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this is the question I asked.

"I am wondering what would the ramifications be If I join the Church and my hubby does not! He is tattooed, smokes, drinks every now and again(rarely), Drinks coffee and ice tea."

IT is NOT like we can just get those things removed not that he would he said they remind him of his past and where he has come from. not to mention they leave ugly scars when removed. He is a bit rebellious in his own way. he has come a long way from where he was.

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this is the question I asked.

"I am wondering what would the ramifications be If I join the Church and my hubby does not! He is tattooed, smokes, drinks every now and again(rarely), Drinks coffee and ice tea."

IT is NOT like we can just get those things removed not that he would he said they remind him of his past and where he has come from. not to mention they leave ugly scars when removed. He is a bit rebellious in his own way. he has come a long way from where he was.

#1. If your husband gains a testimony of the restored gospel, he can be baptized if he quits smoking, alcohol, coffee, and tea. He can be baptized without removing his tattoos. There are a lot of tattooed members in the Church - those who have tattoos before they got baptized or those who got tattoos as a member and then repented. If he doesn't want to quit the smoking, alcohol, coffee, and tea, then his testimony is not yet strong enough to be able to make a baptismal covenant.

#2 You can be baptized without your husband being baptized. If he respects your decision and gives you space to practice your religion, then everything is hunky dory. If he will not allow you to get baptized (threatening divorce, etc.) then you'll need to talk to the bishop to get advice on how to proceed.

Good luck.

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My husband is a ward missionary, and we attend Gospel Principles. We actually had a discussion about this a few weeks ago because one of the older ward missionaries has befriended a guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings and lives a "partying" kind of lifestyle. He was worried about how people would react if this guy ever did come to church. Those of us that are younger (< 50) didn't think it would be an issue. The older ones might have a bit of a problem passing judgment, but then again, some may not. And judging by another post here today, some others might judge. I say that's their problem.

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hello newbie here

Looking for facts about the church. Not the same regurgitated quotes from the website. So sick of asking a question and getting word for word answers from the website.

I'm curious which "word for word answers from the website" you have problems with. If you're looking for facts like you say you are, then there may not be much room to state things in different ways, or in the ways you want to hear them.

Anyhow, regarding tatooes, he doesn't necessarily need to have them removed- that would be a personal decision for him- but it they are offensive in some way to others than he would just need to make sure to cover them up in public.

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this is the question I asked.

"I am wondering what would the ramifications be If I join the Church and my hubby does not! He is tattooed, smokes, drinks every now and again(rarely), Drinks coffee and ice tea."

IT is NOT like we can just get those things removed not that he would he said they remind him of his past and where he has come from. not to mention they leave ugly scars when removed. He is a bit rebellious in his own way. he has come a long way from where he was.

I have a very good friend who joined the Church in his 30s. He has tattoos all over his body from his biker days. When Pres Hinckley asked men not to wear earrings, he took his off in obedience to the prophet. He still has his tats, and is fully welcomed by the members in his ward. Now, I'm sure if he became a member, the bishop would ask him to not add to his tat collection....

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We went Sunday to our first Sacrament service. He was not impressed. He hates singing (I told him almost ALL churches will sing). The fact there is no one preaching kinda threw him. He didn't like that Church starts at 1 pm and last till 4. so he made me leave after Sacrament. IF he agrees to go back Sunday I told him I want to go to Sunday school. If they separate us I know he will freak out. I want to go to relief society but that will require him to go to Priesthood meeting he won't have me to hold him up and be his "Front man" and will be very uncomfortable. to make matters WORSE the missionary we have been working (and he has bonded) with is leaving next week.

I know he is not willing to give up smoking, coffee, OR ice tea. However he is looking for somewhere he belongs and for some place he feels wanted. In soooooo many Churches he has gone to he feels like they are happy for you to walk in the door the first time but then they

'toss you to the wolves' and forget about you as soon as you get baptized or join the church. Honestly at this point I don't care what church he joins as long as he finds something. not that I think he will change overnight but the yelling, cursing, and many of the other things that he does is all proof of his lack of guidance from Jesus and Heavenly father.

I hope we can find what he is looking for with the LDS because for me I think they have what I have been looking for!

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We went Sunday to our first Sacrament service. He was not impressed. He hates singing (I told him almost ALL churches will sing). The fact there is no one preaching kinda threw him. He didn't like that Church starts at 1 pm and last till 4. so he made me leave after Sacrament. IF he agrees to go back Sunday I told him I want to go to Sunday school. If they separate us I know he will freak out. I want to go to relief society but that will require him to go to Priesthood meeting he won't have me to hold him up and be his "Front man" and will be very uncomfortable. to make matters WORSE the missionary we have been working (and he has bonded) with is leaving next week.

I know he is not willing to give up smoking, coffee, OR ice tea. However he is looking for somewhere he belongs and for some place he feels wanted. In soooooo many Churches he has gone to he feels like they are happy for you to walk in the door the first time but then they

'toss you to the wolves' and forget about you as soon as you get baptized or join the church. Honestly at this point I don't care what church he joins as long as he finds something. not that I think he will change overnight but the yelling, cursing, and many of the other things that he does is all proof of his lack of guidance from Jesus and Heavenly father.

I hope we can find what he is looking for with the LDS because for me I think they have what I have been looking for!

Here's the thing, Danalynn. Joining the church is a lot more than just the kumbayah. Your husband really needs to gain that testimony that the doctrines taught by the church is true. That's first. The coffee, tea, whatever else - those are side issues. Piddly ones at that. You don't join the LDS church merely for the "feeling". You join the church because you want to follow Jesus Christ and make the covenants that lead to eternal happiness. When one gains this testimony, it is inevitable that one would follow Christ and make a covenant - the first covenant is baptism. So that, when someone has that testimony, he will WANT to get rid of the stuff like coffee, tea, etc., that prevents him from making that covenant.

What I'm trying to say is - of course right now it's unimaginable that he would quit those things. There's not much reason for him to quit it. So he doesn't like the singing, the lack of ministers, etc. Those are piddly stuff. He does not have a testimony. But, once he gains that testimony, he will overcome those piddly stuff because he wants to, not just because somebody says he should.

So, I always say - line upon line, precept upon precept. Here a little, there a little. Going to Priesthood meeting may not be the line he needs to go on now. Just having missionaries/ward members come talk about Jesus Christ in your own home may be the line he is on now. Let the Holy Spirit guide.

Edited by anatess
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Well he has agreed to allow the Elders to come back to the house Wednesday. So hopefully he will agree to go back on Sunday. The way I am understanding it is Sunday School and relief society/priesthood meetings is where you get the fellowship and scripture understanding he is looking for. I am sure we will go through a Gospel principles class at some point

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As for the Fuzzy feelings I am not looking for that. Seems to me too many Churches are borderline to full on hypocritical because they only want to talk about the Warm fuzzys and conveniently forget what we have been commanded to do because it is not popular with the main stream of what has become common in our society.

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I just want to add that if sacrament is first, he can go with you to that and Sunday School and then go home while you're at Relief Society and come back to pick you up. This may not work if your church isn't close by, but if he's not comfortable going to priesthood by himself (which is understandable), then this might be a good option. Eventually, he might have some male friends in the ward that he will go to Priesthood with and be more comfortable with everything then. Also, every ward I've been in, the time changes every year starting January 1st. (it starts at either 9 a.m, 11 a.m, or 1 p.m.) So you can tell your husband that he only has to endure 2 more months of 1 o clock church ^_^. Good luck with everything!

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