That And With A Quarter Will Get You A Ride On Any Street Car

Winnie G

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In the mist of my family hell week as I have chosen to name it.

My husband and I were asked to attend a meeting at the release section at base headquarters. This we thought nothing of because my husband is about to be retired so off we go. They went though all the rigmarole about his release, pension etc...

Then at the end, she told us, that my husband would be receiving all these commendations for his service 26 years, war times as well as UN duty’s and so on and on.

Then the women turned to me and said “Mrs. Green you have been chosen by Department of National Defiance to receive commendation for your contribution to the Canadian arm forces for your years of work supporting the families during deployment (war) I was a civilian cook,(im thinking?) and as the Move Support Coordinator moving the families from Winnipeg base to another. Then she told me I would be receiving an accommodation from the Prim Minister of Canada!

One spouse is chosen each year upon the retirement of his or her spouse for their constitution as a spouse but I was also chosen because I gave up more then just any spouse, long before I became involved with the Canadian Military I lost my father to war (Vietnam) and he was a Canadian even though he chose to serve in the American military.

I thought she was kidding and joked “Can I get one from the last PM I did not vote for this one”. She smiled and “said no sorry”. :sparklygrin: She told me this was no Joke :rolleyes:

so I must have sat there like a deer in the headlights for a moment.

Then the base commander stuck his head in the office door and said “Did you tell her”? Every one rose to their feet of course. he is a very nice man.

He said “congratulations this is a first for our base”. He shook my husbands hand and mine and left. B)

There is a parade that is planed for the fall and that’s were both of us will receive these commendations

I am use to these kinds of parades and watched a lot of them over the years, with my husband marching by but this time we are not just a soldier and someone’s wife sitting in the blenchers.

It will be real wearied, most of the men that serve in the infantry here all now me from the base closer. Their the ones that nick-named me the Nazi mother hen.

To tell the truth I always wonder why the regiment never publicly thank me for all my work.

Let them move 750 families with no major screw-up’s I thought. :hmmm:

The Canadian Housing Authority gave me a framed letter of commendation and bought me lunch but the regiment did nothing.

Ill make sure I post the photos. As I sit here I can hear my Jewish stepfather saying “that and a quarter will get you a ride on any street car Squeaks” he use to call me Squeaks.

He would have been proud.

I remember him asking years ago how I liked working on a army base?

I told him I loved it! It was like being a fox in a chicken coup! :sparklygrin:

I was young and single what can I say. ;)

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In the mist of my family hell week as I have chosen to name it.

My husband and I were asked to attend a meeting at the release section at base headquarters. This we thought nothing of because my husband is about to be retired so off we go. They went though all the rigmarole about his release, pension etc...

Then at the end, she told us, that my husband would be receiving all these accommodations for his service 26 years, war times as well as UN duty’s and so on and on.

Then the women turned to me and said “Mrs. Green you have been chosen by Department of National Defiance to receive accommodations for your contribution to the Canadian arm forces for your years of work supporting the families during deployment (war) I was a civilian cook,(im thinking?) and as the Move Support Coordinator moving the families from Winnipeg base to another. Then she told me I would be receiving an accommodation from the Prim Minister of Canada!

One spouse is chosen each year upon the retirement of his or her spouse for their constitution as a spouse but I was also chosen because I gave up more then just any spouse, long before I became involved with the Canadian Military I lost my father to war (Vietnam) and he was a Canadian even though he chose to serve in the American military.

I thought she was kidding and joked “Can I get one from the last PM I did not vote for this one”. She smiled and “said no sorry”. :sparklygrin: She told me this was no Joke :rolleyes:

so I must have sat there like a deer in the headlights for a moment.

Then the base commander stuck his head in the office door and said “Did you tell her”? Every one rose to their feet of course. he is a very nice man.

He said “congratulations this is a first for our base”. He shook my husbands hand and mine and left. B)

There is a parade that is planed for the fall and that’s were both of us will receive these accommodations.

I am use to these kinds of parades and watched a lot of them over the years, with my husband marching by but this time we are not just a soldier and someone’s wife sitting in the blenchers.

It will be real wearied, most of the men that serve in the infantry here all now me from the base closer. Their the ones that nick-named me the Nazi mother hen.

To tell the truth I always wonder why the regiment never publicly thank me for all my work.

Let them move 750 families with no major screw-up’s I thought. :hmmm:

The Canadian Housing Authority gave me a framed letter of accommodation and bought me lunch but the regiment did nothing.

Ill make sure I post the photos. As I sit here I can hear my Jewish stepfather saying “that and a quarter will get you a ride on any street car Squeaks” he use to call me Squeaks.

He would have been proud.

I remember him asking years ago how I liked working on a army base?

I told him I loved it! It was like being a fox in a chicken coup! :sparklygrin:

I was young and single what can I say. ;)

congrats--i'm assuming you mean commendation, rather than accommodation. altho if they are giving you a place to stay, hey that's great , too!!

:) :D

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Winnie G.,

That's great news!!! In the mist of all the turmoil that has been swirling around you deserve some good news. :)

I think that with prayer and patience things with eventually improve on the other fronts too. Best Wishes for you and your family. :)

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