go try it
  14. my birthday is this tuesday >< the big 1 - 8 Happy birthday everyone
  15. My ward is full of Newlyweds and NearlyDeads =\
  16. Why thankyou. I’ve had a lot of experiences with this major trial in my life. I can finally see many wonderful blessing that I’ve gained from such a big trial. The thing I treasure most from this situation in my life is the fact that I will better be able to see paths that will lead to separation and divorce and avoid them. I hope things turn out for the best for you're family. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." -Ether 12:27
  17. I am very sorry to hear this. I have had some experience with this from a child’s point of view. My parents got divorced when I was around 12 years old (I’m 17 now). I can see the poor choices my father had made and how quickly it turns into separation and divorce. Wickedness does not promote rational thought. It doesn’t make any sense to us as to why someone would leave their children but when people make wicked choices, they get confused, lost, and they no longer are close to their heavenly father. It all starts with the little things; violent shows and movies, shows that express a little sexual content. Then it all adds up, and adds up, then poor choices on the internet. They want to feel happy, but in turn they are only finding a temporary pleasure that will soon feel like hell. Then again it might not to them. They might have gotten in so deep that they lost their light of Christ. It can be very hard sometimes, but you must find ways to love them every though their choices go against everything you have taught them.
  18. thats wonderful deazone! Im glad things went well for you.
  19. MEEE TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just graduated tonight also :) it was pretty cool!
  20. Josh M


    wow! A woman who actually has NOTHING to say! lol jk sorry....that was rude of me but i had to say it. welcome! Im Josh. How are you doing?
  21. even tho i really dont enjoy rap, i would still like to listen to it. Can you rip a copy to your computer and send me a copy?
  22. I would have to agree with Palerider even tho i dont have kids.