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Hi! I am new to the forum but have lurked here for quite a while. Whenever I've had a question about deep doctrine (theoretical doctrine would be more accurate) or when I've wanted information about something that is off the beaten path (and not essential to my eternal salvation) I've browsed the threads here and almost always find what I'm looking for. I am a convert to the church and I love to get perspectives from people who grew up in the church about church nerd stuff, and the Mormon culture too.

I received my endowment earlier this year and I was sealed to my wife about a month ago. She grew up in the church and was a HUGE influence on me after I converted. Her family as well, he father was a Seventy at one time so I've been blessed to have incredible people put around me to help me learn and grow. Her Dad was my escort for my endowment, he's helped me find my way in the church. He taught me early on that people can and will offend you, even your local leaders, and that if you go to church for them then you're doing it wrong. I hit that "I'm offended!" snag early in my conversion and am thankful I had my father-in-law there to "adjust" my perspective on things. He showed me how to be humble and forgiving, and that everyone needs forgiveness. Especially me.

Babble babble, that's my introduction. I look forward to contributing and getting to know everyone. :banana:

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