Going To A Meetinghouse For The First Time.


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My wife and I have located a Meetinghouse, and plan on going next weekend. Am I allowed to take my 11-week old daughter with me? What should we wear? Is it casual wear? Is there any other information you think I might find useful? I was a young teenager since I last attended a Church so I am in the dark about everything.

Thanks :)

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I'm glad you decided to go check out the meetinghouse! A few pieces of advice that I would give is to try to call over to confirm the meeting times- sometimes wards share buildings so the times are different. Dress "conservative Sunday best", so no tank tops or short skirts, or flip-flops! Guys usually wear slacks, a collared shirt, and a tie. Women usually wear dresses or long skirts. Babies aren't a problem in meetings, if they cry, you just take them out to the lobby until they calm down. If you're nervous about that just sit near a door or at the end of a row so you don't have to climb over your new friends to leave if you need to. If you plan to stay for all the meetings, introduce yourself to the bishop (he should be sitting up at the front if the meetinghouse is like mine) and ask him to point you in the right direction for the next meeting, or you can ask someone around you.

One last piece of advice that seems to be helpful to first-timers- you don't applaud after anything, even if it's a musical performance. It's not rude, it's just keeping the reverence and the Spirit. I learned to give this advice after we brought a friend to church and she clapped one single clap before realizing nobody else was doing it, and she was mortified!

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask, and good luck! Let us know how it goes!

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I'm glad you decided to go check out the meetinghouse! A few pieces of advice that I would give is to try to call over to confirm the meeting times- sometimes wards share buildings so the times are different. Dress "conservative Sunday best", so no tank tops or short skirts, or flip-flops! Guys usually wear slacks, a collared shirt, and a tie. Women usually wear dresses or long skirts. Babies aren't a problem in meetings, if they cry, you just take them out to the lobby until they calm down. If you're nervous about that just sit near a door or at the end of a row so you don't have to climb over your new friends to leave if you need to. If you plan to stay for all the meetings, introduce yourself to the bishop (he should be sitting up at the front if the meetinghouse is like mine) and ask him to point you in the right direction for the next meeting, or you can ask someone around you.

One last piece of advice that seems to be helpful to first-timers- you don't applaud after anything, even if it's a musical performance. It's not rude, it's just keeping the reverence and the Spirit. I learned to give this advice after we brought a friend to church and she clapped one single clap before realizing nobody else was doing it, and she was mortified!

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask, and good luck! Let us know how it goes!

Thank you SaraMaree,

Unfortunately, I could not locate their phone number. Thank you for the dress code information :). I need to go purchase a tie, but otherwise have it covered. It is good to know I can bring my baby, and thanks for the advice as for seating arrangements. I really am new at this so this is valuable information.

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Thank you SaraMaree,

Unfortunately, I could not locate their phone number. Thank you for the dress code information :). I need to go purchase a tie, but otherwise have it covered. It is good to know I can bring my baby, and thanks for the advice as for seating arrangements. I really am new at this so this is valuable information.

If you go to the church website lds.org or mormon.org it has a search engine for meetinghouses and their address and phone number. As far as dress, I would wear your sunday best whatever that may be. I still wear my sparkly flip flops with my dress though. My baby cries and I just take her out if it gets too loud. My toddler talks during the service and crawls all over the pew. I take him out when he gets too rowdy. Most people have small children so its not a big issue. There is also a mothers lounge and a nursery with speakers (the foyer has them too) if you have to go out you can still hear!

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If you go to the church website lds.org or mormon.org it has a search engine for meetinghouses and their address and phone number. As far as dress, I would wear your sunday best whatever that may be. I still wear my sparkly flip flops with my dress though. My baby cries and I just take her out if it gets too loud. My toddler talks during the service and crawls all over the pew. I take him out when he gets too rowdy. Most people have small children so its not a big issue. There is also a mothers lounge and a nursery with speakers (the foyer has them too) if you have to go out you can still hear!

Thank you Mbass,

Thank you for the information regarding the mother's lounge. Unfortunately they do not have the Ward located on lds.org :blink: mormon.org has it listed but, there is no phone number.

It does state though that the Worship Service is at 10:00 a.m, and the Congregation First is at 10:00 a.m.

Anyone know what the "Congregation First" means? Here is the link to the ward I will be attending I think they mean the same thing, am I wrong on this? :dontknow:

Anyways we know it is there because we drove past it a few days ago :)

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Guest MrsS

It does state though that the Worship Service is at 10:00 a.m, and the Congregation First is at 10:00 a.m.

Anyone know what the "Congregation First" means?

Here is the link to the ward I will be attending I think they mean the same thing, am I wrong on this? :dontknow:

Anyways we know it is there because we drove past it a few days ago :)

The phone number is: 352-796-7403. Courtesy of "The Ultimates".

