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My name is MoonSkin and I am obviously new here. I'm not christian, I fell away from that faith years ago however, I have a few christian friends and one is mormon. My mormon friend told me I should give it one more try, recommended I find a forum such as this and attend church with her if I could. So I figured I might as well give it a shot to entertain her.

Besides that, I'm 19 and in college. I live with my older brother and his wife and my family is not much further from us. I enjoy several hobbies such as singing, playing guitar, drawing and diving.

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Ah, while I do like swiming I was refering to scuba diving. Sorry ^__^

To Jolly, yes I do have a faith in something. I have faith in God as I see him but, he's in no way comparable to the christian/mormon god.

I have no problem with that, my view is a bit unique as well.


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Hi, I just joined too, but I can't post new threads and I don't have access to my profile page. I didn't get the activation email that the sign-up page said I would get. What should I do?


Try looking in your junk e-mail folder. If it's not there then contact the moderators.

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I came here because I really have no where else to go. I've already been to my bishop, who said he would "get right on it" and that was 6 weeks ago. We don't have LDS counselors in our area, and the therapists who are here would immediately tell us that our problem is that we are LDS and need to leave the church to have a happy marriage. I don't want to go thru that garbage, I need advice from LDS people who understand an eternal marriage and the consequences of actions. Anyways, I can't seem to post a thread to explain what I need help with so I'm not sure what to do. All I know is every day my depression gets worse and I just want to flee. I need to talk to someone quick.


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