Working on a Sabbath doing spiritual work


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Hi there,

since this is the advice board I ask for your advice about a specific issue.

I translate books and other material for a living. I usually work on texts and manuscripts regarding scripture, christian life and other edifying spiritual topics. Though these materials are not from an author who is a member of our church and also do not reflect our church doctrines, at least not specifically, they are encouraging and God-centered. They help people to connect with Heavenly Father and encourage them to read the scriptures.

In the past I never really thought about it when working on these thing on a Sabbath day. I still feel since this work is of a spiritual nature (though i get payed for it) it can appropriately be done on a Sabbath day.

What's your opinion about it? On a Sabbath day we should especially be focused on the Lord. There is time for our family, to do uplifting, cheerful and spiritual things. Doing the work I do - do you think that is something that falls under these categories? I do think so but I'd like to hear your opinions about it.


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If you can avoid it, great but these days many of us can't afford to pick and choose our work schedules. This last Sunday my husband and I with our daughter, decided to skip church to go to the zoo with his family, and a couple of his siblings and their families. Besides us, only one other person is LDS. We don't get together often as a "bunch" and one family member typically works crazy hours but this time had the day off. So we all opted to spend "family time" together at the zoo the entire day, and then had a lovely dinner shared as well. No regrets here. We don't do this often, if ever, actually. And I still feel that we all were very focused on family and the spirit that brings families together.

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Guest SquidMom

If you enjoy what you are doing, you could look at more as simply engaging in a hobby. Because of it's spiritual nature, I think it is appropriate. As long as yu still dedicate some time to actually studying and understanding the Lord's word, worship, and spending time with family, there should be no problem.

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It's really up to you since all of us have our agency. That being said, the church requires people to work on Sundays in order to broadcast programs like Music and the Spoken Word and General Conference. My son has a friend who works with the lighting and sound department for the church and often has to work on Sundays. Funny, isn't it? :)

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Thanks so far to all of you for your opinions and thoughts.

All of you seem to share - more or less of course - my opinion about this issue. I don't work for the church or any LDS organization. The authors of the material that I translate don't believe in LDS doctrines. But, as I mentioned before, the material is very spiritual in nature and is designed to focus the minds and hearts of the readers on our Heavenly Father, His scriptures and commandments. I sincerely think the material I translate is a good Sunday read and turns the hearts of the reader to God. And of course I hope that such hearts will be more open and receiving when some day they hear about the true gospel from some missionaries.

Thank you for your input. I'm thinking about speaking to my Elders Quorum President about this issue as well.

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