Surety of salvation? or can Christians really not lose their salvation?


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The LDS view of salvation means to be rescued from death and hell and brought back into the presence of God. Resurrection rescues us from physical death, but not spiritual death. Those who are resurrected include sons of perdition, who are not saved but will forever be cast into Outer Darkness. John the Revelator describes it as a place of hell fire and brimstone.

It means little to be resurrected but to receive no glory nor the presence of God (whether it is full presence of God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost) in a kingdom of glory.

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The Bible clearly teaches that the Resurrection will include those destined for judgement as well as those destined for Glory. Your right... our resurrection means nothing. But Christ's resurrection becomes the sign and the seal, the proof, that He is God and His sacrifice has made propitiation on the Christian's behalf.

"There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust."—Acts 24:15.

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Thanks Madeliene1!

I appreciate your taking the time to clarify. Being Reformed, my understanding is quite opposite from yours, so I wanted to take the time to understand what you are saying more fully. Honestly, I'm not quite sure I understand where you're coming from, but I appreciate your taking the time to address my questions all the same.

:) The important thing is, Salvation is a gift, which no one has or will earn. The Sacrifice of the Son is a divine act of charity, that is, perfect love.


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