Would You Drink If It Were Permissable?


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Guest funkyfool

nah you're completely right outshined. Not sure im proud of it either...and do you consider what i said to be bragging?

Also, driving under the influence no matter what your age certainly puts other drivers at risk.

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Outshined, I should have surrounded my response with: Sarcastic comment coming up.

I agree with you 100% Unfortunately I know of three young women in my ward who could be clones of Funky and I would dearly love to dash a swimming pool of cold water reality in their faces and in the faces of the YW Leaders, the Bishop and the girls parents. Who know what is going on and turn a blind eye to it!

I know of no way to force them to see the error of their ways. Say anything about it and you will get dumped on by the "politically correct" and "don't you dare offend this sweet young thing" people.

I have walked that path that you think is so cool Funky - I have wasted over 25 years of my life. I thank Father ever blessed day that when I was driving drunk that I never hurt a living thing, that when I was drinking that I never hurt a living creature other than myself. Father protected me, and protected others from me.

Why don't you take a trip down to your local jail and talk with one of the officers there. Ask him what happens to those who are brought in for drunk driving, drunk and disorderly, supplying alcohol to minors, minors who are drunk. Keep an eye out and watch for the drunks and offenders that they bring in. Is that what you want to be like? If so - then continue to drink.

Now go down to the ER in your town and volunteer to work on friday and saturdays that are the closest to paydays (unemployment, pension, SS checks, welfare, etc.) and see what drunk drivers do to defenseless human bodies! Volunteer at a soup kitchen and watch the homeless, drunks and winos first hand. Is that what you want to accomplish and be like? If so - then continue to drink.

Better yet, go to a shelter for abused and battered women, clean up after them and listen to what has happened to them. A great many of them are there because of alcohol. Husband getting drunk and beating them and their children. Women are great offenders too - they do their fair share of the abuse. But I will not recommend that you go to a Mens shelter- stick to the women's and childrens. See, for yourself what far reaching damage the alcohol does to families.

Funky, I am sorely disappointed in you. You want to rebel? Why don't you rebel against the wicked and unrighteous? Why are you following satan? Dare to be righteous. Dare to say NO to the wicked. Dare to Choose the Right and follow Jesus.

End of Rant.

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Guest funkyfool

The funny thing mrss, is that i am absolutely in no way proud or glad about the way that i live my life. As i matter of fact, i pretty much hate myself for being so weak.

lol and ya know..your post would be a little bit more effective if it werent for the fact that i have already seen many peoples who's lives were destroyed through alcohol. lol in some stupid crime group i went to there was a girl who sat there crying her heart out sharing the story of when she wrecked as she drove under the influence. I know a number of people who have been abused by those who are using alcohol.

I never said i drank a lot. I don't drive. and i know that regardless of those two things that i am still in the wrong.

And for future reference, it's not usually a good idea to tell somebody that you know someone who could be their clone when you know very minimal information about the accused.

im sorry that you're disappointed in me, but im probably more dissappointed in myself so if your "rant" was trying to make me feel bad, it was inaffective because i was already at the "disppointed in myself" point

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nah you're completely right outshined. Not sure im proud of it either...and do you consider what i said to be bragging?

It came across that way to me, but it just may have been the way I was reading it. I'm glad to see you recognize the dangers of alcohol. :idea:

Just keep fighting the good fight; making the right choices isn't always easy.

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In answer to your original question:

If the WoW was removed, I still would not drink Coffee, Tea, or alcohol of any kind. I am a convert of 28 years, and those were not things I did before I joined the Church. I did learn to like my Mother in Law's Tea, but I think it was only because she put so much sugar in it. I never drank tea before being around her. I also did not smoke previously. However, I grew up around people who enjoyed all of the above.

I consider myself an "alcoholic" simply because I believe that if I ever learned to like alcohol, I would be an alcoholic. Quite a few relatives on both sides of my family have alcohol problems. Mean drunks are not a pleasant site, and I've seen a few. In fact, there is nothing uglier than a drunk woman . . . . . . . . . . . . .unless it is a FAT drunk woman. (don't bother to "flame" me on this one. . . . it's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. It is also another reason why I don't ever want to become an alcoholic. I am a large woman, and I had a large aunt who was a really "mean" drunk, and she drank quite often. Take my word for it, it is not a pretty site!!!)

Cigarettes turned my father's fingers brown and literally ate up my father in laws lungs as well as a dear neighbor. Cigarette smoke makes me have headaches and irritates my allergies.

Coffee stinks, and personally, I think it only has one good use, and it is not drinking.

On the whole, I have enough problems without introducing those particular items into my life. I have done fine without them for years; so in my opinion, why would I want to bring them into my life even if the Church okayed it?

I have also eliminated Dr. Pepper (I was a Dr. Pepper - holic big time . . . . . another reason I believe that I would be tempted to be an alcoholic. . . . . . . .I already have had some issues with "over doing") and Halloween from my life.

Halloween is an issue that I get lots of "flaming" about from people who like to celebrate it. I don't judge other people on whether or not they celebrate Halloween, but lots of people judge me simply because I don't.

I also don't judge other people about their use of coffee, tea, alcohol, or cigarettes. . . . . . . I don't use them which is my choice. Others use them which is their choice. Just don't try to persuade me to do something which I am not interested in doing (using those items), and for goodness sakes, DO NOT ask me to tell you why I believe that those things are bad for me or anyone else, because I just might tell you. NOT! I absolutely will tell people if they ask me why I think those substances are bad for you.

The problem is that when people ask, and I tell, they ASSUME that I am being judgmental which is not the case at all. I simply am expressing what I believe and feel to be the truth on a subject. . . .simply explaining why I behave the way I do. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and that's okay. However, I do expect the courtesy of being allowed to have my own opinion without someone trying to make me feel that my opinion is wrong.



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Well, just like Outshined said, when people drink they aren't the only one's effected. The effects of bad habits (disorders or diseases) spread out like a ring in water. Stick to your guns TXRed, you know who you are.

Funkyfool, sometimes people drink when they're unhappy and it's the only thing that seems to lighten the load. Self medicating so to speak. If you don't want to drink, but somehow feel compelled, maybe you're a little depressed?

Boy, did you know you were going to get everyone so excited?! You may be Funky, but I doubt that you're a fool!

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Guest funkyfool

Well, just like Outshined said, when people drink they aren't the only one's effected. The effects of bad habits (disorders or diseases) spread out like a ring in water. Stick to your guns TXRed, you know who you are.

Funkyfool, sometimes people drink when they're unhappy and it's the only thing that seems to lighten the load. Self medicating so to speak. If you don't want to drink, but somehow feel compelled, maybe you're a little depressed?

Boy, did you know you were going to get everyone so excited?! You may be Funky, but I doubt that you're a fool!

yeah, actually i did kind of expect to get a reaction out of what i said. im not sure "excited" is the right word though. um and i said i really dont drink that often and i am in no way an alcoholic. but ya know for drinking period that does kinda make me a fool.

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