Losing Your Head Over Prayer.


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MOGADISHU, Somalia — Residents of a southern Somalia town who do not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an official said Wednesday, adding the edict will be implemented in three days.


Those who do not follow the prayer edict after three days have elapsed, "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law," Rage told The Associated Press by phone. "As Muslims we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do."


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That is pretty bad... :(

Fiannan, I notice that quite a few of your recent posts regarding Islam are about the negative aspects of it. I can understand the fears/disgust that some people in the USA feel about some Islamics, the terrorists of course, but surely there must be some features of Islam that are not bad?

Would you be accused of spreading racial hatred/intolerance if you were to continually post these sorts of articles in the UK, I wonder?

Of course I am not condoning violence in any form by any group, including Islamics...either against others or against members of their own religion..I am more concerned about your apparent obsession with posting anti Islamic documents on this site.

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Would you be accused of spreading racial hatred/intolerance if you were to continually post these sorts of articles in the UK, I wonder?

Hi Pushka,

Just wondering what you mean by this? Is there a law in the UK that states you can't voice your opinion?

Not trying to be offensive... just trying to figure out this statement.

I don't have many positive things to say about Islam, I must confess. Thankfully I can voice my opinion without fear of being arrested.

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Hi Shan,

There isn't a law against voicing your opinions in the UK as such, however there is a law, (I believe), against inciting racial hatred by means such as this or holding meetings at which words are spoken which are promoting racism. It's difficult to draw the line between just telling the truth about certain groups and that of spreading these negative rather than positive 'facts' in order to incite violence against those groups...

Sorry if I didn't word that very well, I'm sure somebody else from the UK would be able to explain it a little more clearly than I can!!

I've just found this wonderful explanation on Maureen's fave site..wikipedia :)


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Thanks Pushka!

Looks like Fiannan would be safe if he was a UK resident, according to this from your link: "Holocaust denial is not covered under this legislation, and neither is incitement to hatred against religions other than Judaism and Sikhism . This has been criticised by Muslim groups who argue that it gives preferential treatment to other religions than their own which is open to attack, as they argue."

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Yes, it looks that way Shanstress...altho as you read further you discover that he might get into trouble if the following law is passed:

'As of 2005, the British government are attempting to bring in a similar law for incitement to religious hatred, but this has met with tough opposition by civil liberties groups, comedians, and others, who argue that it would stifle religious debate. It is also argued that incitement against Muslims is already covered by existing laws concerning incitement to violence.'

URL as above...Wikipedia..

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I think it's interesting that they think they can't pray while they are going about their business.

... that all shops must close, and the streets vacated, while they talk to God and God talks back to them.

Maybe if they prayed all the time, like I try to do, they'd be a little less busy killing people?

I wonder where they got the idea that all prayers need to be like they think they need to be?

Very interesting.

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Fiannan, I notice that quite a few of your recent posts regarding Islam are about the negative aspects of it. I can understand the fears/disgust that some people in the USA feel about some Islamics, the terrorists of course, but surely there must be some features of Islam that are not bad?

Would you be accused of spreading racial hatred/intolerance if you were to continually post these sorts of articles in the UK, I wonder?

Of course I am not condoning violence in any form by any group, including Islamics...either against others or against members of their own religion..I am more concerned about your apparent obsession with posting anti Islamic documents on this site.

Pushka, my reply...

Is the cleric in Solalia a terrorist? Is the president of Iran a terrorist? Are the courts in Pakistan and Indonesia that sentence Christians to long jail terms for daring to be Christian terrorists? No, they are absolutely not terrorists by any definition. However, that doesn't mean they are all that nice.

I do admire that Muslims stand up for their religion and also tend to be more family centered than so called Christians in the west -- I have posted topics on that many times here. I have known many Muslims who are very nice people and I have no trouble with these people. I am also almost done reading the Koran -- to be honest if Euro Christians and liberal American Christians were half as devout to their religion as Muslims are then there would be less "Christians" filling up bars and pubs and more filling up places of worship on Sunday -- there would be less "Christians" using NHS services for birth prevention and abortion and more babies being born in maternity wards.

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Hi Fiannan...I'm sorry for what I said. Yes, I agree that those people are not terrorists, however I don't condone their behaviour either...so I do see why you posted the examples you did.

I apologise for my poor recall skills which led to me overlooking your previous positive posts regarding Muslims...

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Dan 3:6 And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

Dan 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

God will make a way for these people who refuse to bow to idols.

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