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I was brought up in chaos to such an extent that when I left home, I felt that at least now I knew how not to live my life. My X was brought up in Chaos also, but in our ignorance, we set out to make a better life for ourselves and our children.

It was hard because we were seeing life through the lenses of our brokenness. One thing we had though was stubbornness. Though we did not realize it at the time, we were trying to move toward order, goodness, and love but we had no idea that Jesus Christ was the one we needed. So many of the places we sought Jesus Christ only had part of the truth.

Its been 46 years since I was first married. Tragically, it ended at in 2005. While I knew it was not working, I did not know the solution, and I would find out later that my mate had already given up and was having affairs. I like to think that at least all the children were gone and married by then.

I often wonder what it would have been like to have known Jesus Christ before Santa Claus. What would it have been like to pray several times a day? What would it have been like to climb into my Daddy's lap and be called perhaps sweet heart?

What was it like to be baptised at 8 years old and to know that it was something special, not just a swimming lesson? I wonder what it would have felt like to grow up trusting the Elders? By the time, I was a teen, I feared men.

It has been a hard night

I had to be the steadying, protective influence last night. I had to lay there feeling wooden on the floor on an air mattress, while my roomate lay in my bed crying about her BF who'd gotten enraged, and made us both fear violence. Would I have to use the violence laying on the table beside me to stop his violence? It's not the first time I'd faced a perpetrator, and I tire of it. Why should a 65 year old woman be a body guard? When will someone who is flesh and blood be mine?

I have Jesus Christ. In Christ we are not promised a life free of pain and death. We are not promised to avoid his fate. I just hope that when it ends here, that Heavenly Father will love me.

I know that many LDS are thankful for the life they have spent in Jesus Christ. I too am thankful for having known the truth for a while.

If you are living in a bad roommate situation as you have described...roommates of opposite genders....drug activity...and violence...why do you remain?

There was recently a similar situation in our ward, and the bishop and Relief Society president were able to secure a new living situation in a couple of weeks. Whenever a need of housing has come up in our ward, housing has been found (either inside or outside the ward). No one is left homeless or in a dangerous environment.

There is no need for you to remain in such a home.

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If you are living in a bad roommate situation as you have described...roommates of opposite genders....drug activity...and violence...why do you remain?

There was recently a similar situation in our ward, and the bishop and Relief Society president were able to secure a new living situation in a couple of weeks. Whenever a need of housing has come up in our ward, housing has been found (either inside or outside the ward). No one is left homeless or in a dangerous environment.

There is no need for you to remain in such a home.

I've put in a call to my Bishop. He was not there; got his voice mail. I hate to bother him. I'm pretty sure this will be the end of the present situation. Women are in a lot of danger from enraged, X boyfriends, and I plan to prevent him from hurting her, at least in my presence. Why is it that some women never realise the danger they are in until they have stitches and a cast?

I've heard people complain about having grown up in the starchy atmosphere of an LDS family, and church. Maybe I would like to have experienced that.

I know that Heavenly Father's will is foremost before my eyes.

Edited by Hala401
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