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OK so since my mother died skiing and my father was driven into alcoholism I haven't had much faith, but I came here to hopefully be swayed because I think I need God.

But, I can't believe in God when he has inflicted my family so, I just can't find a good reason to look beyond that. How can a benevolent God exist when such evil is done by him?

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Hi, Seeker -

First, I'm truly sorry for your loss and hope you find some of what you're looking for here.

At the risk of utilizing pop-culture--remember in Bruce Almighty, where Morgan Freeman tells Jim Carrey that he can do anything except meddle with free will? There's a similar concept in Mormonism--the idea that God gives us all free will; and a lot of the crap that happens to us is the result of the way other people choose to use (or abuse) their free will. We have quite a body of doctrine regarding why God doesn't interfere with free will--you can find a primer here.

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Welcome Seeker.

There is a purpose in this life for the trials and tragedies. God is our literal Father in Heaven, and he loves us. He knows that for us to grow, we must have the opportunity to face difficulties. Without them, we could not understand nor learn to have compassion, charity, nor selfless love.

It is difficult to understand this at times. Yet, Christ understands. He went through the most difficult experiences ever, so that he may know how to comfort and heal us. It is through Him that we find peace and hope. Your mother tragically died, yet she is in God's hands. And he has provided the way for you to see her again in the next life.

Your father is struggling with alcoholism. Mine did too for most of his life. It also is a tragedy. But God can heal him, as well. Christ understands pain and grief, and can reach through your father's pain to recover him and bring him peace, as well.

Start with yourself. Trust God to take care of your parents right now. Let the healing grace of Christ come to you, flow over you, and fill you with the peace that passes all understanding. Perhaps you have a Book of Mormon that you can read. In it, you will see the prophets explaining Jesus' great mission in life, and how it can heal all of us. I know that in studying the Book of Mormon, it has helped me to truly understand our Savior, and to feel his peace and love. I have seen him heal many people over the years. He can heal you, too.

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Theodicy is quite a terrible problem. It drove Bart Ehrman and many other wonderful people from Christianity, and in most cases from religion altogether.

Philosophy is not the answer; Reason is not the answer. Faith, mixed with a little information, is the answer. Follow Just_A_Guy's link.


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OK so since my mother died skiing and my father was driven into alcoholism I haven't had much faith, but I came here to hopefully be swayed because I think I need God.

But, I can't believe in God when he has inflicted my family so, I just can't find a good reason to look beyond that. How can a benevolent God exist when such evil is done by him?

Greetings! I'm very sorry to hear about that.

In my experience God allows consequences to happen. God cannot just intervene for one person, but not another... especially to prevent consequences (altho I think god actively works with people at a level where it can't be very intrusive, such as feelings or ideas- otherwise we would have had world war 3 already).

Also when we start traveling the path to God, it will have tragedy and tribulations as tests for us in some form or another that will seem insurmountable at some point... these are points where we'll either decide to humble ourselves and trust God more and become stronger, or we'll take ourselves away from him and hence be bereft of any blessing he might have for us.

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I am sorry for your loss and the pain in your heart.

Your father was an alcoholic. I have had alcoholic family members and can relate somewhat. I personally choose not to drink but I have reasons other than JUST moral reasoning to not imbibe(I do not exactly consider drinking an immoral thing either. If one chooses to drink it is their choice. Immorality may come depending on the church, or life path covenants, they have chosen. I know plenty of good and moral people who tip a beer once in a while, or have a hot toddy. Some are not LDS.). I guess I could have easily been driven to drink over life's circumstances like your father. I feel that God has blessed me that I was able to overcome that.

My thought is that God did not drive your father to drink but things happen in life due to the choices we make and the circumstances around us. I cannot say why your father became an alcoholic. Genetics? Lack of faith? Loneliness? All of the above? What you may be looking at is a wonderful opportunity to bless your father with prayer, fasting, and kindness. He may come around if not already. It is a sad thing your mother was taken. I have a strong feeling in my soul that you will see her again, though. I believe I will see my father and grandmother one day again. I was very close to them.

You lack faith. At this point your name is Faithless. God can change your name to Faithful...just as he changed Jacob's name to Israel. Give it to God. Even Jacob had to wrestle with God. Confess to God your shortcomings and lack of faith. Ask for faith. I believe Christ has that power to give it to you. Ask yourself and analyze why you lack faith when in the asking process. I can relate to lack of faith in my own life, too. God has healing power. I'm not sure anyone here is able to sway you. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. If anyone here can sway you then it may be short-lived anyway. Better to rely on God. Some here may facilitate that experience as led by the Holy Ghost.

OK so since my mother died skiing and my father was driven into alcoholism I haven't had much faith, but I came here to hopefully be swayed because I think I need God.

But, I can't believe in God when he has inflicted my family so, I just can't find a good reason to look beyond that. How can a benevolent God exist when such evil is done by him?

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