Relationship ADvice?

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Ok i am dating this wonderful women who i met last year in class. We have been dating for 1 year and 2 months. I found out she likes this other guy? How should i confront her about this? should i be worried about htis? is this a normal thing? Will this affect our Relationship?


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Edited by deviddiya
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Some thoughts:

What exactly are you going to be confronting her about? Did you agree to an exclusive relationship? I know it's really easy to just assume since things are going swimmingly on your end of things to assume the relationship just sorta flipped into exclusive mode all by it's lonesome, but unless you (both of you, this isn't really something that can be done unilaterally) made a move in that direction than the default (non-exclusive) remains.

You ask about how it will affect your relationship but what exactly is your relationship? And I don't mean what you think your relationship is, but what you've both decided your relationship is. Keep in mind the person with the idea that is the weaker/more distant relationship kinda wins by default. What I mean is, if you think you're engaged and she think's your just casual dating buddies then the state of your relationship is on the casual dating buddy side of the spectrum.

All that said, you location gives Bahrain, the cultures involved make a huge difference in things. Particularly if your and her culture aren't the same. All my thoughts are pretty much of necessity US centric, I don't exactly have experience with dating expectations in some place like Bahrain.

Edited by Dravin
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All that said, you location gives Bahrain, the cultures involved make a huge difference in things. Particularly if your and her culture aren't the same. All my thoughts are pretty much of necessity US centric, I don't exactly have experience with dating expectations in some place like Bahrain.

To add to the mix, the IP is from India.

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Ok i am dating this wonderful women who i met last year in class. We have been dating for 1 year and 2 months. I found out she likes this other guy? How should i confront her about this? should i be worried about htis? is this a normal thing? Will this affect our Relationship?

Dravin makes an excellent point, how are you defining your relationship and how is she defining it?

Are you steady, or are you both dating other people? If you are dating other people, then confronting her will be moot.

One of the most important principles and doctrines within our faith is our "moral agency".

I think it rather obvious, if she likes another guy, then yes, it will affect any type of relationship you may have. However, if you are dating other people, then this should be expected.

My personal feeling, if you confront her, it will put her on the defensive and she will most likely see you as an antagonist.

If you are not married, remember she has every right to like other guys. Even if you are engaged she still has a right to like other guys.

I would not worry to much, relax, and recognize, if this relationship will continue it will continue. Go out, have fun, and hope for the best.

I remember dating a young lady, I was thoroughly interested in, who also liked another guy. I look back and wish I would have just went out with her, had fun, and enjoy the relationship. The relationship would have still ended, however, it would not have ended so badly if I used a little more intelligence. I am glad it ended, because not long after, I met my wife.

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To add to the mix, the IP is from India.

He's from India living in Bahrain? Yeah, there would be cultural differences here. In India, westernized dating is a "new thing" in the cities. The regular Indian culture is once you go on exclusive outings, you're boyfriend/girlfriend (serious relationship) without having to "make it clear". It's the cultural expectation. Otherwise, it's just regular friends and you go on group outings. Non-exclusive dating is not common - my friend from India who is Tamil calls "westernized" women who date around as "Delhi-girls" and avoids them like the plague.

A girl showing interest in another guy while dating another guy is very much considered a sign of disrespect and frowned upon by society even. It is quite common to consider the girl "unworthy" because of this. The common culture of respect would have the girl break it off cleanly with the person she's dating before she even shows interest in another boy.

So, if this is the case - I wouldn't bother with a confrontation. I would just let go of the girl and move on.

Bahrain culture is different too. Bahrain is mostly Muslim and are Arabic in culture. Women don't go dating multiple men in Bahrain. This culture seeps into the foreigners working there. I have aunts working as nurses in Bahrain and they have to make a point of "melding" into the culture.

Edited by anatess
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