Liturgy of the hours

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So, i was a catholic before converting to the mormon faith a few years ago. I enjoyed liturgy of the hours prior to joining (wasnt the best at always doing them although I like the idea of a book helping you with scripture to read prior to morning and evening prayer to help focus you in on what your doing). I was wondering would it be ok for an LDS member to have a liturgy of the hours book for his/her personal use, or does iit in some way go against church teachings? Does the church have something similar to it?

I hope I have explained this topic well enough for a discussion. Thank you!

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I *wish* the church had something similar to it. It sounds like a beautiful practice.

I recall a quote from Pres. Hinkley addressing people of other faiths joining ours, to bring what is beautiful and honorable about their own previous faith traditions, and let us "add to it". You don't have to abandon a practice of another faith just because you've joined a new one, so long as the two are compatible.

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I *wish* the church had something similar to it. It sounds like a beautiful practice.

I recall a quote from Pres. Hinkley addressing people of other faiths joining ours, to bring what is beautiful and honorable about their own previous faith traditions, and let us "add to it". You don't have to abandon a practice of another faith just because you've joined a new one, so long as the two are compatible.

Right, just avoid any prayers asking for Mary or another deceased person to intercede for you, since that of course is incompatible with the restored Gospel. ;)

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