

Priesthood holder  

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At the time I was totally convinced that the Church of J.C. of L.D.S. is the true, and only church on Earth and that it was restored by the prophet Joseph Smith after a period of Apostasy.

I followed the path.

Everyone encouraging me, I must say that my heart was rushing with excitement at the time.

The church was very nice and I made many friends there. I did find the services a bit long and westernised but on the whole I enjoyed my L.D.S. life.

People were amazed at my understanding of the book of Mormon (the bits I had read) and my understanding of the Gospel, Epistles and old testiment (I'm sorry if that sounded Pharasaic :( ). I remember one priesthood meeting I was in and I turned to Eccelsiastes 3 before we were even told to. I do that when people are talking about something. I find relevent verses.

Obviously my L.D.S. doctrine isn't as well oiled as it used to be since I have left that church.

Then one night I was asked to question it. (this wasn't the voice of a person....and I know that you are probably going to assume it was Satan).

It was a week before my baptism. (sorry if I said the day before in earlier posts, I realise now it was a week)

The Baptism was off anyway because my mother would not consent to it and the L.D.S. church wouldn't baptise anyone under 18 without permission from the parents.

I can't say that I didn't try to convince my mother. I was so convinced myself that I made it a living Hell for my mother, asking her constantly and even confronting my strict Anglican great-uncle about the L.D.S. (I was in his bad books, but I didn't care).

Instead of going to the L.D.S. church that Sunday I went to the Orthodox church. I wasn't fully prepared for it. I entered the door and felt like crying. The whole place was so beautiful (it isn't a church building but rather a rented hall). By the end of the liturgy I knew I was home.

I still talk to the friends I found at that church, though I did let them know that I am no longer part of the church.

I went into the church a few weeks after I left to let them know that I had left and that there was no point to send the missionaries round anymore. This was after the service, not before (I didn't want to break their spirits before worship). I attended that service just for politeness.

We are also still in contact with our missionaries. One of which as gone home to Utah (He's finished his mission) and one who has gone to work in Conwy.

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Christos, thanks for your story. It sounds similar in parts to my own story...I was in my teens when I attended the LDS services and social events. I was attending those at the Burnley Ward back in 1978, and Preston was our 'stake' so we occasionally visited there and Rawtenstall wards for larger events. I too was very enthusiastic and remember taking part in Scripture Chase, and attended Seminary classes about the New Testament whilst I was studying for my R.E. O'Level at school, also based on the N.T. so the Seminary classes were extremely helpful! :)

I had my doubts as I neared 18, about certain practises/doctrines but also had a non LDS boyfriend who was quite persuasive about me choosing between him and the church. I went with him instead of being baptised into the LDS church, a little shamefully at the time, so I didn't manage to keep in touch with very many of the other teenagers at the Burnley ward. I have met some of them over the years tho, and managed to say a quick hello, and catch up a little on what they're doing now...

(btw, I wouldn't say the voice you heard was Satan!)

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Hi Christos and Pushka,

I was interested in your stories, can I relate my own experiences.

I was 16 when I first met the missionaries at my home in the UK, Tonbridge in Kent and like you I had challenges from my family, I am the only member, my mother refused permission for me to be baptised for about 18 months. During that period of time I continued to attend Church and Church activities, I read the Book of Mormon and continued to prepare for the day I could be baptised. The little branch in Tunbridge Wells met in a small hall where the smell of beer from the night before was a weekly companion so it was not the best of locations.

Leading up to my baptism I encountered some tough decisions, emotional losses and no small degree of strife but I was baptised and with it came the assurance of the Gift of the Holy Ghost and what a difference that makes.

That was back in 1967, in these past 39 years I have seen so many good people challenged as they approach making important covenants with the Lord, specificly at baptism and at the temple I know that Satan will stop at nothing to pull us away from these critical steps in our progression.

I know for me Joining the Church was coming home, I know through a multitude of experiences that it was the correct decision no matter the challenges or the cost.

I am sure thet both of you feel the same good feelings as you discuss eternal issues with the people here..



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Hmmm...I'm a little confused, I'm sure I replied to Bob's post earlier today??? Can anybody help me here? Was it erased or did something go wrong with the site earlier and wipe out some messages?

Anyway Bob, thanks again for your story and kind words!

