Active Husband/Inactive Wife (or vice versa)


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What do you all think about having an active husband but an inactive wife, and how would that affect your membership with the Church? Me and my wife have been together for just over 3 months now and were both baptized into the church in 2010, but my wife has no desire to go back and told me she only did it a year ago mainly because of me. I felt so bad for this and told her numerous times not to join if that was the case. I know that if I were to become active again that she probably wouldn't like it all that well, although she has told me that she would support me in whatever I decide to do. Maybe that's one of the reasons I can't seem to go back right now (along with the depression, anxiety, and panic attacks) anyways, what are your thoughts?

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My boyfriend is not a member, but he allows me to be active in my membership and it really doesn't matter in our relationship, and I am fine being the only one going to church. Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are common for me too. I have a service dog that helps, and if I really have to, I'll take medication for the panic attacks. My bishop knows about my conditions and that helps a lot. He knows that if I have to get up and leave in the middle of sacrament meeting that it is okay.

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My boyfriend is not a member, but he allows me to be active in my membership and it really doesn't matter in our relationship, and I am fine being the only one going to church. Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are common for me too. I have a service dog that helps, and if I really have to, I'll take medication for the panic attacks. My bishop knows about my conditions and that helps a lot. He knows that if I have to get up and leave in the middle of sacrament meeting that it is okay.

Thank you for this post. It is so reassuring knowing that I am not alone in this! :)

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I am a member and my husband is not. However, he is very supportive of me going to church. If your wife is supportive of you going then that's great! Go on your own and maybe your example will rub off on her! ;) Also, talk with the bishop, he may be able to give you advice on your particular situation.

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Guest mormonmusic

I was impressed with a woman who told me her love for her husband transcended his involvement in the Church. Now that is love.

I personally would not let the Church come between you and your relationship with your spouse.

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I'm with mormonmusic on this.

I have seen several quite happy mixed-faith marriages, and what I observe to be the big thing is RESPECT. What does concern me here is that the fear that your wife, even while supporting you, wouldn't like it all that much anyway. I have to wonder if it's mere she'd-prefer-you-not-go-but-it's-not-that-big-of-a-deal or true bitterness masked by the attempt to be supportive.

If you are seriously interested in returning to activity, I suggest sitting down with your wife and talking about what it would mean to the relationship. Can she truly be supportive of you returning to church? If not, how would that affect the relationship? If she was adamant you didn't go, would that leave you feeling bitter?

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I agree with Backroads on this. The big thing is respect.

My husband and I were sealed in the temple almost 7 years ago, but then about 2 years ago he admitted that he wasn't sure that he believed anymore and didn't have a desire to go anymore. So he stopped going, but I didn't stop. Its been hard to go with just my 2 young kids, and not him, but it doesn't need to end the relationship. I've heard several stories of spouses just up and leaving if the other told them they didn't believe anymore. That's not how marriage works. Its not always easy, but if you truly love and respect each other you can keep your relationship strong even with the different beliefs.

Like Backroads said, Sit down and talk to your wife to see if she can truly be supportive of your returning to the church.

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