The Kingdom And The Crown

Winnie G

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Have any of you read the Kingdom and the Crown books?

I was shocked wile in a LDS bookstore this week to see the books in paperback for ten dollars each. My husband looked at me and loaded my arms with all three.

I love that man.

I loved the Work and the Glory and read all nine in one summer.

I was lucky a church member donated his extensive LDS library to our ward and I had first crack at getting my hands on them. I started reading two a week. Picking one up on a Sunday and by Wednesday on to the next. I was the ward librarian back then.

My children would call out to each other “Mom’s reading get out the Kleenex”!

I am hopping this will be the same experience.

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Dr. T

Do you not have a ward library?

This member donated his books, mostly by Deseret.

The membership received much Joy from his gift.

When he died un-excitedly his daughter not LDS dropped off the rest what a gold mine!

The trouble with his gift was some old busy body bug the bishop over the books being in the library to the point were he said they had to be moved to under the counter.

Once out of view interest dropped off and for all I know they are still there gathering dust.

I read more in that space of time then I have my whole life.

His gift was my blessing. :wub:

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Hi Winnie,

Seeing that I don't have a ward, I don't have a ward library. Are they common?

Dr. T

I'm not Winnie, but I was Branch Librarian for 4 years - so I will answer you.

Yes Dr.T

Every Ward and Branch has a Library. At least a Branch that has it's own Meetinghouse.

It is not like a library that most people think of though. The library has all of the pictures that can be used with the lessons for all ages. Easels to put the pictures on. Tape recorders, church videos, tv with video players and dvd players. Flannel board stories for the primary.

All of the lesson manuals, extra Bible's, BofM's, Trips, D & C's, Pearl of Great Price. Then there are supplies such as chalk, erasers, pencils, paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, tape, tetc.. There is a copy machine in there, and some libraries even have projectors and those portable screens.

If you have a liberal Bishop/Branch President, then your library will also have books that are donated by people. We had a member donate these wonderful Flannel Board Old & New Testement stories. The Primary and the Seminary used them all the time! The general rule of thumb with accepting the donated books are: they must meet with the standards of the Church. NOT just be published by Deseret Book - but the Bishop/Branch President must approve them.

My old Branch had the entire set of The Work and the Glory, plus all the works of Hugh Nibley, and we also had Hugh Nibley's books on audio!!! We also had two sets each of the Audio Standard Works that a member gave to the branch.

Oh, I almost forgot, they also have 10 years worth of copies of ALL of the Church Magazines. At least my Branch did. There had been 20 years, and I tossed all but the newer ten years. I don't know what the rule is now that they are all on the internet.

If you go HERE

then click on 1. Gospel Study Resources 2.Materials for those with Disabilities 3.Music 4.Pictures & Visual Aids 5. Supplies <General Supplies> 6. Unit Administration 7. Video Recordings That will give you a good look at a Meeting House Library.

One thing that some members don't know is that you, the members can check these video's, manuals, etc out of the library. The standard rule of thumb is you get two weeks, then you bring them back. Pretty much like the public library.

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Isn't this book set the one about the fictional character who lived during the time of the Savior?



Yes, it's done in the same way as the Work and the Glory series. They tell the story of fictional charactors who are around and interact with historical figures from biblical times of the New Testament.

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