New to temple work... Need help


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Ok so here's the deal, I'm going to temple to do work today for the first time and I'm looking for any tips on what to do.... and what not to do. Temple etiquette if you will. My buddy who is an old timer was kind enough to baptized me told me that you don't wear anything under the jumpsuit but another member told me not to forget a towel and a change of underwear. So which is it underwear or o'natural :-) ?? Are changing rooms private or are they like the gym? I am a new member so I only have a restricted recommend. Where am I allowed to go and where am I not allowed to go? Because of my work schedule I haven't gotten a chance know the guys in my ward that well yet so any help you can give me would be great. Thanks

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You are going to do your own endowment?

If so, wear your underwear and take a new pair of unopened garments. The temple will provide everything else.

Everything is private and respectful.

ARe you going to do Baptisms for the Dead? Again...where your underwear. The temple will provide the clothes you will change into to do the baptisms.

ADDITION: For your first trip to the temple for either Baptisms or for your Endowment, there will be a temple worker to guide you through the whole thing. Even after you have been once, there will always be someone close by to ask questions.

Edited by applepansy
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It sounds like you are doing Baptisms for the Dead. Don't worry about getting lost. If they can wrangle a couple dozen 12 year olds, they can guide you as well.

The changing rooms are private with little stalls for each person with a locker for your clothes. Wear white underwear. They will proved the rest, although you may want to bring your own towel.

Actually the temple changing rooms are more private that the ward changing rooms which in my experience was just a room with benches and hooks on the wall.

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it's recommended (no pun intended lol) that you bring a change of underclothing in addition to your limited recommend and any family names you wish to have started at that time.

the dressing areas are very private. you'll have your own locker where you'll put your belongings. an ordinance worker will be nearby at all times to assist you at any time. just remember to speak, if necessary, in a subdued tone or one that would be respectful and reverent in the Lord's House.

most of all: enjoy the experience! the first time is always the best :)

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