Actually it says: Sacrament Services at 10 AM. That means that Sacrament will be from 10 AM until 11:10 AM, then Gospel Doctrine from 11:20 AM until 12:10 PM, then Relief Society (for your wife) and Priesthood (for you) from 12:20 PM to 1 PM. You can take your child with you to Gospel Doctrine class and then on to Relief Society with your wife, or with you to Priesthood.

You should be able to reach someone on tuesday night (tonight) or wednesday nights. If not, there is an answering machine, and your call should be returned in a timely fashion.

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The phone number is: 352-796-7403. Courtesy of "The Ultimates".

Actually it says: Sacrament Services at 10 AM. That means that Sacrament will be from 10 AM until 11:10 AM, then Gospel Doctrine from 11:20 AM until 12:10 PM, then Relief Society (for your wife) and Priesthood (for you) from 12:20 PM to 1 PM. You can take your child with you to Gospel Doctrine class and then on to Relief Society with your wife, or with you to Priesthood.

Okay, the call was made and the time that Sacrament starts was verified. Thank you for the phone number, the poor gentleman at the end of the line seemed more confused than I was :lol:. Who or what are The Ultimates?

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<div class='quotemain'>

for three hours and then send you home hungary"! B)

Hope they don't send you home VIA Hungary!! LOL. :P


My 2 cents:

Only take ONE piece of bread at sacrement (my kids wanted to take two or three at first) .... pass with the right hand... and don't say thank you when you receive the bread and water..... as odd as it sounds... it was these little things i had to learn as a convert (I was always told to say thank you to everything in life)

Good advice from above posters too :)

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Guest MrsS

<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>

for three hours and then send you home hungary"! B)

Hope they don't send you home VIA Hungary!! LOL. :P


My 2 cents:

Only take ONE piece of bread at sacrament (my kids wanted to take two or three at first) .... pass with the right hand... and don't say thank you when you receive the bread and water..... as odd as it sounds... it was these little things i had to learn as a convert (I was always told to say thank you to everything in life)

Good advice from above posters too :)

Jason, I am so sorry your wife was bored ~ perhaps she needed to listen better to the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. We go to Church not only to partake of the Sacrament to renew our covenets, but because we hunger for the spiritual blessings, for the knowledge that is imparted to us by the speakers and teachers, we thirst for the knowledge that Heavenly Father is blessing us with.

Lindy: You can pass with either hand, no where in any of the Guide books (according to my Stake President ) does it say Pass only with the right/left hand! , and of course you can say Thank You. Most do, they just don't say it so loud that the members sitting across the aisles can hear ~ I say it to the Deacon who just handed me the tray ~ or to my husband who just handed me the tray.

There really isn't anything odd with our Sacrament. Of course you only take one of the pieces of bread ~ it is not an Hor D Oeuvres tray. Naturally children want more than one ~ that is normal. That is why parents teach them to only take one. It is Cheerios that they can have a handful of.

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Lindy: You can pass with either hand, no where in any of the Guide books (according to my Stake President ) does it say Pass only with the right/left hand! , and of course you can say Thank You. Most do, they just don't say it so loud that the members sitting across the aisles can hear ~ I say it to the Deacon who just handed me the tray ~ or to my husband who just handed me the tray.

There really isn't anything odd with our Sacrament. Of course you only take one of the pieces of bread ~ it is not an Hor D Oeuvres tray. Naturally children want more than one ~ that is normal. That is why parents teach them to only take one. It is Cheerios that they can have a handful of.

Sorry... didnt' mean to sound ignorant.... just things I was told or noticed...when I went to a sacrament meeting for the first time.
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Jason, I am so sorry your wife was bored ~ perhaps she needed to listen better to the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. We go to Church not only to partake of the Sacrament to renew our covenets, but because we hunger for the spiritual blessings, for the knowledge that is imparted to us by the speakers and teachers, we thirst for the knowledge that Heavenly Father is blessing us with.

Are you kidding? It was meant as a joke by-the-way.

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One last piece of advice that seems to be helpful to first-timers- you don't applaud after anything, even if it's a musical performance. It's not rude, it's just keeping the reverence and the Spirit. I learned to give this advice after we brought a friend to church and she clapped one single clap before realizing nobody else was doing it, and she was mortified!

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask, and good luck! Let us know how it goes!

My wife, daughter, and I attended the Sacrament together. It was a moving experience one that I have not felt for many years. I was impressed with everyone I met; they were all considerate, and friendly to me. Unfortunately, my wife felt very uncomfortable and wished to leave after the Sacrament, but I opted to stay. I am glad that I did.

The Gospel was Chapter 18 if I remember correctly, and corresponded with faith, I found a lot of truths in what was discussed, and anything I did not understand was explained to me by a missionary. The next hour in priesthood, I spoke mainly to the Missionary regarding the BOM. I was then invited to another LDS’s house for dinner.

It is unfortunate that my wife felt so uncomfortable, because I think she missed out on a lot of fun. She says she will go with me again next Sunday, so I hope that she feels a little more relaxed.

I think I may find the faith I have lost many years ago. I thank you all for your advice, it has proved invaluable.

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