Church Service Mission?


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Hi all. As some of you may know, I'm a convert to the Church, and am 25 years old. I'm set to be endowed next Saturday, the 25th, and am really excited for that! One of my friends recently was called to serve a full-time mission, and she's 24 years old. I mention her age because I've always wished that I could serve a full-time mission, however I've said that I'm just not at a stage in my life for that (I'm busy with school and work, and I guess trying to find my eternal companion ;) ), and I know that my parents, who are not members, would definitely not understand nor support that decision if I went through the process.

Yesterday I happened on a few videos from the Church about Church Service Missions, and that got my intrigued. It seems to be the perfect opportunity for me to serve the Church and others as a non-proselytizing missionary, and remain home to take care of the other things that I have going on. Has anyone ever served a CSM, known someone that has, has more info on them, etc?

Using the search function on the CSM website, it seems as if the only opportunities available in my area at this time are "work at home" missions, such as Family Search Missionary and Internet Content Contributor-Customer Services Representative. Do you think my bishop would be aware of other local opportunities, or is this site pretty updated as far as that goes? I'm curious about the Addiction Recovery Program, mostly because I studied psychology and am interested in that. Do they take singles or is it only for couples?

Also, somewhat random/trivial question, but why would "work at home" missionaries be given missionary name-tags if at home? :confused:


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Jason, there are missions you can do at home. I live outside of Utah and some things that people from my ward have been called to do as a mission include (and some of these are couples only): serving at the temple, serving in the Bishop's Storehouse, serving as a ward missionary, serving as a ward missionary in another branch.

Talk to your bishop. He will be able to find out some opportunities for you to serve a mission. Let him know of your desires to serve a full time mission, but the difficulties you feel prevent you from doing so. Let him know you want to serve a mission while at home and ask him to find and consider the opportunities you have to do so.

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The problem may be the term "full time". Even those serving a mission from their homes serve full time. Several couples from our ward have served missions from home but they were working full time on it not just as time and schedules permitted. Talk to your bishop about time involved ... then maybe fill a calling until such time as you can devote full time to a mission of some sort.

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Talk with your bishop and stake president. Often they can also call members as service missionaries. My wife and I, for instance, are serving a 2 year service mission in the Spanish branch here in Indianapolis. We have a young disabled man, who was not able to serve a regular mission, who was called to assist a member who is an artist to create the lintel for either the Rome or Indianapolis temple (Church hasn't decided which one it will go on yet).

We have another young man who is some disabilities, who is serving at the Bishop's storehouse.

So, there are many potential opportunities. It is a matter of discussing it with your bishop and stake president.

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Jason - Congrats on your upcoming endowments! I have to wait longer than I thought for my appointments, but I am going to call the temple tomorrow and set up a March 3 date. I'm getting excited rather than nervous (OK, still nervous).

We had a stake conference about family history. I don't know if it amounts to a 'mission,' but you can do indexing from home and in your own time. Volunteer and Contribute One of my neighbors does translation work from home in her spare time. I think the primary thing is to find some way to serve, rather than worry if it has the label 'missionary' on it.

I'm so glad to see how you are coming along!

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