herbal supplament with green tea WW

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I would not take it either. There are plenty of supplements that do not include green tea that would serve your purpose. It would be like grinding up marijuana and putting it into a pill, its not a plant anymore but it would have the same effect. Now i'm not saying marijuana is like green tea but you get the idea. Just my opinion though.

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the Tea classified under 'hot drinks' refers to products of the camellia sinensis plant, such as green tea, black, tea, white tea, etc. Some concoction made of orange rind and lime leaves is only called tea because there isn't another word for it. The difference is camellia sinensis derivatives are not permitted by the WOW.

It is never explained what is in Tea that Heavenly Father finds offensive, although a lot of people assume it is caffeine, as that is a convenient justification to their friends. "oh sorry, it has caffeine in it'. That argument doesn't hold water, it's like saying pork was not allowed under the law of Moses because it had bacon in it.

Tea is not permitted because it is a commandment of our creator, nothing more, nothing less.

Personally, I would stay away from tea products that are consumed.

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I have fribromialgya and the only thing that help me is green tea HP. It make a big different in my medical condition. So i am taking it, but if is only for the antioxidant i will think that twice. Before I start taking it i prayer and prayer and I recived my answer. I think that is the best you can do. Ask the Lord He know your situation.

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I asked my bishop once about green tea drinks, because I'm always looking for the next best thing to get rid of the baby weight. He said many people in his family use it and he thinks it's fine. As for myself, I still don't feel good about it, so I don't drink it. I know a good number of faithful LDS people that do, though.

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Its been said the difference between a member in good standing and a jack mormon is the temperature of the caffeine. ;-)

I've heard both sides of the story on green tea. Black, Green and White tea do come from the same plant, however White and Green tea have far less caffeine in them compared to diet coke and chocolate...so me thinks it's not the caffeine content that is the problem.

I think we are comanded to live the WoW simply to see if we will, to do it in blind faith...as a proving ground.

If one actually studies what is healthy, coffee is far less dangerous that coke. The caffeine content is more in coffee, but coke has a ton more sodium, and tons more sugar and a whole slew of chemicals that coffee doesn't have.

I think that living the WoW is living the letter of the law, but sometimes I think if we lived the spirit of the law we'd eliminate a ton of things we put in our bodies. Plus I think if we focused not just on the hot drink aspect and didn't eat meat but sparingly, ate the whole grains instead of the processed junk, ate the fruits and vegetables that were in season instead of the processed junk, if we did things in moderation and not super sized, we would be a lot healthier. All of which is talked about in the WoW. But this is just IMHO.

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I was reading the ingreadents on the herbal supplament my fitness trainer told me to use and it had green tea listed. It's a powder so not a "hot drink" I hate to justify but I'm not sure if I'm taking the WW to far. Any ideas?

Is your herbal supplement a "hot drink?" :P

My mother cracks me up sometimes. She loves the peach iced tea flavor of Crystal Light. I pointed out to her that it actually has tea in it. She looked a little startled, but promptly said, "I don't care. I like it!" :lol:

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I had this question debated once in a young men class.

The official and current statement of the church on this matter is found in the handbook of instruction.

Word of Wisdom

The only official interpretation of “hot drinks” (D&C 89:9) in the Word of Wisdom is the statement made by early Church leaders that the term “hot drinks” means tea and coffee.

Members should not use any substance that contains illegal drugs. Nor should members use harmful or habit-forming substances except under the care of a competent physician.

I believe WOWis like a tiny trail on the side of a high mountain. You know what is wrong like coffee and tea (falling off the mountain in the chasm) and you know what is right like water and orange juice (staying on the trail). As for me, I would stay as far from the edge as possible...

Same would apply to the law of chastity for example.

I would not take tea in any of its forms

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Guest elijah29

last time i checked the BIBLE doesn't say anything about caffiene. oh but wait, your "prophet" joseph smith who was found to be a treasure hunter, con artist and overall LIAR says dont drink caffiene. you have to be the biggest idiot on the face of the earth to seriously believe some moron like joseph smith, he is not a prophet hahahahahahaha

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