Is Unconfessed Murder Forgiveable?

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You ARE caught up in semantics. What if a person desires to forgive, but the event was so emotionally and mentally tough on them that they had a nervous breakdown? Can an emotionally destabilized person not repent without first having to forgive?

I think you live a very black/white world, which is not how God nor most mortals live. He commands us to forgive, yes. But the process of repentance includes forgiving. It is A step, but not necessarily the first step.

And I think you are making too big of a deal regarding forgiveness. As I stated, some people are incapable of fully forgiving. Does that mean they are cast off forever, never to be forgiven themselves? I don't think God is such a hard a$$ that he cannot forgive someone who is doing his/her best to deal with a situation.

You are viewing the Old Testament/hell-fire and damnation God. And you take chapters and scriptures out of context. Yes, some say we must forgive to be forgiven. But there are also scriptures that say we need but believe and shall be saved. So, taking one tidbit and expanding it to the point you did tends to contort the gospel, rather than take all of it into context.

I am not sure I understand - I find no scriptures that seem to back what you are trying to say. At least as I understand what you are trying to say. In the scenario you give it appears to me that it is only made worse by the person that does not forgive. In fact I cannot think of a single event in history or what we know of eternity that is not made better by a person forgiving or worse by a person not forgiving.

Love and forgiveness are two inseparable descriptions of the same emotion. Non forgiveness and hate are the opposites that always existed at such two differences that like light and darkness only one can only exist where the other cannot. Your accusation of my understanding of black and white - I believe to be 100% accurate. Where there is one the other cannot be. If you can show me a time and a place - or scripture where the two are compatible - I would be most interested.

The Traveler

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