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Hi everyone!

I've posted a few blogs and made some friends on this site, but I never have actually introduced myself. My name is Nellie and I've been a member of the LDS Church since my parents accepted the missionary discussions from two Sister missionaries in Colonial Heights, Virginia in 1951. I grew up in VA and then attended BYU in 1968. I married in 1973 in Manti, UT and throughout a 37 year marriage and 4 children, we lived in many different areas of VA, UT, WY, NC, WA, and Alaska. I divorced in 2010 because of my husband's infidelity. This past weekend, I accepted his proposal to re-marry next year. We have 8 amazing grandchildren and I am currently living in SLC, UT with my oldest daughter and my former husband lives in our home in Pasco, WA.

I love to sing and play the piano and organ. I have taught music, both privately and publically over the years. I have a strong testimony of the gospel but for some reason, I have felt a feeling of unsureness (not sure is that's a word) come over me the past 24 hours regarding my decision to remarry. I'm not sure why this feeling of doubt has crept back into my mind and heart. One moment I feel so sure and positive of my decision and then I start to feel panick. I sure could use some unbiased support!:rolleyes:

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That sounded more like hauling your old cow back to market in hopes of getting something out of her! Funny - it did make me smile. I'm newly engaged but maybe it's just being in the area where most of the hurt occured. It's been an interesting week. I'll head back to SLC tomorrow - rest up a week and then head to San Francisco for a week with my son's family. I don't know why I'm feeling such uneasiness right now. Thanks for the welcome.


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