Question About Returning To The Church

Guest returned rm

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Check out the General Conference talks and this months Ensign. It looks like church leaders want you back too :) .

Since you haven't walked into church in awhile-remember its not so bad. One foot in front of the other.... Oops, a fall. Up again, keep stepping right to the door, now inside, sit, now listen and learn. See not so bad. :)

Some other random thoughts:

Always remember you are a Child of God, He wants you to be happy -so keep repenting, going back.........

Keep trying and pretty soon wah lah you'll be so concerned with learning and doing you won't have time to care where you have been :)

Remember faiith, REPENTENCE, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost the 1st principles of the gospel-like you RM wouldn't already know. You get to really learn these again to a level you probably never had, or ever expected you would have to now though.

You'll never know what will happen unless you try. Stop letting fears keep you away.

What do you really have to lose but a little pride?

Good luck to you.

bro :sparklygrin:

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You can't pray in sacrament??


I do... and I think I'll do it again!!! :o

Apostle Knight quote

"You won't be excommunicated unless you're unrepentant. If you recognize what you did was wrong, and feel godly sorrow about it, and have determined not to repeat that mistake, you'll likely be disfellowshipped for around a year. I'm sure you know that means you can't give talks in church, teach classes or pray in church. It's so you can have time to solidify your resolve, but your bishop and stake pres. would explain it far better than I can."

marsha quote

"I Know about the giving talks, holding callings, withholding being able to give blessings, but Not be able to PRAY in Church?

Whats up with that? Why can't you pray in Church? That is one of the place I would think you can. Do you mean GIVE prayers in Church? "

claification....when you are on probation, disfellowshipped, or excommunicated you can't give the opening or closing prayer in meetings, or lead other prayers.

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Some people think its hard to go back but its not,just repent and truly belive you did something Vullger and wroung that is all.

I mean my dad Had you know what with anouther gal while he was married so he got Excummunicated,he knew it was wroung,and he was also a returned Missionary.He has married the gal and has also broken the law of Chasity.He tells us to be close in the church so we won't make the same mistakes.He I bet had a problem about going back to church but as times progressed he finally came back for like Sacrement,its cool.Anyways,their are worse sins,that sin however can be forgiven.Soooooo forgive and go back its as easy as that a'ight?

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