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the stories... it helps to know a bit of background on how some feel, or don't feel about the church. And even if your'e not lds... still glad to have you around!

Oh, and I voted other...but I really should have voted none in the household.

I guess I count the priesthood holders on this board as the priesthood I have in life. Ohhh so sad, but true!

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I almost became a Priest.

I was going to have the ceremony on the Sunday, and I left the Church on the Friday. (I was to be baptised on the Saturday)

Apart from that, I have no members of my family who are LDS or in the Priesthood.

I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

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<div class='quotemain'>

I almost became a Priest.

I was going to have the ceremony on the Sunday, and I left the Church on the Friday. (I was to be baptised on the Saturday)

Apart from that, I have no members of my family who are LDS or in the Priesthood.

I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

excuse me....seen it my current ward...and with older men, too

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I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

Why not if they are of age and meet the requirements there should be nothing standing in their way to receive it.

Bishops and such have guidelines they follow, and they do receive guidance.

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excuse me....seen it my current ward...and with older men, too

Perhaps with older men, but not with those who are under the age of 25! Been there also. It is NOT done the same day they are confirmed members. I asked my High Priest husband and our Stake Patriarch.
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Guest ApostleKnight

The proximity of confirmation and ordination vary from congregation to congregation. What's the point of this digression? It has nothing to do with the original post. :dontknow: To impugn Christos's honesty because of such a trifling detail seems unwise to me.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I almost became a Priest.

I was going to have the ceremony on the Sunday, and I left the Church on the Friday. (I was to be baptised on the Saturday)

Apart from that, I have no members of my family who are LDS or in the Priesthood.

I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

Not so, Mrs. S. We fundamentalists can be ordained right after baptism if the Spirit so prompts. There is nowhere in the scriptures or in the words of the prophets that there has to be a set time frame to have passed before one can be ordained. I was baptized, confirmed, and ordained an elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood all within the same hour. Because I have what I believe to be a very strong testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the Atonement, I could hardly be construed as anti-LDS, seeing as how I consider myself every bit LDS.

I believe that the Spirit supercedes all. If Christos were to have been ordained to the priesthood right after baptism, there would have been no rules broken, because there aren't any. The only qualification that one has to meet to receive the priesthood is to be worthy after having accepted baptism and confirmation.

One should remember that the "waiting period" is not a hard and fast rule and it is not even part of the doctrines of the Gospel, so I would hardly consider it as binding upon all those who choose to belong to the Gospel.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I almost became a Priest.

I was going to have the ceremony on the Sunday, and I left the Church on the Friday. (I was to be baptised on the Saturday)

Apart from that, I have no members of my family who are LDS or in the Priesthood.

I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

Mrs. S:

It is almost alway's common for a young man who is old enough, when he is baptised, to soon after be ordained into the Aaronic priesthood and if he is old enough, to the office of a Priest.

I don't know if Christo is a "Anti" or not but I do know that he has alway's been nothing but kind to me.

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There is nothing in the handbook of instructions that would prevent a young man from being baptized and confirmed on one day and ordained to the priesthood the next.

I personally have baptised, confirmed and then ordained to the priesthood and then had the man baptize his wife and daughter. Three weeks later the man was ordained an Elder and called to the Branch Presidency. He was not able to attend the temple for a year to be sealed but was able to do all those other things. This was under the direction of the Mission President.

There are not different rules for different parts of the world the church is the same everywhere.

Ben Raines

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I almost became a Priest.

I was going to have the ceremony on the Sunday, and I left the Church on the Friday. (I was to be baptised on the Saturday)

Apart from that, I have no members of my family who are LDS or in the Priesthood.

I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church!

Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism!

This is more proof that Christos is an Anti!

Mrs. S:

It is almost alway's common for a young man who is old enough, when he is baptised, to soon after be ordained into the Aaronic priesthood and if he is old enough, to the office of a Priest.

I don't know if Christo is a "Anti" or not but I do know that he has alway's been nothing but kind to me.

OK now my two cents.....

#1 Christos has been nothing but nice and honest to both the LDS and non LDS on this board

#2 I have had the pleasure of chatting with him, and there was NO "anti" anything

#3 My ex was given the priesthood right after he joined the church, and I have known several young men who also were ordained after joining

#4 I believe in you Christos.... even if you ARE from England lol ;)

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