Elder's Quorum Brotherhood

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"Just about anyone" is not realistic... if you consider there are inactive and not-as-active and active-but-really-busy and regular-active and hyper-active in all quoroms...

In our Elder's Quorum/HPG, it's not really that you can call just about anyone... but rather there always someone you can call on at about anytime...

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In our Elder's Quorum/HPG, it's not really that you can call just about anyone... but rather there always someone you can call on at about anytime...

Just semantics.

I haven't always felt that way. In fact in most wards I haven't felt that way. I was in one ward in Utah that I did. But I think it was because we were all building homes at the same time (new subdivision) and just rallied to become good neighbors and a good ward (which was also new).

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"but rather there always someone you can call on at about anytime."

How did your quorums achieve this? Most of the quorums I have been in there are just a few select Elders people feel comfortable calling on.

I really feel it is that way in my ward...except for new members who still have AP...and even then, they would come along and see how it is done.

I think it has developed from a greater need in our area. We had a major tornado not too long ago, and some grass fires, and some members in our ward with serious illnesses that brings to minds the need to cling to each other.

If you don't feel comfortable calling on them, call them anyway, you might be surprised how many answer that call. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If they are not ready for that kind of service, they might be reminded by that call that their own families could need blessings from them at any time and get prepared.

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"but rather there always someone you can call on at about anytime."

How did your quorums achieve this? Most of the quorums I have been in there are just a few select Elders people feel comfortable calling on.

A lot of our ward are giant families in the same ward that span 3/4 generations. These people are like the "rock" of the ward. One of these people used to be the bishop of the ward and now the EQP, his father used to be the Stake President now the HPGL, his other brother is currently the seminary teacher, the sister is the Primary president, an in-law the cub scout leader... the RS President is a member of another family... etc. etc.

So, a lot of the ward is connected to one of these guys... The youth loves their seminary teacher and so they are comfortable calling on him for help in addition to their presidencies. The priesthood are all comfortable calling on their EQP and HPGL for help, the women are comfortable calling on the RS President, the Primary on the Primary President... Once you call these guys, they have a whole network of people they can call to help if they can't help themselves.

For example - I'm out of town a lot so I've been calling the wife of the HPGL to substitute for my class. She says sure all the time. It wasn't until recently that I found out, she's never substituted for me because of some health issue that prevents her from performing my calling - but there's always somebody filling in for me, somebody she's asked. So, she never said No to me - not once. She just goes ahead and finds somebody else to fill in.

Another example - a new family was moving into the ward. The bishop notified the EQP and RSP for assistance. Some crazy thing happened (a whole slew of mistakes or something in the announcements maybe, I don't know) and not a single person showed up on moving day except 1 person. When that guy realized he was the only one there to help, he called the EQP and within one hour about 20 people showed up. The new family was completely amazed and felt very welcome.

But our ward is a really awesome ward. Yes, they're a little on the "cliquey" side but because we have a lot of Navy people we tend to have a good number of families going in and out of the ward that gets the ward practicing their welcoming and reaching out skills.

And lastly - we are in a hurricane area. So, we've always had a "Preparedness Plan" that we bring up in ward conference once a year. Each family is assigned to an area leader (usually an area is composed of about 4 families) that is responsible for coordinating the preparedness plan. So, everybody in the ward - active or inactive - gets somebody they can call on in addition to their home teachers in cases of natural disasters or any major event.

Edited by anatess
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For those that might be investigating and do not know the LDS acronyms..let me interpret some of this.

EQP: Elders Quorum President

HPGL: High Priest Group Leader

RS: Relief Society

RSP: Relief Society Presidency

2. Please be conscious of the fact that although LDS.NET is aimed towards an LDS audience, that the membership of this site consists of friends from an array of different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Please be respectful and courteous to all, and know that everyone who is willing to follow the Rules and Terms of LDS.NET are welcome to participate and be a member of LDS.NET. Keep in mind that anything posted, uploaded, or otherwise displayed on the site should be understandable to friends of other faiths as well as to members. Please define any LDS vocabulary that friends of other faiths may not understand (i.e. Mutual, Relief Society, and Deacon.)

We have to keep in mind there are many new members and those investigating who are not familiar with all our acronyms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"but rather there always someone you can call on at about anytime."

How did your quorums achieve this? Most of the quorums I have been in there are just a few select Elders people feel comfortable calling on.

I think this is normal. There are always people who are active, but not engaged. They live all the basic commandments and go to church on Sunday and don't do anything to disqualify themselves from having a temple recommend. But they're heart isn't always on their savior, his teachings, or their fellow man. Whether it's service or anything else, there will always be those who TRULY have felt as though they've been given much and therefore too must give. And others who are just slugs.

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For those that might be investigating and do not know the LDS acronyms..let me interpret some of this.

EQP: Elders Quorum President

HPGL: High Priest Group Leader

RS: Relief Society

RSP: Relief Society Presidency

2. Please be conscious of the fact that although LDS.NET is aimed towards an LDS audience, that the membership of this site consists of friends from an array of different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Please be respectful and courteous to all, and know that everyone who is willing to follow the Rules and Terms of LDS.NET are welcome to participate and be a member of LDS.NET. Keep in mind that anything posted, uploaded, or otherwise displayed on the site should be understandable to friends of other faiths as well as to members. Please define any LDS vocabulary that friends of other faiths may not understand (i.e. Mutual, Relief Society, and Deacon.)

We have to keep in mind there are many new members and those investigating who are not familiar with all our acronyms.

Acronyms are one thing. Let's remember that not everyone even knows what an elder is. But at some point, we have to be able to say elders quorum president without having to explain it all the time. That being said, I agree that too often we use too many acronyms. We should do it like a rule of references in journalism, where the first time through we spell it all out, and then put the abbreviation behind it, parenthetically. Then, after that, we can just use the abbreviation.

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