Book of Jeraneck?


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I have given the definition of what GOD calls a believer not men and what GOD calls an unbeliever.

How you classify yourself is up to you.


How nice. So you cowardly throw God out in front of your delirious nonsense in an attempt to re-write history in a pathetic way to twist and deflect. How vulgar.

Have you know that I'm still offended at your insinuation that because I am divorced that I'm a follower of Satan. No amount of deflecting will change that. Thus, I have begun to report every post you have done that is either offensive, or full of your twisted version of the Gospel.

But then you're going to come back that the righteous are always persecuted. Sad.

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One will not be deceived if he holds on tight to the Spirit of GOD. I would not teach any man to follow him. If a man does not Believe the BOM then he will not believe his book either. But if a man has a true testimony of the BOM, why should he go to follow after another book?

Do you read your own posts? What kind of twisted logic is this? If one does not believe in the Book of Mormon, they will not believe in this other book, insinuating that if they do believe in the Book of Mormon, they will believe that book. Then in the same sentence, you say that if one has a true testimony of the Book of Mormon, then they will not follow after any other book. What? You say you have a Testimony of the Book of Mormon, but you excuse this other book. What is going on inside your head? Are you for real?

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The adversary will not win but be overcome in the end. Yet are we better than the Apostles of old whom GOD said:

D&C 64:8 - My disciples, in days of old, sought occasion against one another and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened.

For our divisions which come more by lack of tolerance, understanding and compassion and forgiveness. There shall be sore afflictions because of this perhaps greater than in the early days of our church.


Reading this thread reminds me so much of all the dissidence towards the LDS church~I remember going back to Missouri to visit my mom and seeing so many splinter groups from our church.....Then there is so much anti-mormon material and sentiment out there. The adversary is really going strong to divert everyone he can from the truth. I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! There is so much sentiment out there against us that I look at it as though we are in the eye of a storm. Weathering this storm and remaining true and faithful to our covenants is key.....It is so easy to be diverted by the static noise of the adversary. I would rather keep my eye on the truths of the gospel; prayer, scripture study, regular church attendance, etc., then on all the ways I can be diverted from doing this.

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The adversary will not win but be overcome in the end. Yet are we better than the Apostles of old whom GOD said:

D&C 64:8 - My disciples, in days of old, sought occasion against one another and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened.

For our divisions which come more by lack of tolerance, understanding and compassion and forgiveness. There shall be sore afflictions because of this perhaps greater than in the early days of our church.


So, you are saying that we should not be divided from

another man who claims to be God's Prophet?

If we have another opinion on that

and speak our mind we are causing divisions?

Just asking:cool:

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The adversary will not win but be overcome in the end. Yet are we better than the Apostles of old whom GOD said:

D&C 64:8 - My disciples, in days of old, sought occasion against one another and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened.

For our divisions which come more by lack of tolerance, understanding and compassion and forgiveness. There shall be sore afflictions because of this perhaps greater than in the early days of our church.


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You really need to stop smoking the cheap stuff.

What I find incredible is that you have thus far failed to answer my question:

The Stuff I give is the restoration of some of the knowledge that men and women have lost or disregarded over time. Today's men and woman have lost their way...and cannot understand why the divorce rate is so great today.

I can tell you why the divorce rate is so high even amongst is always the same is because the people refuse to follow the right ways of GOD and reject the scriptures and instead have substituted them for the philosophies of Satan. Being of a different faith put extra stresses on the relationship and cause divisions within and adds to the divorce rate.

Your insinuation is Because I am divorced, am I a follower of Satan. Is this a true statement or are you going to hide behind your supposed religious superiority to dodge the question again?

Edited by slamjet
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I have a testimony of the BOM. Yet I do not follow after the book. Why because they who truly believe in GOD will believe the words that are in it. And words because they are true, will Echo within as it will be in harmony with the Spirit of GOD...and the Spirit shall speak peace to the soul.

For we do not follow after books but after the Spirit of GOD.

So you see if a man will not believe the BOM which is the account of Ancient civilizations and their gospel on this land neither will he believe the account of another book detailing the rise and fall of another ancient civilization.

Now, they who believe the BOM and have learned of it....need not another book for the BOM contains the fullness of the gospel. So why should they follow after another book?


Do you read your own posts? What kind of twisted logic is this? If one does not believe in the Book of Mormon, they will not believe in this other book, insinuating that if they do believe in the Book of Mormon, they will believe that book. Then in the same sentence, you say that if one has a true testimony of the Book of Mormon, then they will not follow after any other book. What? You say you have a Testimony of the Book of Mormon, but you excuse this other book. What is going on inside your head? Are you for real?

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I have a testimony of the BOM. Yet I do not follow after the book. Why because they who truly believe in GOD will believe the words that are in it. And words because they are true, will Echo within as it will be in harmony with the Spirit of GOD...and the Spirit shall speak peace to the soul.

