Yup this is me and I love my life!!!


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I'm completely over the top sometimes, I think things that happened 2 years are hilarious and will laugh out loud at them. My husband and I have been married for two years in May, we have one little boy who was a surprise right after we got married, but we are very VERY VERY blessed to have him in our lives. I have an AWESOME best friend, and although this may sound strange to some of you, she was a twin and at birth her twin died, exactly 9 months later to the day I was born, we have been friends for almost 20 years!!! She is my other half and I love her!!! She is my bestfriend soul mate...lol.... I say what I think and since I haven't grown up LDS sometimes it can be a little to much for some people. I used to smoke, drink and have a good time, I never did drugs, now I don't smoke or drink, but I'm still up for a great time. I love to dance and still think night clubs are fabulous. I have gay friends and that doesn't bother me, I love them to death.. My family is outrageous and hilarious, none are members, so occasionally when I get to see them (they live in another state) I will hang out at the local bar with them, but I'm not tempted anymore, I just enjoy being with them. Besides they need a driver home anyways!! :) I'm from a small town and I'm not your typical girl, I love mud (have been known to roll in it on a dare), I ride dirt bikes, four wheelers, go carts, rope swings, sleds tied to the back of cars, snowmobiles, I hunt, fish (bait my own hook), eat meat, that includes deer, buffalo, chicken, squirrel, rabbit, elk any wild game I'm up for. I can't wait to be able to attend the temple (by the way we set our date for August 19!!! WHOOP WHOOP so excited) and love going there just to think and contemplate life. I love being over the top and but not the hey look at me type of person, I just like having fun, whats the point of life if your not going to have fun???? I'm spiritual and can find a meaning in almost any religious ceremony, I'm Native American so I believe the earth and it's plants and animals can give us a peaceful feeling, and should be respected. I don't believe in using the word "hate" and will teach to my child that can be a strong and destructive word. I'm not a fan of judging other people and feel if you can't appreciate other people and their beliefs then you need to take a hard look at yourself and your life and find some peace in it. I'm a firm believer that everyone has the right to do what ever they please, after all what is free agency all about. Therefore, even if people do something I don't feel is right, I will respect their decision, in the end we all have to pay for our own choices, right? So this is me, this is my life, and I LOVE IT!!! I'm blessed everyday I get to wake up and see my smiling little boys face and every morning when I open my eyes there is the love of my life laying next to me (unless of course our little man had a bad night, then the love of my life is on the couch **wink wink**) Some people tell me I'm not Mormon enough, pssshhh, I say to them, I'm to Mormon!!!! BAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Thanks for reading, hope to learn MORE and MORE from everyone here!!!
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