What would you do?


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So I recently saw a video online made by an Australian comedian where he and a few others went to the SLC area to go door-to-door missionary style. Except, they were atheists and had copes of The Origin of Species with them. Now, I have no doubt that this video was edited, so who knows what most of the people they talked to who weren't in the video acted like- the mass majority of them could have been very respectful and nice. But, in the video, most of the people wanted nothing to do with them and shut them out.

So, this leads me to ask the question: What would you do? Would you have listened to what they had to say and engaged them in a thoughtful and meaningful conversation and/or debate?

This assuming they were respectful to you, as they were in the video. Go watch the video if you want, it is on youtube and pretty easy to find. Just beware, that it is anti-Mormon in nature.

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Ok, I'll answer...

As soon as they put The Origin Of Species in front of me, I would have known then and there they're a bunch of crack-pots not worth listening to. Mormon or not, the scientific community has progressed long past that book and it is only worth is as a quaint book where the idea of evolution was made "coherent" and put out there for the publics consumption.

In other words, they know not what they speak of and their scientific thinking is stuck in the 1800's. So I wouldn't waste my time.

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Calm down, man. People joke, and those are actually really good first responses to atheists at the door. In fact, I hope something like that is the first thing I say if that ever happens to me.

Personally, I have no problem with evolution. I mean, I learned a lot of what I know about it in my biology class at BYU. However, I don't really have anything to say about it. So I wouldn't have much to talk about. If they wanted to have an interesting conversation, we could do so. If I have time, I am usually up for talking to people. I wouldn't want to just have an argument, though. It isn't ever productive. Oh, and I wouldn't want to feature in their video, either. The last thing I need is to be internet famous.

I will add, I am sure that they didn't use any of the nice reactions. That wouldn't help the point of their video.

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I would invite them in. If a hot day, give them a drink of water. Then send them on their way.

I have seen the video, and although the video was somewhat well mannered, it was meant as a joke. They weren't being series, but rather annoying.

If it is the same video I am thinking of, they actually went to one of the stores and purchased garments, and then walked around in them.

No reason not to let them in.

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