For we do not follow after books but after the Spirit of GOD.

So you see if a man will not believe the BOM which is the account of Ancient civilizations and their gospel on this land neither will he believe the account of another book detailing the rise and fall of another ancient civilization.

Now, they who believe the BOM and have learned of it....need not another book for the BOM contains the fullness of the gospel. So why should they follow after another book?


Good question.

"Follow after"?

You should use the words "accept as Scripture".

Now do we throw out the D&C, PofGP, and the Bible

Because we accept the BOM as Scripture?

Now this other book of which we speak is only a book.

Not brought forth by a prophet.

Not Scripture.

Yet it proclaims to be so and you others

say we should not judge it and to do so causes divisions.


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You really need to stop smoking the cheap stuff.

What I find incredible is that you have thus far failed to answer my question:

Your insinuation is Because I am divorced, am I a follower of Satan. Is this a true statement or are you going to hide behind your supposed religious superiority to dodge the question again?

What does your heart and conscience say? Examine the fruits and you will know whom you labored for. Whence your wages [fruits] come from? There your master will be revealed.

God gave us this knowledge on how things works to help us identify when we go wrong and so we can repent and change who we are listening to.

Again it is not up to me to say who you follow.


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For myself when I say BOM it means the Other books as well that J. Smith has given us. The same Spirit that gave us the BOM proper gave us the other books as well.

"Accepting as Scriptures" is good I suppose. But that is not what came to me when I wrote the post. I was "feeling more" like posting..."Follow after" meaning after the Spirit.

For you it may matter but for me it does not matter what others claim. A true Spiritual seeker (which Isaiah calls wayfaring man) ask, seeks and knocks because one has truly a hunger. God said...that He will teach us line upon line, truth upon truth, a little here and a little there. So who knows where and when the next bit of truth shall come from. God does not act nor do things as we expect them. And them that wait for the Lord to act and do according to their way of things are going to miss out on a lot of things.

Also,I have never said that this book is scriptures. Neither have I said it is evil. For the teachings of GOD is "Whatsover teaches men that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD is of GOD. I did not say this...GOD said it. The antichrist will never teach men to love GOD nor that Jesus is the Son of GOD.


Good question.

"Follow after"?

You should use the words "accept as Scripture".

Now do we throw out the D&C, PofGP, and the Bible

Because we accept the BOM as Scripture?

Now this other book of which we speak is only a book.

Not brought forth by a prophet.

Not Scripture.

Yet it proclaims to be so and you others

say we should not judge it and to do so causes divisions.


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. . . Neither have I said it is evil. For the teachings of GOD is "Whatsover teaches men that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD is of GOD. I did not say this...GOD said it. The antichrist will never teach men to love GOD nor that Jesus is the Son of GOD.


Arsenic mixed with honey will never be good for food.

It has all the ingredient to support and even enhance life but. . .

Does a book that contains spiritual food

yet is laced with spiritual poison contain

healthy ingredients for all but the

chemist of the highest order?:eek:

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What does your heart and conscience say? Examine the fruits and you will know whom you labored for. Whence your wages [fruits] come from? There your master will be revealed.

God gave us this knowledge on how things works to help us identify when we go wrong and so we can repent and change who we are listening to.

Again it is not up to me to say who you follow.


I'm asking you the question. You're the one who passed judgment, you're the one who posted what you did. You're the one who performs "hit and run" posting. You're the one who called me a follower of Satan. You're the one who dodges and evades. I do believe you found that you crossed a line. That can be the only explanation as to why you will not directly answer my question; because you cannot be seen as doing anything wrong for risk of shattering your self-made superior world. I also get from your posts that you see me as inferior, again, a follower of Satan. And that is sad.

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The Hindus say that when a guru or master becomes fully enlightened, he no longer needs their scriptures, for he within himself, being attuned to God, is living scripture.

The now-deceased alchemist Jean Dubuis said that once one had been initiated into the mysteries of godliness, he/she could then throw away all the books, for they then had the best teacher of all, within.

I think maybe that's the sort of thing bert10 is saying?


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The Hindus say that when a guru or master becomes fully enlightened, he no longer needs their scriptures, for he within himself, being attuned to God, is living scripture.

The now-deceased alchemist Jean Dubuis said that once one had been initiated into the mysteries of godliness, he/she could then throw away all the books, for they then had the best teacher of all, within.

I think maybe that's the sort of thing bert10 is saying?


No, he said that because I'm divorced, me and my ex are followers of Satan. And now he's hiding behind convoluted garbage to excuse and distance himself from his post. And I'd be scared of anyone who thinks they're beyond needing the scriptures.

