Fear I committed Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

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I don't think so. Though I have a problem with your question, in that either all phyisical evidence (life, the universe and everything) is proof of God or it isn't proof of God. I would imagine that your realization that creation is evidence of a Creator is a spiritual sort of evidence.

I am an Evangelical TS11 and I understand from your posting that you are LDS. Likely we see quite a few things differently, but it seems to me that God has revealed his existence to you via the Holy Spirit, as this seems to be the way God speaks to us on such matters. In my terms I would call such an experience a "Calling" of the Holy Spirit.

I don't imagine the Holy Spirit would provide you with such information if you had sinned beyond the bounds retrieval.

I was raised an Evangelical and departed it for an agnostic/atheistic view for a time. Later I returned to a different sort of faith, but I count myself an Evangelical.

In retrospect, I realize I never really knew God early on. I just knew what everyone thought I should know about God. It wasn't enough for me, so I left it behind me. I made crass jokes and so forth. Likely you have done the same.

Regardless later in life God sort of smacked in the head with brick in a phenomenal way to me.... Likely I wouldn't get it otherwise.

After such a thing, I realized I never knew who God is earlier on. I just knew that who people told me God was, didn't make enough sense to hold to.

I wouldn't worry about having sinned against the Holy Spirit. If you had done so, He would not have called you to God.

The thing I would concentrate on, is that based upon your background experience + your present testimony. You are a very special sort of person.

Not everyone gets what you have in the way it's been given to you. Your experience alone gives you the leverage to reach those that need God.

If I were you I would pray that God gives you direction on the path you need to take from here and that he gives you courage follow through as best you can.



Good advice.
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According to Scriptures and what God has taught me because I ask, seek and knock of Him.

Let us go to the NT. Gospel of John.

1 John 3:9 - Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God

The reason for this...when a person is truly born of God, he will know good from evil as clearly as Darkness and being under a Noon day sun.

The only way a man who is born of God can fall is by willingly choosing darkness while being under a noon day sun. For these there is nothing left to bring them unto repentance. As Jesus said once Salt has lost its flavor there is nothing left to do except to spew it out and to cast it out.

Now there are two types of men spoken of in Scriptures. The Natural man which is more known as the Carnal man and the Spiritual man..which are they born of God.

Now between the two only the Spiritual man can see and speak face to face with God in His glory without being destroyed.

In Hebrews we find: They who have received the promises.

Hebrews 11:35 - Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:


As Paul said we must all run and not stop until we get the prize. What is the prize? The promises which the Apostles called exceedingly great and precious.

In the last days the majority of the people of GOD shall call these people fool and mad for their pointing out the multitude of sins with today's society. This has and shall always be the case until Zion is again on the earth.

Satan has had close to 2000 years in switching our sense of good and evil around.

if any Christian had for example said a 100 years ago that our society would legalized Abortion, Same sex marriages, removed prayers from schools and government. That we would have to hide monuments displaying things such as the 10 Commandments. Or that we would have gay pride parades he would have been tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.

To know more of what it is like to become a Spiritual man in the full meaning of the term. The Lord allowed man to have ONE ACCOUNT of it...and you can find it...in the ODES of Solomon. In it He says that he received a body free from afflictions and pain. That even his family and friend no longer recognized him. That all now were seeking after his life and so on.

Here is the prophesy on the Spiritual man,,,which Isaiah used to call Wayfaring man, and Paul called them who are perfected and again so on. Jesus said few would enter by the strait gate and narrow way. God by Jeremiah said,,,that He will lead to Zion only one of a city, two of a family. Few means few.

Hosea 9:7 - The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.


What are you telling him? I think you are taking John's words (John the Bible) a bit literal.

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I would like to tell you my story briefly and see what you guys think. I was a pretty hard-core Born Again Christian for at least 6 years. Then I eventually fell into disbelief and deep agnosticism. I totally abandoned the faith. During this time I said horrible things about the Holy Spirit, God, & Jesus. I viewed these beings as evil and unjust.