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convoluted ... my new favorite word and Slam the sad thing is he/she believes what is spewing out. Why don't we all throw in the towel according to his beliefs most of us are already doomed and there is no hope. How did having a bank account become serving Satan ??? To many crazy posts to go over but I am damned cause I had a child out of wedlock, been divorced and well according to the poster serve Satan on a daily basis ..... Really I am just blown away by the lack of logic.

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convoluted ... my new favorite word and Slam the sad thing is he/she believes what is spewing out. Why don't we all throw in the towel according to his beliefs most of us are already doomed and there is no hope. How did having a bank account become serving Satan ??? To many crazy posts to go over but I am damned cause I had a child out of wedlock, been divorced and well according to the poster serve Satan on a daily basis ..... Really I am just blown away by the lack of logic.

You evil, evil person you :guilty: Only makes me like you more :evilbanana:

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One will not be deceived if he holds on tight to the Spirit of GOD. I would not teach any man to follow him. If a man does not Believe the BOM then he will not believe his book either. But if a man has a true testimony of the BOM, why should he go to follow after another book?

And GOD said whatsoever teach men that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD then it is of GOD.

And if this man is deceived and is not of GOD then he will not succeed. When the leader of a true cult does the cult.

Tell me who first turns against this Church and becomes its worst enemy when times are hard? And they are coming.


So, according to your teaching here, anyone that says that Jesus is the Son of God, that person's writings/sayings is of God?

How about Calvin's writings on TULIP? Are they of God? How about the teachings of the Trinity? Are they of God (sorry PC and Dr T, this to be answered by LDS only)?

There are true doctrines, and false ones. There are things sent down from God, and there are the things of man and Satan (3 Ne 27). The things of man and Satan will bring happiness for a moment, but then comes the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

As I said, as a book of fiction the BoJ is okay. But the claims for it made by its author/translator place it in a totally different environment. To accept it fully for what it claims to be, means I must reject Thomas S. Monson as prophet of God. There is no in between.

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I have a testimony of the BOM. Yet I do not follow after the book. Why because they who truly believe in GOD will believe the words that are in it. And words because they are true, will Echo within as it will be in harmony with the Spirit of GOD...and the Spirit shall speak peace to the soul.

For we do not follow after books but after the Spirit of GOD.

So you see if a man will not believe the BOM which is the account of Ancient civilizations and their gospel on this land neither will he believe the account of another book detailing the rise and fall of another ancient civilization.

Now, they who believe the BOM and have learned of it....need not another book for the BOM contains the fullness of the gospel. So why should they follow after another book?


So then, why are you defending the Book of Jeraneck? If we do not need any other book besides the Book of Mormon, then we do not need the BoJ. This is especially true if the book, even though it teaches good things, is not sent from God, no?

Bert, I can't quite figure out where you are coming from, because your statements keep changing. It is like trying to shoot at a moving target that darts around in every direction. Having a conversation means each person must present their best arguments, but also to listen to the other side. In this (and other threads) you seem to be all over the place. Haven't you noticed how not just one or two, but dozens of good LDS people here seem to think you are off-balanced in many of your statements? Where there are two or more witnesses, it usually seems we should consider what the witnesses are saying!

As for open-minded, I agree we should be open-minded. However, we should not be so open-minded that our brains fall out. The LDS members here, by and large, have strong testimonies of the Book of Mormon and modern prophets. Gill has made a faith claim that goes contrary to the teachings of the modern prophets AND the Book of Mormon - so why should they be open-minded about a book that is based on deception (either Gill's or Satan's in deceiving Gill)? Remember that Korihor also taught a belief system that was taught to him by a devil, pretending to be an angel of light (Alma 30). We should use caution on things taught that are not in keeping with modern TRUE prophets.

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The Hindus say that when a guru or master becomes fully enlightened, he no longer needs their scriptures, for he within himself, being attuned to God, is living scripture.

The now-deceased alchemist Jean Dubuis said that once one had been initiated into the mysteries of godliness, he/she could then throw away all the books, for they then had the best teacher of all, within.

I think maybe that's the sort of thing bert10 is saying? HiJolly

I got that, and I appreciate that concept.:)

My problem with part of the concept is that I

understood God to tell us that much of what

He has to teach us He has already told us.:o

It has to do with us asking for more revelations.:mellow:

Now where do you think we are to look for this

already dispensed knowledge and teachings?:o

Personal instruction for our daily decisions?

Right I got that completely.:cool:

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I got that, and I appreciate that concept.:)

My problem with part of the concept is that I

understood God to tell us that much of what

He has to teach us He has already told us.:o

It has to do with us asking for more revelations.:mellow:

Now where do you think we are to look for this

already dispensed knowledge and teachings?:o

Personal instruction for our daily decisions?

Right I got that completely.:cool:

I agree, Johnny.


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Here is how it works by the mouth of Jesus....

Satan is a liar..he cannot tell the truth ever. It is against His nature. But He will use Logic to make what he says seeming to be true. Truth will never come from Satan...the teachings to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and things like this cannot come from Satan.

John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I hear a lot of foolishness in our church such as Satan will tell the truth 99% of the time and then slip in a lie. They who say this stuff do not know the scriptures nor believe in the teachings of Christ and do not understand the nature of Satan as compared to that of them who are in the Light. Satan cannot tell the truth because there is no truth in him. - Jesus said so.

Satan cannot tell the truth.

When a thing teaches to Love to forgive, to have mercy and compassion it is of GOD. And they who have love and teach it...are born of GOD and knoweth GOD.

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God

The fruits of light and love are very different from the fruits of fears, Illusions, hate, envy etc.

Again I am revealing to you important keys that in the future that you may not deceived or scared into rejecting what is of GOD.

The words of GOD are pretty clear and there are other examples I could have used. Ancient Israel rejected the teachings of Christ and of the Apostles because they would not listen to the Spirit nor taste the fruits of the doctrines of Jesus.

Again I am not saying that the book is evil or anything else about. But let each who decide to read it ...see if after if he feels closer to GOD or not.

But if one finds in that book...being urged to love GOD and our neighbors...then that part of it is of GOD. Knowing that the Spirit of the AntiChrist will never do this. For there is no truth in him. This spirit hates his brothers and Satan is a murderer from the beginning.


Arsenic mixed with honey will never be good for food.

It has all the ingredient to support and even enhance life but. . .

Does a book that contains spiritual food

yet is laced with spiritual poison contain

healthy ingredients for all but the

chemist of the highest order?:eek:

Edited by bert10
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Here is how it works by the mouth of Jesus....

Satan is a liar..he cannot tell the truth ever. It is against His nature. But He will use Logic to make what he says true. Truth that will never come from teachings to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and things like this.

John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I hear a lot of foolishness in our church such as Satan will tell the truth 99% of the time and then slip in a lie. They who say this stuff do not know the scriptures nor believe in the teachings of Christ do not understand the nature of Satan as compared to that of them who are in the Light. Satan cannot tell the truth because there is no truth in him. - Jesus said so.

Satan cannot tell the truth.

When men teach to Love to forgive, to have mercy and compassion it is of GOD. And they who have love and teach born of GOD and knoweth GOD.

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God

The fruits of light and love are very different from the fruits of fears, Illusions, hate, envy etc.

Again I am revealing to you important keys that in the future that you may not deceived or scared into rejecting what is of GOD.

The words of GOD are pretty clear and there are other examples I could have used. Ancient Israel rejected the teachings of Christ and of the Apostles because they would not listen to the Spirit nor taste the fruits of the doctrines of Jesus.

Again I am not saying that the book is evil or anything else about. But liet each who decide to read ...see if after if he feels closer to GOD or not.

But if one finds in that book...being urged to love GOD and our neighbors...then that part of it is of GOD. For the Spirit of the AntiChrist will never do this. For there is no truth in him. This spirit hates his brothers and Satan is a murderer from the beginning.


You're full of it, as well as yourself. I doubt you'd know the word of God if it smacked you between the eyes. You are forked-tongue in your words so grow up.

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Here is how it works by the mouth of Jesus....

Satan is a liar..he cannot tell the truth ever. It is against His nature. But He will use Logic to make what he says seeming to be true. Truth will never come from Satan...the teachings to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and things like this cannot come from Satan.

John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I hear a lot of foolishness in our church such as Satan will tell the truth 99% of the time and then slip in a lie. They who say this stuff do not know the scriptures nor believe in the teachings of Christ and do not understand the nature of Satan as compared to that of them who are in the Light. Satan cannot tell the truth because there is no truth in him. - Jesus said so.

Satan cannot tell the truth.

When a thing teaches to Love to forgive, to have mercy and compassion it is of GOD. And they who have love and teach it...are born of GOD and knoweth GOD.

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God

The fruits of light and love are very different from the fruits of fears, Illusions, hate, envy etc.

Again I am revealing to you important keys that in the future that you may not deceived or scared into rejecting what is of GOD.

The words of GOD are pretty clear and there are other examples I could have used. Ancient Israel rejected the teachings of Christ and of the Apostles because they would not listen to the Spirit nor taste the fruits of the doctrines of Jesus.

Again I am not saying that the book is evil or anything else about. But let each who decide to read it ...see if after if he feels closer to GOD or not.

But if one finds in that book...being urged to love GOD and our neighbors...then that part of it is of GOD. Knowing that the Spirit of the AntiChrist will never do this. For there is no truth in him. This spirit hates his brothers and Satan is a murderer from the beginning.


The TRUTH is that God can not lie. The TRUTH is that Heavenly Father and Christ rejected the Church being discussed telling Joseph (who was asking which Church was TRUE) that NONE of the Churches were TRUE. PERIOD. That's the plain truth. Period

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