Personaly, as I had also that fear sometimes, I found comforting to think that certainly, if I should be punished this way, this would mean that I will have deserved it... And if I was one day punished by god , in a way I, can "rejoice" any way because it would be Just. It may look strange, but this helped me trust in the love of the lord and his mercy. Because I know he is a God of Love even much more than no one can be.

Do we really think that we are more mercifull than he is ?

He hates sin but he love the sinner so much he gave his life.

Our fear and incomprehension come from evil, who try to get far from the Lord.

I pray for we can always have our heart and mind turn to him so that he can be nourrish by him. Because it is him we must have confidence more than in ourself.

Edited by imanuelga
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Not only were you acting out of ignorance, but you did not become a complete enemy of Christ. You have to receive all the ordinances of the temple. You have to receive a full witness of the Christ. Then, you have to despise Christ, refuse his atonement, and become his open enemy by murdering an innocent. We only know of one mortal who has done this: Cain.

According to Joseph Smith there have been others (ToPJS p.358).

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The topic has kind of wandered. Let's focus on what the scriptures say about those who become "sons of perdition" by committing the unpardonable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.

In Luke 12, Jesus speaks of an unpardonable sin:

"And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven."

In Hebrews, Paul speaks of those who received the gospel and "tasted of the Heavenly gift:"

"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost..."

Since the gift of the Holy Ghost can only come after repentance, receiving a remission of sins by a baptism performed by someone with proper authority, and laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, it's safe to say that only a member of the Lord's true Church can commit the unpardonable sin. When one has not undertaken those steps, he is still in his sins, outside the kingdom of God, and is subject to the law of repentance.

In Doctrine and Covenants 76, the Lord gave a vision of the kingdoms of glory and a brief glimpse of the fate of the sons of perdition to Joseph Smith. Describing those who fall to this condition, Joseph wrote:

"Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—"

A person has to have received the Holy Spirit, through the means I described above, suffer themselves to be overcome by the devil, and then deny the truth and the Lord's power. There is a level of testimony that has to be attained before this can happen. Some latter-day saints think this means that a person must have a sure knowledge of the Lord before one can "qualify." I don't think this is necessarily the case. All the scriptures tell us is that a person must have been made a partaker of the heavenly gift, the Holy Ghost, and felt God's power--which comes sometime after a person has made the covenant of baptism and had it administered by proper authority. Then the individual must fall away to such a degree that, he fights against God's work and would--if it were possible--crucify Jesus all over again, so great is the hatred in him.

I have encountered some apostate members who manifested that sort of spirit towards the Lord's work. Some people lose faith and drift away into complacency or laziness. Some people rebel for a time and return after life and "kicking against the pricks" softens their hearts and brings maturity. Some of them turn bitter and hateful and they cannot rest unless they are doing something to harm the Church.

From what the initial question was, I'd have to say that the author did not commit the unpardonable sin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible for you to post a reply on topic and in less that 1000 words? I can't speak for others here, but your continual ranting about off-the-wall things that vaguely relate to the subject are becoming annoying. Say something quick and move on. If someone wants a follow-up, they will ask you for it.

Why is it OK for moderators to post nasty scathing put-downs like this the open forum, while any complaints about the mods have to be dealt with in private?

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  • 2 years later...

I would like to tell you my story briefly and see what you guys think. I was a pretty hard-core Born Again Christian for at least 6 years. Then I eventually fell into disbelief and deep agnosticism. I totally abandoned the faith. During this time I said horrible things about the Holy Spirit, God, & Jesus. I viewed these beings as evil and unjust.

Now I've recently been called back the LORD. Or at least I feel that way. Through reason and logic, I believe in a Creator once more. Not only that but I feel Mormonism is the best representation of the Christian faith and the most logical. One big problem, though. I fear I have committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I know Joseph Smith stated,

“All sins shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost; for Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. What must a man do to commit the unpardonable sin? He must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against Him. After a man has sinned against the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him. He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it; and from that time he begins to be an enemy.’

Does this mean I'm not guilty of the sin since I was acting out of ignorance and had no physical evidence that God existed?

Hi, my name is Michelle. I would REALLY like to talk with you about this. I am concerned for you.

Edited by pam
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